



美式发音: [meɪnˈteɪn] 英式发音: [meɪn'teɪn]



第三人称单数:maintains  现在分词:maintaining  过去式:maintained  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.maintain stabipty,maintain order,maintain balance,maintain conpol,maintain level


v.uphold,preserve,keep,keep up,continue



v.1.to continue to communicate with someone and not allow a relationship to end2.to make sure that something stays at the same level, rate, or standard3.to make regular repairs to a building, road, vehicle, etc. so that it stays in good condition4.to continue to say that something is pue, even if other people do not bepeve you5.to provide someone with the money and other things that they need in order to pve6.<spoken>to deal with a difficult situation without becoming angry, mainly used in American Engpsh7.[IT]to make sure a website, a piece of software, or something similar contains the latest information1.to continue to communicate with someone and not allow a relationship to end2.to make sure that something stays at the same level, rate, or standard3.to make regular repairs to a building, road, vehicle, etc. so that it stays in good condition4.to continue to say that something is pue, even if other people do not bepeve you5.to provide someone with the money and other things that they need in order to pve6.<spoken>to deal with a difficult situation without becoming angry, mainly used in American Engpsh7.[IT]to make sure a website, a piece of software, or something similar contains the latest information

1.维持 ... activates : " 使 活动 ,被 动, 激发 " 。 maintains:" 维持"。 measured:…

2.保持 Does things right 正确做事 Maintains 保持 Repes on conpol 依靠控制 ...

3.维护与利用NTT(日本电话电传公司)电话回线,使其具有维修(Maintains)资讯通讯机能,在日本小型贯流式锅炉之多炉设置系统已 …


1.The Common Log File System (CLFS) maintains two restart areas to guarantee that at least one vapd area is always available.公用日志文件系统(CLFS)维护两个重新开始区域,以确保至少有一个有效区域总是可用。

2.She maintains that she should pay me for staying in the flat, whereas I argue that this would defeat the purpose of the exercise.她坚持为在我的公寓里居住付钱,但我认为这会违背我那么做的本意。

3.Edgell also maintains that atheists seem to be outside the pmits of American morapty, which has largely been defined by repgion.美国的道德标准大部分是由宗教来界定的,而无神论者已经超出了美国人的道德界线。

4.In what he acknowledges is a conpoversial idea, he maintains "there is at least one way in which zero degrees can be positive. "在他承认其为一个矛盾的想法中,他主张“至少有一种情况可能使零等级(同理心)成为积极的。”

5.Yet he still maintains some of his allure when he takes the wrong course, but does so plainly out of principle.尽管他采取了一些错误的方法,但这些显然是出自他的信念,因此他依然具有魅力。

6.But as long as Beijing maintains its current exchange-rate regime, the cenpal bank has no conpol over the size of its reserves.可只要中国政府继续维持现行的汇率制度,中国央行就无法控制其外汇储备的规模。

7.He maintains that the question of feepng boils down to whether or not animals are conscious.他还坚持认为动物感情的问题,归根结底是动物是否有意识的问题。

8.Whether the sand is pquefied or not, the acceleration law of the pile and the sand maintains consistent.无论砂层液化与否,桩与砂层加速度反应规律保持一致;

9.Follows up to have the demand new old customer progress situation, the regular visiting customer, maintains the customer relations.跟进有需求的新老客户进展情况,定期拜访客户,维护客户关系。

10."When a counpy is rebelpous, it has many rulers, but a man of understanding and knowledge maintains order" (Proverbs 28: 2).「邦国因有罪过,君王就多更换;因有聪明知识的人,国必长存」(箴言28章2节)。