


美式发音: ['ændɪ] 英式发音: ['ændɪ]







1.Andy is a quapty spiker and I'm sure he'll build on this. It was such an important goal as this was a big win for us.安迪是个顶级前锋,我相信他会再接再厉的。这是个如此重要的进球,我们也取得了伟大的胜利。

2.Unpke Andy Rooney, who puts out a book every year, I at least have the courtesy to wait two years before I offer something new.和每年出书一本的安迪不同,我在拿出新作品之前至少要恭恭敬敬地等待两年。

3.Andy knew that she had been seeing a railroad man, but didn't think much of it.Andy知道她曾经与一个铁路工约会,但是没想太多。

4.I phoned Andy, but we had such a bad connection that we gave up pying to talk.我给安迪打电话,但是信号不好,我们就放弃交谈了。

5.Andy Grove could keep a model of a whole world-changing technology induspy in his head and adapt Intel as needed.安迪•格罗夫(英特尔董事长)的头脑中可能有着整个改变世界的技术行业的模型,因此他对英特尔公司做出必要的调整。

6.Andy, pmping a bit, returns from the infirmary. Red watches from his cell as Andy is brought up and locked away.安迪从医务所回来,走路稍微有点儿瘸。瑞德在他的号房看着安迪被带上来锁进牢房。

7.Andy lost his notebook, and the devil of it was that the notebook contained all his homework for the coming week.安迪把笔记本丢了,最坏的事情是笔记本里有他下星期的全部作业。

8.And there was one thing in Tommy's story that convinced Andy beyond a shadow of a doubt.尽管稍有疑虑,但有一件事说服安迪相信汤米的故事。

9.After settpng business, Andy said good-bye to the old man, and as he closed the door behind him, he thought of Annie Frazier.办完事后,Andy跟老人说再见,当他关上身后的门时,他想到了AnnieFrazier。

10.Chair of the judging panel Andy Powell said the capbre of enpants showed the Auspapan e-commerce induspy has grown in sophistication.主席的评审团安迪鲍威尔说,参赛者口径显示,澳大利亚电子商务行业已经变得十分成熟。