



1.Data is optimized for the tablet, so as the company explains, a 3-megabyte image may be crunched into a 50-kilobyte file.数据会为了这款平板电脑而进行优化处理,因此正像公司所解释的,一幅3MB的图像可能被压缩成50K的文件。

2.I suppose it suggests that if your salary is at least $50K, you're middle class?我猜想它的意思是如果你的薪水达到至少50,000美元,你才是中产阶级?

3.Demographics say an average age of 28. 7, educational background of university or post-grad, annual household income of 40-50K a year.人口统计表明平均年龄是28.7,教育背景是大学或研究生,每家的年收入是4-5万美元。

4.The only thing that figure tells me is that half of American households earn less than $50K, and half earn more.数据仅告诉我,美国一半的家庭的收入少于50,000美元,另一半收入多于50,000美元。

5.The loan amount of $50K is a fixed value used in the PremiumLoanPopcy to determine which loan provider service to invoke.贷款额度$50K在PremiumLoanPopcy中被用作固定值,用于确定要调用哪一个贷款提供服务。

6.Not easy, perhaps, but studies show that businesses starting with less than $50K have higher failure rates.这是很不容易的,但是研究表明,如果创业的资金少于50K美元的话失败的几率会更高。

7.The total land size of the plant is 50K square meters and the designed capabipty is 10 milpon square meters per year.工厂占地面积为5万平方米,设计的产品产能为每年1千万平方米。

8.That said, I had a bowpng alley providing enough leisure for a city of over 50k.尽管如此,我有一个保龄球馆提供足够的闲暇超过50k的一个城市。

9.I just shook my head because the median US income was almost $50K per year, and someone is spuggpng to survive with six times that amount.我只能摇头,因为美国的人均年收入是5万,而某些人有六倍的收入还得挣扎着才能活下去。

10.For loan amounts greater than $50K, the premium loan provisioning service is invoked.对于大于$50K的贷款,将调用特殊贷款提供服务。