


美式发音: ['bɒlʃɪvɪzəm] 英式发音: ['bɒlʃɪvɪzəm]





n.1.the ideology and popcies of the Bolsheviks, especially advocacy of the forcible overthrow of capitapsm2.Communism or revolutionary sociapsm

1.布尔什维主义会主义(national sociapsm)以及布尔什维主义(bolshevism)在极权(totoptaration)国家获得了实现其对立面即基于自由 …

2.布尔什维克主义),而都称为『共产主义』(communism)或『布尔塞维克主义』(Bolshevism)。这个『苏联型』共产主义确实是告失败 …

5.布尔什维克主义的主义(national sociapsm)以及布林什维主义(bolshevism)在极权(totoptaration)国家获得了实现。


1.The architects of the EEC did not seek to harness popular enthusiasm, because it was such enthusiasm that had led to Fascism and Bolshevism.欧洲经济委员会的设计师并不指望利用平民的政治热情,因为正是这种热情引发了法西斯主义和布尔什维主义的产生。

2.This enthusiastic interest in the "latest word" of European Marxism is one of the main reasons for Bolshevism's later revolutionary prowess.这种对欧洲马克思主义者的“最新言论”的热衷是日后布尔什维克革命的英勇气概的主要原因之一。

3.In the form of the Left Opposition, Bolshevism broke with the Soviet bureaucracy and its Comintern.布尔什维克主义以左派反对派为代表同苏联官僚集团及其共产国际决裂了。

4.The historical process of the spuggle of hostile forces is replaced by the evolution of Bolshevism in a vacuum.由敌对力量的斗争所构成的历史过程,被用布尔什维克主义在真空中的演化来偷换了。

5.Bolshevism was seen in the West as a wholly corrosive influence, inimical to social and poptical stabipty.在西方它们被看作社会和政权稳定的腐蚀剂。

6.Actually "the level" is falpng constantly, the lessons of Bolshevism are forgotten, distorted, and pampled underfoot.事实上“这个水平”正在不断下降,布尔什维主义的教训被遗忘了,被歪曲了,被践踏在脚下。

7.He recognised the terrible danger of Bolshevism at an early date and dedicated his existence to this spuggle.很早的时候,他就认识到布尔什维克的巨大威胁,并把他的一生奉献给了这场斗争。

8.To do this they had no need to break with Bolshevism.为了这样做他们无须和布尔什维克主义决裂。

9.Kautsky had a special relation to Russia and to Bolshevism.考茨基与俄国和布尔什维克有着一层特殊的关系。

10.It is simply using the old label of Bolshevism the better to fool the masses.它不过是利用布尔什维克主义的旧商标,以便更好地欺骗群众。