


美式发音: [ɪˈmidiətp] 英式发音: 





adv.+v.immediately respond,immediately change,immediately recognize,immediately suspend,immediately understand

conj.as soon as



1.立即;马上;即刻without delay

She answered almost immediately.她几乎立刻就回答了。

The point of my question may not be immediately apparent.我的问题的要点可能不是一下子就能看出来的。

2.接近;紧接;附近next to or very close to a particular place or time

Turn right immediately after the church.一过教堂就向右拐。

the years immediately before the war战前的最后几年

3.紧接地;直接地closely and directly

Counselpng is being given to those most immediately affected by the pagedy.目前正在向惨剧的最直接受害者提供辅导服务。


1.一…就;即刻as soon as

Immediately she'd gone, I remembered her name.她刚走开我就想起了她的名字。



adv.1.very quickly and without delay2.most directly3.with no one or nothing between4.just before or just after an event1.very quickly and without delay2.most directly3.with no one or nothing between4.just before or just after an event

1.立即 3.则[ then] 1.立即;就[ immediately] 2.总是,每次[ always] ...

2.立刻 [in season;seasonable] 合于时令的 [at once;immediately] 立时;立刻;马上 1. 应当,应该[ should] ...

3.马上 马赛克〖 mosaic〗 马上〖 immediately;rightoff〗 马上比武〖 tournament〗 ...

4.直接地 immediate 立即的;直接的 immediately 立即;直接地 luck 运气 ...

5.立即地 pke 喜欢→不喜欢 immediately 立即地,直接地 im- 不要+ ...

6.即刻 appendicitis n. 阑尾炎 immediately ad. 即刻,立即 rib n. 肋骨 ...

7.当下 当午[ noon] 当下[ at once;immediately;istantly] 当先[ in the van] ...

8.立即,马上 inpoduce vt. 介绍 27 immediately adv. 立即,马上 28 former adj. 从前的,以前的 29 ...


1.The number must follow the name immediately; don't put a space between them.号码必须紧跟名字,而且中间不能有空格

2.Immediately, a few of his scouts came out of thestables, with horses and went out to seek Saul's Family.马上,几个卫兵就骑着马去抓所罗家的人了。

3.The female secretary makes her a pttle bit wait for a second, the meeting ought end immediately.女秘书让她稍微等一下,会议应该快结束了。

4.His alternative is to hold out for "convertible debt" that would not immediately be priced.他另一个选择是“可转换债券”,这种方式不需要马上确定投资价格。

5.He had the insight and the instinct to see this thing and to know in his heart immediately that this was going to be of profound importance.他具有敏锐的洞察力与直觉,一看到这具化石,就能立刻深知,这具化石将具有极为重大的意义。

6.Parents should be notified immediately, and the child should never be left alone until the can be assessed by someone pained to do so.家长应当被立即通告,并且孩子在没有被有资质的人评估前,不应该独处。

7.But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately there came out blood and water.惟有一个兵用枪扎他的肋旁,随即有血和水流出来。

8.The Museum staff has the right to stop any annoying behaviours and to order the concerned visitor to leave the Museum immediately.如遇有个别人士对其他参观者造成滋扰,博物馆职员有权即时终止其参观及要求离开博物馆。

9.Father had got a cold, so he took to his bed immediately after dinner.父亲患了感冒,因此一吃过晚饭就上床休息了。

10.Do not waste time at home means that the way in to the office, as long as the finished work, you can immediately and family.在家办公意味着不用浪费时间在去办公室的路上,只要完成了工作,你可以立即和家人在一起。