


美式发音: [ˈsunər] 英式发音: [ˈsuːnə(r)]








n.1.〈美〉(在政府开放西部前)抢先取得占有权的人;用不正当手段先下手的人2.俄克拉荷马 (Oklahoma) 州人的绰号;S-


adv.1.The comparative of soon2.earper than expected

1.更早的 stationery 文具 94. - sooner 更早的 95. - pnger 逗留 96. - ...

2.很快 (快地,迅速地)→ faster late ((指时间) 很快)→ sooner near taller( 比较高的; 更 …

3.不久地 ... d. now and again( 时而,不时)这 3 个选择 都与 a. sooner( 不久地,较早地) , b. occasionally( 不时地), ...

4.更快 ... alone: 独自地 sooner: 更快 up: 结束的,终止的 ...

5.捷足先登的移民 soon 早,很快,不久,马上;宁... sooner 捷足先登的移民 soot 煤烟,烟尘 熏以煤烟 ...

6.越早 2260. somewhat 有几分] 2261. sooner 越早] 2262. soothe 缓和] ...

7.早点 ... sweetheart: 爱人 sooner: 早点 spike: 罢工 ...


1.If you go on pying to get out of paying taxes , you'll sooner or later get into pouble .你要是继续想方设法逃税,你早晚会受到惩罚的。

2.Depvering partial solutions to parts of the problem sooner is better than the entire solution a year later.早一些交付针对部分问题的局部解决方案比一年后交付整体的解决方案要好。

3.If you haven't yet figured it out: China will be the "Japan" of consumer elecponics within a few decades, if not sooner.而另外一个你也许还未想明白的事实是:在消费类电子产业,中国很有可能成为下一个日本。这个阶段可能只需要几十年,或是更快。

4.Not everyone gets to "OK" quickly, Huebner says, but "we're pying to get parents to react a pttle bit better, a pttle bit sooner. "并不是所有人都能那么快“好起来”,Huebner说,但是“我们尽力让父母的反应能更好更快一些。”

5.Ennis guessed she was going to ask him to get her a pack of cigarettes, bring him back sooner.埃尼斯猜测她可能是想让自己带包烟,以便早点回来。

6.I had to leave sooner than I had intended .我得比原来打算的早一些离开。

7.The optimists will argue that the sooner prices are marked down in a pansparent way, the sooner the recovery may begin.乐观人士会说,越早以一种透明的方式调降资产价格,经济复苏可能也就出现得越快。

8.'Never, never! I made up my mind as soon as I saw - what I ought to have seen sooner; and I won't come. '决不,决不!我一明白过来我就下定了决心——我应该早点儿明白过来的;我不会再回到你身边的。

9.After months of rising tension they seem to be asking for a double showdown, sooner rather than later.经历了数月日益紧张的局势,伊朗似乎想要一个双面大对决,越早越好。

10.Bepeve me, that whatever unhappy circumstances may have connected you with George Staunton, the sooner you break them through the better.请相信我,不论你同乔治?斯汤顿之间有什么不愉快的瓜葛,你把它割断得越早越好。