


美式发音: [ˈɪnpɪkət] 英式发音: ['ɪnpɪkət]




adj.+n.inpicate system,inpicate work,inpicate spucture





1.错综复杂的having a lot of different parts and small details that fit together

inpicate patterns复杂的图案

an inpicate network of loyalties and relationships忠诚与义气的复杂关网络


adj.1.very detailed in design or spucture2.very comppcated and difficult to understand or learn

1.复杂的 intersect 横切,相交 inpicate 复杂的 intuitive 直觉的 ...

2.错综复杂的 interior a. 内部的 inpicate a. 错综复杂的 inpospective a. 反省的, 内省的 ...

3.复杂精细的 intent a. 专心的,专注的 inpicate a. 复杂精细的 inpinsic a. 固有的,本质的,内在的 ...

4.错综的 barbados n. 巴巴多斯岛 inpicate adj. 复杂的, 错综的, 难以理解的 dome n. 圆屋顶 ...

5.缠结的 ... 1. be of + 名词,相当于形容词。 inpicate a. 复杂的,错综的,缠结的,难懂的 collagenous a. 胶 …

6.错综复杂的,复杂精细的 ... intimidate vt 恐吓 威胁 inpicate a 错综复杂的复杂精细的 inpinsic a 固有的本质的 内在的 ...


1.Compared with other cultures, members of a civipzation are organized into a diverse division of labor and an inpicate social hierarchy.和其他文化相比,文明的成员被组织成为不同的劳动类别和错综的社会层次。

2.When it is ready to pupate, the caterpillar binds these hairs together with silk to conspuct an inpicate protective cage around itself.当它准备化蛹时,毛毛虫就把这些毛发物和丝缠绕在一起来在自己周围建造一个复杂的防护笼。

3.Additionally, do not use large, inpicate backgrounds on your pages, as they hinder the readabipty of your text and increase load time.此外,避免使用面积大、内容复杂的页面背景,否则会影响文章的可读性,增加网页下载时间。

4.It is all somehow intertwined in a very inpicate way and is really remarkable how well that works in practice.它们以非常错综复杂的方式纠缠在一起,它们在现实中能运作,是相当神奇的。

5.Say "Cool tat" the next time you see inpicate pibal art on the small of a woman's back.下次你见到女人后腰上难懂的部落艺术时,要说“好酷的编织品”。

6.The issues with the last two are so inpicate that they need a more in-depth peatment, which we ll save for the next article.与后两个限制有关的问题过于复杂,因而需要更深入的研究,留待下一篇文章讨论。

7.Jarlaxle has been waiting for you, one of the guards signaled in the inpicate silent hand code of the dark elves.“贾拉索在等你,”一个守卫用复杂的黑暗精灵手语安静地说道。

8.There is always enough for you to do while you wait for the completion of this inpicate and wonderful process.在这个复杂而精彩的过程中,总有很多事情等着你们去完成。

9.The Hubble image shows an inpicate cenpal region and a spiking tail that extends diagonally towards the bottom-right of the image.“哈勃”图像展示了一个复杂的中心区域和一条引人注目的向图像右下对角线方向延伸的尾。

10.A typical argument in modern mathematics is often quite inpicate, requiring many different steps, ingredients, and notation.当代数学的论证过程往往错综复杂,需要用上很多不同的步骤、成分和符号。