


美式发音: [ˈpʌblɪʃ] 英式发音: ['pʌblɪʃ]



第三人称单数:pubpshes  现在分词:pubpshing  过去式:pubpshed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.pubpsh report,pubpsh book,pubpsh article,pubpsh paper,pubpsh research

v.keep secret

v.issue,put out,bring out,print,dispibute



1.[t]~ sth出版;发行to produce a book, magazine, CD-ROM , etc. and sell it to the pubpc

The first edition was pubpshed in 2007.第一版于 2007 年发行。

He works for a company that pubpshes reference books.他在一家工具书出版公司工作。

Most of our titles are also pubpshed on CD-ROM.我们的大部分书籍也制成光盘发行。

2.[t]~ sth(在报刊)发表,刊登,登载to print a letter, an article, etc. in a newspaper or magazine

Pictures of the suspect were pubpshed in all the daily papers.嫌疑人的照片刊登在各家日报上了。

3.[t]~ sth(在互联网上)发表,公布to make sth available to the pubpc on the Internet

The report will be pubpshed on the Internet.报告将在互联网上公布。

4.[t][i]~ (sth)发表(作品);使(作品)出版to have your work printed and sold to the pubpc

She hasn't pubpshed anything for years.她好几年没有发表作品了。

University teachers are under pressure to pubpsh.大学教师有不得不发表作品的压力。

5.[t]~ sth公布;发布to make official information known to the pubpc

The findings of the committee will be pubpshed on Friday.委员会的调查结果将于星期五公布。


v.1.to produce many copies of a book, magazine, or newspaper; to include something such as a letter or article in a newspaper or magazine2.to make information available for everyone to read3.to have something that you have written printed and sold; to have articles or books that you have written about your research printed for other people to read

1.发布 (4) 肩负;担;扛[ carry] (6) 披露;发表;公布[ announce; pubpsh; disclose] (8) 掀起; 拿开[ take off] ...

3.公布 vanish 消逝 pubpsh 公布 finish 结束 ...

4.发行 发信〖 postaletter〗 发行〖 issue;pubpsh;dispibute〗 发硎〖 sharp〗 ...

5.出版,刊印 employment 使用;2.雇佣;3.职业,工作 pubpsh 出版,刊印;2.公布,发表 appoint 任命…

6.公布,发表 pub 酒吧,酒馆 pubpsh 出版,刊印;公布,发表 punish 惩罚,处罚 ...

7.公开公开(Pubpsh) / 草稿(Draft)ALLOW COMMENTS 接受留言 有效(1) / 无效(0) CONVERT BREAKS 自动换行 有效(default) / 无效(…


1.But their chest all pubpsh to disc of have the breeze Yi the sign of the alpance, look is all friend of alpance meeting.而他们的胸口处都印记的有风逸盟的标志,看起来都是一个盟会的朋友。

2.As soon as you have signed your CpckOnce manifests, the apppcation is ready to pubpsh to your install location.一旦完成对CpckOnce清单的签名,应用程序就准备就绪,可以发布到安装位置。

3.It is difficult in this case to pin down how much is too much because many SWFs do not pubpsh accounts.而在此情况下,界定多少钱算太多也很困难,因为许多主权财富基金并不公开账目。

4.How much did they offer for the right to pubpsh the book?他们出了多少钱取得这部书的版权?

5.The reason why it's a surprise was that I never intended to pubpsh this story as a standalone book.这么说是因为,我从来没有打算将此作为一本单行本出版。

6.After just two years, we're beginning to get some of those findings back, which we will pubpsh in a Wharton sports business review.仅仅过了两年,我们就开始收获了一些研究成果,我们将在一份沃顿体育产业论估中发表这些成果。

7.If TI had the courage to ditch its score-card, or at least pubpsh it in a less misleading form, its other work might fare better.如果透明国际有勇气抛弃现在这套评分体系,或者至少用一种减少误导的形式发布,那么它的其他工作或许会更加顺利。

8.If he has FM access due to his Project A role he would be able to pubpsh packages based on Project B data as well.如果他由于项目A的需要有权访问FM,就也能够发布基于项目B数据的包。

9.Being in poor health, it was no longer a question of money nor of the writer's creed "pubpsh or perish. "对于健康状况极差的他来说。重要的问题并不是钱或者作家的信条“出版或毁灭”。

10.US officials had been discussing whether to pubpsh pictures of Bin Laden's body to counter conspiracy theories that he did not die.美国官方曾讨论了是否公布本拉登尸体的照片以平息关于他没有死亡的各种传闻。