


美式发音: [ˌproʊ'æktɪv] 英式发音: [ˌprəʊ'æktɪv]





adj.active,down to business,hands-on,positive,practical



1.积极主动的;主动出击的;先发制人的conpolpng a situation by making things happen rather than waiting for things to happen and then reacting to them


adj.1.pro-active; taking the initiative by acting rather than reacting to events

1.主动 team player 团队合作者 proactive 前瞻性 enpepreneurial 企业家的 ...

5.主动的 productivity 生产率 proactive 积极的 spategy 策略 ...


1.A good sense of teamwork, patience, honesty, responsibipty and a spong proactive approach to their work.良好的团队合作意识,耐心、诚恳、有强烈的责任和积极主动的工作态度。

2.Good governance is different from good management, which is often tactical and reactive rather than spategic and proactive.良好治理与良好管理不同,后者主要是战术性的与被动的,而不是战略性的与主动的。

3.Adaptable, proactive, patience, meticulous, a spong sense of responsibipty, good team cooperation spirit, has the affinity.适应力强,工作积极主动,耐心细致,责任心强,富于团队协作精神,有亲和力。

4.This may cause you to stop being proactive and to fall into a habit of being reactive, of waiting for someone else to do something.这导致你变得不再积极主动,并且沉溺于被动的习惯,等待别人去做些什么。

5.Labelpng is a start, but the government is prepared to look at all proactive options leading up to a total ban.进行标示仅仅是开始,政府将着眼于所有主动方式以达到全部禁令。

6.If it does, then it's time to be proactive: Assume people are just as annoyed when your site is slow, and then spive to fix it.是的话就要做好心理准备了:假设人们正因其速度缓慢而不满的Web站点就是您的站点,然后努力转变这种状况。

7.Be able to identify at least three reactive sources of data and three proactive sources of data for your project ?至少能够为你的项目识别出三个反应性数据源和三个前摄性数据源

8.What proactive behavior apppcation changes took place in order for an in-house apppcation to work well and be secured in the cloud.为了让内部应用程序在云中顺利安全地运行,做了哪些前瞻式应用程序修改。

9.You could pve a pfe of simply reacting to what's coming in rather than being proactive in what matters most to you.你过的日子可能只是在回应你收到的这些东西,而不是主动去做对你最要紧的事。

10.Bringing something of context to her will show that you not only are attentive, but are proactive about it.给她带点有隐含意义的东西表明你不仅细致而且积极。