

name:[英 [neɪm] 美 [nem] ]


过去式:named;   过去分词:named;   现在分词:naming;   复数形式:names;

name 基本解释


名词名字; 名声; 有…名称的; 著名的人物

及物动词确定; 决定; 给…取名; 说出…的名字

形容词著名的; 据以取名

name 相关词组


1. in the name of : 以...的名义;

2. to ones name : 属于自己;

3. have ones name up : 成名;

4. take ones name off the books : 退出;

5. by name : 名叫..., 用名字, 凭名字;

6. name after : 按...命名;

7. in ones own name : 以自己的名义;


name 相关例句



1. She was named winner of the contest.


2. name

2. They named Smith for president.


3. The boy was named George after his uncle.



1. name

1. May I ask your name?


name 情景对话


A:What’s the name of this street?


B:Central Park Street.



A:Here’s my (card/ business card/ name card).



B:Great, thanks.



A:Have we been introduced?


B:No, I don‘t think we have been.


A:My name is Wong.


B:And I‘m Jack Smith.


name 网络解释

1. 物件的名称:物件的标题(Caption)、物件的名称(Name)与物件内文字的对齐方向(Alignment)皆属44. (A) 酱料盅又名沙司船,鹅颈(Goose Neck)

2. name:nitroarginine methyl ester; 硝基精氨酸甲酯

3. name:ng nitroarginine methyl ester; ng-硝基精氨酸甲酯

name 双语例句

1. So, if she can arrive on time, I will write my name down up.


2. name的翻译

2. 4 If, however, the journey is too much for you and you are not able to bring your tithe, because the place which the LORD, your God, chooses for the abode of his name is too far for you, considering how the LORD has blessed you



3. Ethnic slur; offensive name for Black person.


4. name

4. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name


5. Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be the name.


6. Joe tensed at the sound of his own name.


7. In public places around the environment within 30 meters of floor plans (to indicate whether there are sources of pollution), the layout plan marked position, function, auxiliary buildings of the name, size, a variety of equipment, installation of sanitary facilities or storage location.


8. name什么意思

8. My first hawker experience in China was at Tiananmen Square. Hats, lighters, Rolexes, postcards, you name it, they probably sold it. I turned most of them down and ended up walking away quickly from the rest.



9. If you change your name, address or telephone number, your medical record will need to be updated.


10. But announcement of the Ministry of Public Security reminds, illegal element uses great majority person to operate circuit to what shop on the net, how avoid risk and discern the characteristic that illegal website lack understands, of network of have the aid of concealment quality, buy with network group for the name executive bilk commits a crime.


11. Business and leisure travelers visiting the area will enjoy the same high-quality services and amenities they've come to associate with the Hampton Inn name.


12. To rent one, you must be 25 years old and have a credit card in your name.


13. To rent one, you must be 25 years old and have a credit car in your name.


14. name的近义词

14. A Collective Noun is the name used for a collection of people, animals or things.


15. name在线翻译

15. Some agencies will not charge for rental space, but will charge for the use of a domain name, or website address.


16. If someone types in their name and gets off-topic porn as a result.


17. name的意思

17. His name has been buried in the sands of time, but his plans have been preserved.



18. For then I will change the language of the peoples Into a pure language That they may all call upon the name of Jehovah, To serve Him with one accord.

3:9 那时,我必使万民改用纯洁的语言,好叫他们都呼求我耶和华的名,同心合意的事奉我。

19. My name is Wang Ai Rong.


20. He often swaggered AND swindled under the guise of the company's name.


name 词典解释

1. 名字;名称;姓名

The name of a person, place, or thing is the word or group of words that is used to identify them.

e.g. 'What's his name?'—'Peter.'...


e.g. I don't even know if Sullivan's his real name...


2. 给…取名;给…命名

When you name someone or something, you give them a name, usually at the beginning of their life.


e.g. My mother insisted on naming me Horace.


e.g. ...a man named John T. Benson...


3. (以…)为…命名

If you name someone or something after another person or thing, you give them the same name as that person or thing.


e.g. Why have you not named any of your sons after yourself?


4. 叫出…的名称;说出…的名字

If you name someone, you identify them by stating their name.

e.g. It's nearly thirty years since a journalist was jailed for refusing to name a source...


e.g. One of the victims of the weekend's snowstorm has been named as twenty-year-old John Barr.


5. 提出,说出,指出(价格、时间、地点等)

If you name something such as a price, time, or place, you say what you want it to be.

e.g. Call Marty, tell him to name his price.


6. 提名;任命

If you name the person for a particular job, you say who you want to have the job.


e.g. The England manager will be naming a new captain, to replace the injured David Beckham...


e.g. When the chairman of Campbell's retired, McGovern was named as his successor...


7. 名声;名望;声誉

You can refer to the reputation of a person or thing as their name .

e.g. He had a name for good judgement...


e.g. She's never had any drug problems or done anything to give jazz a bad name.


8. 名人;红人

You can refer to someone as, for example, a famous name or a great name when they are well-known.


e.g. ...some of the most famous names in modelling and show business.


e.g. ...top names such as Nike, Levi's, Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger.


9. see also: assumed name;big name;brand name;Christian name;code name;first name;given name;maiden name;middle name;pet name

10. 以…的名义;在…的名下

If something is in someone's name, it officially belongs to them or is reserved for them.

e.g. The house is in my husband's name...


e.g. A double room had been reserved for him in the name of Muller.


