




1.我在这里 ... 06 Sing 唱 唱歌 07 I m Here 我在这里 08 Tea 茶 茶叶 ...

2.我在这儿 ... Can you see me 你们能看见我吗 I m here 我在这儿 Nana come and take us 娜娜过来带我们走 ...


1.I'm here for you. If you've ever needed a shoulder to cry on, you know the power of these words.我在这里。如果你曾依靠着某个肩膀哭过,你就会知道这句话的力量。

2.and let you know i'm here? how do i sai i love you? how do i tell you i care? how do i tell you i'v miss you.如何说我爱你如何告诉你乎你如何告诉你一直都在想你如何让你知道我就在这里?

3."This fight continues now and I'm here with the simple message: I'm here with you in that fight, " Obama told the applauding crowd.“这场斗争正在继续,我要告诉你们的只有一句话:我来是为了和你们一起抗争,”奥巴马向欢呼的人权说。

4.A: Oh, come on! Let me give you a hand. There's no sense in your moving it yourself if I'm here to help.哦,来吧!让我帮你一把。既然我在这里可以帮忙,你干嘛一定要自己搬呢?

5.The start of a school year marks a new beginning for students. And so it's fitting that I'm here to talk about a new beginning of my own.新的学年意为着新的开始,这也正适合我在此谈谈我自己的新起点。

6."It was a bit of a surprise to be selected, but that's what I'm here for. Although it was a surprise I was ready, " said Agger.“被选中参赛让我有点惊讶,但这正是我来这里所要做的。虽然有点意外但我做好了准备。”阿格尔说。

7.Ap Zafar, 15, held four tickets. "I'm here to py my luck and it's up to my luck what I win, " he said.15岁的阿里·扎法拿着四张彩票说:“我来这试试运气,能拿什么奖就看我的运气了。”

8.I'm here and I am able to drive a Ferrari. I'd have no problem with that. It's an Itapan car.我已经在这里了,开的是法拉利。这是意大利车,对我来说没有问题。

9.'I'm here today to tell everybody how much I went through this past few months, ' she said, speaking in halting but precise Engpsh.她说,我今天来这里是要告诉大家,过去几个月我承受了多少痛苦。她的英语时常停顿,不过很清晰。

10.But I'm here today to say that difficulty is no excuse for complacency. Unease is no excuse for inaction.不过,今天我在这里要说的是,困难并不是安于现状的借口,不安也不是无为的借口。