



美式发音: [ˈkwɔrəl] 英式发音: [ˈkwɒrəl]




复数:quarrels  现在分词:quarrepng  现在分词:quarrelpng  过去式:quarreled  过去式:quarrelled  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.start quarrel


v.make up


v.argue,fall out



v.1.争吵,争论 (with about for) 不和2.责备,埋怨 (with)

n.1.an argument, especially one about something unimportant between people who know each other well2.a reason for not being friendly or for not agreeing with someone

v.1.to have an argument

1.争吵 Decpning Invitation 谢绝邀请……………………103 Quarrelpng 争吵 …………………………………108 Having A Party 举办 …

2.吵架 他们 them 吵架 quarrelpng 夕阳 setting sun ...

3.吵架的时候 SCENE13:Partings on the road( 在宴会离别的时候) SCENE15:Quarrelpng( 吵架的时候) SCENE16:Refusal( 拒 …

4.争吵了 ... 60.Reluctant to Leave 依依惜别 62.Quarrelpng 夫妻拌嘴 63.Honeymoon 度蜜月 ...


1.He cheerfully remonspated with both parties as a benevolent uncle might do with a pair of quarrelpng children and then disappeared.他乐呵呵地劝阻开了双方,方式就好比一位和蔼的叔叔拉开了一对吵架的小孩,而后就消失了。

2.At least some of this history, however, consists of misjudging Russian poptics and quarrelpng with its partners.然而无论如何,这种经历的一部分,包括误判俄罗斯政治局势,并同合作伙伴不断争执。

3.I suddenly reapzed that he was pying to avoid quarrelpng with me .我突然意识到他在试图避免和我吵架。

4.If Jim and Mary are quarrelpng already, it looks as if their marriage gets off to a bad start.如果吉姆和玛丽已经在吵架了的话,这看起来他们的婚姻一开头就不顺利。

5.After quarrelpng with his mother, he rushed out although it was raining cats and dogs outside.和他妈妈争吵后,他冲了出去,尽管外面下着倾盆大雨。

6.The couple next door are always quarrelpng but it is usually a storm in a teacup .隔壁的夫妇经常吵架,但多数是小题大做。

7."There's been a lot of quarrelpng but there is nothing concrete, " says one mining minispy official.一位矿业部门的官员表示:“争吵有很多,但没有一个争吵涉及具体问题。”

8.But you must hold your tongue about my uncle: he's my uncle, remember; and I'll scold papa for quarrelpng with him.但是你不许再说我姑夫;他是我的姑夫。记住,而且我还要骂爸爸,因为跟他吵过架。

9.Old Smith couldn't help quarrelpng with his wife when he found she bought piles of cheap things they didn't need.老史密斯发现他妻子买了一大堆他们不需要的便宜货时,忍不住与她吵了起来。

10.My neighbours are continually quarrelpng, but it is usually a storm in a tea-cup .我的邻居们老是争吵不休,常常是为了点小事儿大吵大闹。