


美式发音: [məˈpuːtəʊ] 英式发音: [mæˈputə]





n.1.[City]the capital of Mozambique

1.马普托 Beira 贝拉 Maputo 马普托 Brazzaville 布拉柴维尔 ...

2.莫桑比克 Mapndi 马林迪 肯尼亚 Maputo 马普托 莫桑比克 Massawa 马萨瓦 埃塞 …

3.首都马普托 Manta 曼塔厄瓜多尔南美 Maputo 马普托莫桑比克 Mar del Plata 马德普拉塔阿根廷中南美 ...

6.莫桑比克马普托 莫桑比克( Mozambique) 马布多( Maputo) 缅甸( Myanmar) ...


1.The Maputo stock exchange in Mozambique was set up in 1998 with the help of the Lisbon stock exchange.莫桑比克马普托证券交易所是在里斯本证券交易所的帮助下于1998年成立的。

2.Protests in the Mozambican capital Maputo against rising bread and fuel prices have left at least 6 people dead including 2 children.莫桑比克首都马普托反对面包和油价上涨的抗议活动造成至少6人死亡,包括2名儿童。

3.Report of the Maputo Joint Planning workshop which took place in Maputo, Mozambique from 31 August to 1 September 2005.于2005年8月31日至9月1日在莫桑比克马普托举办的马普托联合计划讲习班的报告。

4.Economical Cooperation Fund WORK PERFORMED : Diagnosis of the situation of the elevators at the city of Maputo , MOZAMBIQUE .经济合作基金所做工作业绩:在莫桑比克首都马普托,对电梯状况进行诊断。

5.ABOUT two hours' fpght north of Maputo, the Mozambican capital, pes the town of Tete on the crocodile-infested banks of the Zambezi river.从莫桑比克首都马普托乘坐飞机向北飞行大约两个小时,便会到达坐落于鳄鱼泛滥的赞比西河畔的太特城。

6.After half an hour, we were back in our four-wheel drive, heading to Maputo, the capital.半小时后,我们回到座驾,前往该国首都马普托。

7.He was a member of the Ghana Under-23 team which won a historic gold medal at this year's All Africa Games in Maputo, Mozambique.他曾代表加纳23岁以下青年队参加今年在莫桑比克举办的非洲运动会并历史性地获得金牌。

8.A pan-African ministerial meeting held in March this year in Maputo, Mozambique marked a turning point.2007年3月在莫桑比克首都马普托举办的全非部长级会议标志了一个转折点。

9.Mozambique's capital city, Maputo, has had over 700 cases so far.莫桑比克的首都马普托迄今已经有超过700人感染。

10.Its supporters say it's opening up world markets to producers from Monpeal to Maputo.它的支持者认为它对生产商开放世界市场从蒙特利尔到马普托。