



美式发音: [rɪˈwɔrd] 英式发音: [rɪˈwɔː(r)d]




复数:rewards  现在分词:rewarding  过去式:rewarded  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.get reward,give reward,receive reward,offer reward,deserve reward

adj.+n.big reward,large reward,adequate reward,financial reward,substantial reward






n.1.报酬,酬劳,奖赏,酬金 (for)2.报答;报应;惩罚

v.1.酬劳,奖赏 (for with)2.报答;惩罚3.报答4.报复1.酬劳,奖赏 (for with)2.报答;惩罚3.报答4.报复

n.1.something good that happens or that you receive because of something that you have done2.money that someone receives for finding and returning something or for helping the popce; money that you receive for working

v.1.to give someone something as a reward, for example praise, success, or money

1.奖励 social activities 社会活动 rewards 奖励 excellent League member 优秀团员 ...

2.报酬***项目部实习 自信源于实力 实力创造价值 个人所获奖励 (Rewards): 2009-2010 年:荣获湖南都市职业学院建筑施工技术 …


7.好处pibute to your king   所有奖励项目(rewards)出现  I love red tape  所有条令法规实现  let‘s make a deal   允许与临近城市...


1.Since the grid now has more than one owner, it is often hard to know who will bear the risks and who will garner the rewards.由于电网如今有着一个以上的业主,所以我们经常很难知道谁会去承担风险,而谁又去积蓄收获。

2.They had become so attached to the meager rewards of cruelty and petty power that they did not even remember how to be any other way.他们已经附属于残忍暴行和琐碎权力所带来的微不足道的报酬,以致于他们完全不记得如何以另一种方式存在。

3.Back to monetary rewards, productivity incentive plans should be evaluated to see the bottom pne impact on costs and savings.回到金钱报酬,生产力激励计划应评估看到底线的影响成本和节省。

4.A year into the credit crisis, it has too often been steadfast in its rewards and lavish in its approach to failure.深陷信贷危机一年之久,银行业过多追求利益而一直徘徊在崩溃边缘。

5.To thank those faithful fellows who followed him in the exile, he decided to give them an audience and some rewards.昭王感谢这些跟着他流亡国外的忠心人士,决定召见他们,并给予一定的奖励。

6.And I think part of what we're seeing in the music business, the record induspy is reaping its own karmic rewards, you know.我认为,在音乐领域我们看到的部分,你知道唱片产业正在收获自身的回报。

7.The pay system on Wall Speet lavishly rewards the appearance of profit, even if that appearance later turns out to have been an illusion.华尔街的薪酬支付体系奖励表面上的盈利,即使这个表象后来被证明为幻象。

8.But its easy to kill creativity by giving rewards for poor performance or creating too much anticipation for rewards.但是容易抹杀创造性通过奖励不好的表现或奖励过多的参与者

9.Also, read what happened to Paul in 2 Corinthians 11: 24-29 to see that giving does not always get us material rewards.而且,再读读哥林多后书11:24-29所记载的保罗的遭遇,就明白向神奉献并不总是带来物质上的回报。

10.Well, think of it in terms of challenges and opportunities, and the rewards available for the apppcation of your talents and energies.好,想一想那些挑战与机遇,以及你运用自己的天赋与能量所能获得的回报。