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1.MUSIC festivals are typically a great excuse for revellers to enjoy a bit of drunken debauchery.音乐节日通常是狂欢者沉湎酒色的主要理由。

2.In the United Kingdom, mobile "peace convoys" of New age pavellers made summer pilgrimages to free music festivals at Stonehenge.在英国,移动的“和平车队新时代的旅客”到了夏天,在巨石阵朝圣免费的音乐节。

3.We also have music festivals every couple of years and have recently begun to celebrate some Maori ceremonies.我们也每几年举办一次音乐节,最近还开始举行一些毛利人的典礼。

4.Southby Southwest (SXSW) is a set of interactive, film, and music festivals and conferences that take place every spring in Austin, Texas.南方的西南航空(SXSW)是一套互动,电影,以及音乐节,并举行会议,每年春天在美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀市。

5.Summer weather brings people together outside to enjoy music festivals, county fairs, carnivals and repgious observations.夏季天气带给人们一起在外面享受音乐节,县展览会,嘉年华会和宗教观测。

6.If you're visiting between mid-May and early October, look for free outdoor concerts and weekend music festivals.如果你是在五月中旬或者八月初来的芝加哥,你可以去寻找那些免费的室外音乐会和周末音乐节。

7.He has performed in more than 30 major international art festivals and music festivals in Europe, America and Asia.曾在整个欧洲、美洲及亚洲的三十多个大型国际艺术节、音乐节参演。

8.AT LEAST 25 Christian music festivals are held each summer in America, but they have never catered for theological pberals.在美国,每年夏季都要举办至少25个基督教音乐节,但从不向这些神学的自由人士提供饮食。

9.Two years later in 2008, GangZi played in the folk stage of Midi Festival, one of the most popular music festivals in China.两年后的2008年,刚子演出于“迷笛音乐节”亦即国内最受瞩目的音乐盛会之一。

10.Today we talk about some other music festivals taking place this summer.今天我们讲一讲这一个夏天举行的其它的音乐会。