11. 代表;以…的名义

If someone does something in the name of a group of people, they do it as the representative of that group.

e.g. In the United States the majority governs in the name of the people...


e.g. She accepted the gift in the name of the Save the Children Fund.


12. 籍…为由;以…为名

If you do something in the name of an ideal or an abstract thing, you do it in order to preserve or promote that thing.

e.g. ...one of those rare occasions in history when a political leader risked his own power in the name of the greater public good...


e.g. There had been times when she had felt sickened by the things people did in the name of business.


13. (加强提问或要求的语气)看在(上帝、人道等)的份儿上

People sometimes use expressions such as 'in the name of heaven' or 'in the name of humanity' to add emphasis to a question or request.

e.g. What in the name of heaven's going on?...


e.g. In the name of humanity I ask the government to reappraise this important issue.


14. 有实无名的;未被认可的

If you say that a situation exists in all but name, you mean that it is not officially recognized even though it exists.

e.g. ...the group, which is now a political party in all but name...


e.g. It's the end of the doctrine in all but name.


15. 以名字;指名道姓地

When you mention someone or something by name, or address someone by name, you use their name.


e.g. He greets customers by name and enquires about their health.


16. 名叫…;以…为名

You can use by name or by the name of when you are saying what someone is called.

e.g. ...a young Australian, Harry Busteed by name...


e.g. This guy, Jack Smith, does he go by the name of Jackal?


17. 谩骂;对…口出恶言

If someone calls you names, they insult you by saying unpleasant things to you or about you.

e.g. At my last school they called me names because I was so slow...


e.g. They had called her rude names.


18. 最重要的东西;实质

If you say that something is the name of the game, you mean that it is the most important aspect of a situation.

e.g. Family values are suddenly the name of the game...


e.g. The name of the game is survival.


19. 支持,赞同(事业、项目等)

If you lend your name to something such as a cause or project, you support it.

e.g. He had political points of view and lent his name to a lot of causes.


20. (因…)成名;(以…)出名

If you make a name for yourself or make your name as something, you become well-known for that thing.


e.g. She was beginning to make a name for herself as a portrait photographer...


e.g. He made his name with several collections of short stories.


21. 点出(或指出)(做错事者)的名字

If you name names, you identify the people who have done something, often something wrong.

e.g. Nobody was prepared to risk prosecution by actually naming names.


22. (指报纸或官方机构)曝光,点名,指名(业绩差或犯错的人)

If something such as a newspaper or an official body names and shames people who have performed badly or who have done something wrong, it identifies those people by name.

e.g. The government will also name and shame the worst performing airlines.


23. 在名义上;有名无实地

If you say that a situation exists in name only, you mean that it does not have the status or position that it claims to have.

e.g. Many of the groups exist in name only...


e.g. He is commander-in-chief in name only.


24. 凡是你说得出的,凡是你能想到的(应有尽有)

You say you name it, usually after or before a list, to indicate that you are talking about a very wide range of things.

e.g. Pickled cucumbers, jam, pickled berries, tomatoes; you name it, they've got it...


e.g. I also enjoy windsurfing, tennis, racquetball, swimming, you name it.


25. a name to conjure with -> see conjure

name 单语例句

1. Or imagine a bank or other business organization having dozens of customers with the same name.

2. " We will never allow the Taiwan secessionist forces to separate Taiwan from China in any name and by any means ".

3. The state shall never allow the " Taiwan independence " secessionist forces to make Taiwan secede from China under any name or by any means.

4. And judging by what's in theaters this holiday movie season, his name is George Clooney.

5. Although Clinton did not refer to China by name, it is widely believed that she was hinting at China when she mentioned " neocolonialism ".

6. The officials agreed to discuss the matter only if they were not quoted by name.

7. Japan also avoids mentioning germ warfare Unit 731 although China refers to it by name.

8. Pope Benedict XVI issued a similar call a day later, though he didn't cite Berlusconi by name.

9. " I don't know what the hell these guys are thinking, " said one economist who asked not to be quoted by name.

10. Local media reported that the boy was able to identify himself by name.

name 英英释义



1. by the sanction or authority of

e.g. halt in the name of the law

2. a language unit by which a person or thing is known

e.g. his name really is George Washington

those are two names for the same thing

3. a defamatory or abusive word or phrase

Synonym: epithet

4. family based on male descent

e.g. he had no sons and there was no one to carry on his name

Synonym: gens

5. a well-known or notable person

e.g. they studied all the great names in the history of France

she is an important figure in modern music

Synonym: figurepublic figure

6. a person's reputation

e.g. he wanted to protect his good name



1. determine or distinguish the nature of a problem or an illness through a diagnostic analysis

Synonym: diagnose

2. identify as in botany or biology, for example

Synonym: identifydiscoverkeykey outdistinguishdescribe

3. give or make a list of

name individually

give the names of

e.g. List the states west of the Mississippi

Synonym: list

4. mention and identify by name

e.g. name your accomplices!

5. make reference to

e.g. His name was mentioned in connection with the invention

Synonym: mentionadvertbring upciterefer

6. give the name or identifying characteristics of

refer to by name or some other identifying characteristic property

e.g. Many senators were named in connection with the scandal

The almanac identifies the auspicious months

Synonym: identify

7. assign a specified (usually proper) proper name to

e.g. They named their son David

The new school was named after the famous Civil Rights leader

Synonym: call

8. create and charge with a task or function

e.g. nominate a committee

Synonym: appointnominateconstitute

9. charge with a function

charge to be

e.g. She was named Head of the Committee

She was made president of the club

Synonym: nominatemake