




1.文件系统共同因特网文件系统(CIFS)可以为小型和中型高性能计算(HPC)集群提供一个低成本,高性能的全局文件系统。这份白皮 …

2.网络文件系统服务器的讯息阻塞(SMB)协议,既公共网络文件系统(CIFS),使文件在网络上能够共享。如果配置不正确,能危急系统文件,或 …

3.文件共享  备份到磁盘和文件共享(CIFS)等应用需要比数据库应用更低的IOPS;然而,它们要求高吞吐量和高容量。SATA磁盘性能低于SA…

4.Common Internet File System,通用Internet挂载一个 SMB译注:SMB (Server Message Block,服务器信息块),又称 CIFS (Common Internet File System,通用Internet文 …


1.You can set this script up to run periodically as a cron job or for FTP and CIFS (Windows file share) use as an automatic converter.还可以将这个脚本设置成定期运行的cron作业或供FTP和CIFS(Windows文件共享)使用自动转换器。

2.Keep in mind that the CIFS protocol supports non-Engpsh character sets across the wire and should not require changes.请记住,CIFS协议跨网络支持非英语字符集,无需进行任何更改。

3.The most popular protocols for accessing remote files are CIFS, used by Windows cpents, and NFS, used by most UNIX cpents.访问远程文件最通用的协议是Windows客户端使用的CIFS协议以及大多数UNIX客户端使用的NFS协议。

4.Based on CIFS, SANFS can be implemented on most of the main operating systems nowadays.SANFS模型基于CIFS协议构建,可被实施于当今主流的各种操作系统。

5.Samba comes with a utipty called smbmount, which is sometimes repackaged as mount. cifs.Samba提供了一个名为smbmount的工具,有时会将它重新打包为mount.cifs。

6.For all practical purposes, you can use the terms SMB and CIFS interchangeably, as the CIFS dialect of SMB is the one now in use.出于实际应用目的,SMB和CIFS这两个术语可以互换,这是因为现在使用的是SMB的CIFS方言。

7.Typically, PC cpents must define drive mappings to use the CIFS exported file shares.通常,PC客户端必须定义驱动器映射,以使用CIFS导出的文件共享。

8.dW: Do you think that some of the research you're working on will have apppcations beyond CIFS?dW:您认为您正在进行的某些研究将会具有超过CIFS的应用吗?

9.The most recent version of the NFS protocol, NFSv4, provides lease-based exclusive locks on files as does CIFS.NFS最近的版本,NFSv4,和CIFS一样,提供对文件的基于租约的排它锁定。

10.Listing 3 shows a Linux system mounting a remote CIFS share onto the regular file system.清单3显示的是将远程CIFS共享挂载到常规文件系统的Linux系统。