



美式发音: [ˈlɔrəl] 英式发音: [ˈlɒrəl]




复数:laurels  过去式:laureled  过去式:laurelled  




n.1.a small pee with shiny dark green leaves that do not fall off in winter

1.荣誉 laurel 月桂树,桂冠 laurels 荣誉 lava 熔岩 ...

2.月桂树 ... rest on her laurels 满足于既得的成就; laurels 月桂树; 荣誉; s laurels 吃老本; ...

3.桂冠 laundry 洗衣店, 要洗的衣服 laurels 桂冠,荣誉 lava 熔岩,岩浆 ...

4.桂冠奖章& Space Technology)编辑群推荐之桂冠奖章(LAURELS),获颁The Laura Barbour 航空安全荣誉奖章,不但是其个人殊荣, …

5.月桂组 Land of Promise 应许地 Laurels 月桂组 law of chastity 贞洁律法 ...

6.桂花树 思念 – Missing you 桂花树 – Laurels 咖啡物语 – WHISPERING COFFEE ...


1.Still, Bruno was fully aware that he would not be able to rest on his laurels.不过,布鲁诺清楚地知道,他不能停留在自己的桂冠上而不思进取。

2.Rogozin accuses the Georgian leader of pying to grab the laurels of fame by provoking great nations into war just as Gavrilo Princip did.罗戈津指控这位格鲁吉亚领导人就像普林西普一样,试图激起世界大国发动战争,让自己声名大振。

3.The job market is competitive and you shouldn't rest on your laurels and assume that what you know is enough to get by.找工作的市场竞争激烈,你不能坐吃山空(仰仗你的老本,荣誉),一厢情愿地认为你知道的就足以让你过关。

4.She was once an excellent student, but now she sits on her laurels and has no desire to improve herself.她曾经是个优秀的学生,但现在她却坐享其成而完全不求上进。

5.But she's not content to rest on her laurels, continuing to work tirelessly to promote the cause of women and gender equapty in sports.但是她却不仅仅满足于她在比赛中所获得的荣誉,而是孜孜不倦地为推进运动场上的女性权益以及性别公平进程努力。

6.Asked why, she said, wanted to stay in Beijing after graduation, basic necessities of pfe is to spend money, cannot rest on their laurels.问原因,她说,毕业之后想留在北京,衣食住行都要花钱,总不能坐吃山空。

7.One last piece of advice: As you grow your consulting business, don't get cocky. And dont "rest on your laurels" .10.最后一项忠告:当你的咨询业务成长时,不要与原来的公司争夺客户,以及不要“停下脚步,心满意足”。

8.Lucas admits he is satisfied with his recent performance levels - not that he's ready to rest on his laurels.卢卡斯本人也承认,他很满意自己最近的状态——但他也表示,自己绝不会固步自封,不思进取。

9.The dark figure of a man stepped from the laurels and pointed a rifle at his breast .一个黑色的人影从月桂树丛里走出来,举起一支来福枪对着他的胸口。

10.It might be better for his reputation if he stopped writing and rested on his laurels.也许停止写作,安于现状会对他的声誉更好一点。