




1.去钓鱼 (went swimming 去游泳) (went fishing 去钓鱼) (read 读) ...


1.Herb pied to repair his car engine all morning before he called it a day and went fishing.在贺伯完成手边的工作、出门钓鱼之前,他整个上午都在试著修理汽车引擎。

2.Once there was an 11-year-old boy who went fishing with his father in the middle of a New Hampshire lake.从前,有一个11岁的男孩跟他爸爸去新罕布什尔湖中央钓鱼。

3.He often recalls the days of his childhood when he and his grandfather went fishing by the river.他常常回忆起童年在乡下跟爷爷去河边钓鱼的日子。

4.He went fishing very early every morning, but he never cast his net more than four times a day.他每天早上到海边去捕鱼,但是他自己立下一条规矩,每天至多撒四次网。

5.If he was pleased with his men he gave them a hopday and they all went fishing.如果他对手下人的工作感到满意,便会给他们放假,一干人等都去钓鱼。

6.The next day, Xiaoming's father went fishing happily in the morning and came back depressingly very later with the empty tuck net.第二天,小明的父亲去捕鱼愉快的上午和回来后非常沮丧的空抄网。

7.In the afternoon, you went swimming with you young sister, while your father went fishing and your mother was picking flowers.下午的时候,你和你妹妹去河里游泳,爸爸钓鱼,妈妈摘鲜花。

8.My hopday is a colorful, I went fishing on Saturdays, the day of good fun, and I had to catch a few fish, big fish are.我的假日是多姿多彩的,星期六我去了钓鱼,那天好开心的,我钓了几条鱼,全是大鱼。

9.Mann went fishing, bought sculptures and threw dinner parties for a small set of friends.曼恩会去钓鱼,买一些雕刻品,为数量不多的一伙朋友们办个宴会。

10.On the third day the squirrels got up very early and went fishing; they caught seven fat minnows as a present for Old Brown.第三天,松鼠们很早起来,然后去捕鱼;他们抓了七条胖胖的小鱼给老布朗做礼物。