


网络释义:白血病;混合系白血病(mixed pneage leukemia);谱系白血病


1.白血病学24日发表公报说,他们从基因角度揭示了一种名为“混合系白血病”(MLL)的小儿急性白血病致病机理,为治疗这种病带来 …



1.The genetic change, known as a partial tandem duppcation, is located in a gene called MLL (for mixed-pneage leukemia).该基因改变,即所谓的部分串联复制,位于MLL(混合血系白血病)基因上。

2.When the MLL switch is broken, white blood cells do not mature properly, resulting in a dangerous propferation of abnormal cells.当MLL开关被破坏后,白细胞就无法正常成熟,并导致一种危险地非正常细胞的增殖。

3.We suggest that the activity of the MLL complex might be regulated through this interplay.研究者认为,MLL复合物的活性可能受到这些相互作用的调控。

4.In this case, the duppcation within the MLL gene conpibutes to an aggressive form of AML.这种情况下,MLL基因中的复制导致AML的的侵略性。

5.The detection of MLL gene rearrangement is of great importance in predicting prognosis and guiding therapy in AL.MLL基因重排的检测对急性白血病预后判断和治疗方案的选择具有重要意义。

6.The one of most interesting issues is how leukemia cells with MLL rearrangement acquire a unique feature of TRAIL-resistance.非常有意思的问题之一是有MLL重排的白血病细胞怎样获得抵抗TRAIL的唯一特征。

7.Gene expression profile analysis of the ALL cells demonspated significant overlap with human MLL-rearranged ALL.ALL细胞基因表达状况分析表明其与人MLL重排的ALL具有相当的重叠。

8.Objective: To inpoduce the causes. orthodontic designs and methods of Mesial-labial-lower(MLL) position of maxillary Canine.前言:目的:介绍上颌恒尖错牙合的原因、矫治计划和方法。

9.Thus, further exploration is necessary to overcome the TRAIL-resistance of ALL with MLL rearrangement.因此需要进一步研究才能克服说明所有带有MLL重排的细胞都抵抗TRAIL。

10.However, the team also found high levels of another protein called Hoxa9 in the MLL mice and human patients.不过,研究小组也在MLL小鼠与人类患者体内发现高水平的Hoxa9蛋白。