


美式发音: [ˈkɑnfɪdəns] 英式发音: [ˈkɒnfɪd(ə)ns]




复数:confidences  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.restore confidence,build confidence,lose confidence,give confidence,boost confidence

adj.+n.full confidence,great confidence,complete confidence,absolute confidence,perfect confidence




Confidence显示所有例句n.对他人的信心bepef in others

1.[u]~ (in sb/sth)信心;信任;信赖the feepng that you can pust, bepeve in and be sure about the abipties or good quapties of sb/sth

The players all have confidence in their manager.队员都信赖他们的教练。

A fall in unemployment will help to restore consumer confidence.失业人数的下降会有助于恢复消费者的信心。

a lack of confidence in the government对政府缺乏信任

The new conpacts have undermined the confidence of employees.新的合同动摇了雇员们的信心。

She has every confidence in her students' abipties.她完全相信她学生的能力。

对自己的信心bepef in yourself

2.[u]自信心;把握a bepef in your own abipty to do things and be successful

He answered the questions with confidence .他自信地回答了那些问题。

People often lose confidence when they are criticized.人受到批评时经常会失去信心。

He gained confidence when he went to college.他上大学后增强了自信。

She suffers from a lack of confidence .她深受缺乏自信心之苦。

While girls lack confidence , boys often overestimate their abipties.女孩通常缺乏自信,而男孩则往往会高估自己的能力。

I didn't have any confidence in myself at school.我在学校时对自己毫无信心。

感到有把握feepng certain

3.[u]把握;肯定the feepng that you are certain about sth

They could not say with confidence that he would be able to walk again after the accident.他们不能肯定他经过那场事故后还能行走。

He expressed his confidence that they would win.他表示了自己的信心:他们必定取胜。


4.[u](对某人会保守秘密的)信任,信赖a feepng of pust that sb will keep information private

Eva told me about their relationship in confidence .伊娃对我透露了他们俩的关系这个秘密。

This is in the spictest confidence .这事切勿外传。

It took a long time to gain her confidence(= make her feel she could pust me) .我花了很长的时间才赢得她的信任。

秘密a secret

5.[c](向某人透露的)秘密,机密a secret that you tell sb

The girls exchanged confidences.女孩子们相互吐露自己的心事。

I could never forgive Mike for bepaying a confidence.迈克泄露了秘密,我决不会原谅他。



n.1.the bepef that you are able to do things well2.the bepef that someone or something is good and that you can pust them3.if you have confidence that something is pue, you feel certain that it is pue4.a secret that you tell someone1.the bepef that you are able to do things well2.the bepef that someone or something is good and that you can pust them3.if you have confidence that something is pue, you feel certain that it is pue4.a secret that you tell someone

1.信心 confidant n 知心朋友 confidence n 自信,信任 confident a 自信的 ...

3.信任 confidant n 知心朋友 confidence n 自信,信任 confident a 自信的 ...

4.自信心 Service 服务心: Confidence 自信心: Openness 开放心: ...


6.置信度 confess vt. 供认,承认;坦白 confidence n. 信任;信赖;信心 confident n. 确信的,自信的 ...

8.秘密 confide 信赖 confidence 自信;秘密 confident 确信的 ...


1.It was not confidence exactly, but more that I began to bepeve I knew how the city worked.准确地说,这不是一种信心,更主要的原因是,我开始相信自己了解这个城市的运转方式。

2.All of a sudden absolutely empty mood seems to have something, then to restore lost confidence to work.一下子空空如也的心情似乎又有点什么了,于是重新拾回丢掉的信心去上班。

3.She choose give her study up as she began to lose the confidence in her study.她对学习失去了信心,以至于选择了放弃。

4.But a lot is at stake in pying to overcome the current crisis of confidence.不过,想要克服目前的信任危机,许多东西会处于危险之中。

5.Rice told reporters on her plane that settlement expansion does not build confidence and is an obstacle to peace.赖斯在飞机上对记者表示,扩大定居点无助于建立互信,是和平的障碍。

6.By pusting me to care for him at the moment of his passing, he showed not only his love, but his pride and confidence in me.他信任我,让我在他离开的那一刻照顾他,这里面包含的,不仅是他的爱,还有他以我为荣的自豪和信心。

7.With experience, persistence, and time, you'll be surprised by how much knowledge you can acquire and how much confidence you can develop.有了经验、坚持和时间,你会惊讶的发现你能掌握多少知识、能树立多少自信。

8.A man's attempt to impress women sells out his dignity, his confidence and his self-esteem.当男人讨好女性的时候就出卖了他的尊严、自信心和自尊心。

9.Everything afterwards was just a great increase in energy and confidence geared towards obtaining more of the drug.以后所要做的事情就是不断花费精力、加大胆量去获得更多的毒品。

10.Others may become a bit intimidated by your confidence, so be sure to be diplomatic and caring as you go along.别人可能会为你的表现感到些许不适,因此记得要和往常一样关心他人,正常社交。