

remedy:[英 [ˈremədi] 美 [ˈrɛmɪdi,'rɛmədɪ] ]


过去式:remedied;   过去分词:remedied;   现在分词:remedying;   复数形式:remedies;

remedy 基本解释

名词补救办法; 治疗法; 纠正办法; (硬币的)公差

及物动词补救; 治疗; 改正,纠正,改进

remedy 相关例句



1. If I made a mistake, I will try to remedy it.


2. Aspirin may remedy a headache.



1. remedy在线翻译

1. I know a remedy for headaches.


2. I don't suppose there'll ever be a remedy for that.


3. Your only remedy is to go to law.


remedy 网络解释

1. 补救措施:从以下选项中选择补救措施 (Remedy):无 (None) 或重定向到翻页浏览 (Allow off-page navigation) 和链接深度 (Link depth) 而新时,您需要在漏洞列表中手动选择新漏洞.

2. 补偿:在作者服务客户的经验中,相当部分网络上对于品牌与企业的负面评论,是导源于单一对于产品与服务的品质的负面经验(这是第一重),并且得不到品牌的补偿(remedy)或补救(这是第二重).

remedy 双语例句

1. The only way to remedy is to go for lawing.


2. Your only remedy is lawing.


3. remedy的近义词

3. First, cationics are easy to have electrical neutralization function with negative charged reservoirs and HPAM and other polymers, which will result in adsorption loss and precipitation loss, so the selection and use of the cationics should be careful. Second, chromatographic fractionation should be avoided in the application of various surfactants in the combination system. Third, the same type of surfactants makes little combination synergistic action, but it can remedy a defect of single surfactant.


4. This Agreement shall be legally binding upon all the undersigned Parties hereto their respective heirs, associates, administrators, executors, their successors and assignees for: a The non-circumvention damages, i. e. the total commissions, fees, or profits which would have been due, and; b All loss sustained by the non defaulting party by reason of such breach, and; c All expenses incurred in enforcing any legal remedy rights based upon or arising out of this Agreement.

:11 。本协定应具有法律约束力的所有签名者双方各自的继承人,联营,行政人员,执行者,其继承人和受让人为:a )非规避损失,即总佣金,费用,利润本来由于和; b )所有损失由非违约方因这种违反,和; c )所有费用在执行任何法律补救措施的权利依据或因本协议。

5. What's my remedy in law in this case?


6. Pathologic histology with vaginoscope is a simple and effective method for diagnosing CIN, conization of cervix can remedy the defect of the pathologic histology with vaginoscope and shows a therapeutical effect.


7. remedy

7. The chief remedy of GIST is operation. Application of Targeted molecular preparation shows good treatment effectiveness.


8. In astrology, Rudraksha is used as remedy of malefic planets.


9. It takes time to get into shape to remedy that.


10. For the little evils with which the State was touched, except the remedy of setting to work in earnest to root out a single sin, poured their distracting babble into any ears they could lay hold of, at the reception of Monseigneur.


11. Which for Samantha meant making her mom's childhood remedy, cough syrup and Fanta orange soda over ice.


12. remedy在线翻译

12. Conclutions Topotecan is an effective remedy for treatment of small cell lung cancer, both single topotecan and combined regimen has the same effect as the traditional first-line regimen, though myelo-suppression such as leucopenia and thrombopenia is more sever, the adverse effect is tolerated. Though it has been recommended as second-line agent for chemo-therapy sensitive small cell lung cancer, there needs more clinical studies to verify its role in first-line.


13. The principle of national treatment and countervailing tax regarded as remedy measures will be also discussed in this Chapter.


14. remedy的反义词

14. For there is no such flatterer as is a man's self; there is no such remedy against flattery of a man's self, as the liberty of a friend.

因为8 Tt t 8。com 谄谀我者无过于我;而防御自谄自谀之术更无有能及朋友之直言者也。


15. For there is no such flatterer as is a man's self; and there is no such remedy against flattery of a man's self, as the liberty of a friend


16. Against the defects in the status quo of economic analysis such as the external functionalism, the singleness of value pursuits, and the interpretation with theory, this article prescribes an internal, plural and practical remedy to conduct the economic analysis on tort law.


17. remedy

17. Hypercube has many advantages, such as smaller diameter, simple routing algorithm, many parallel paths between any two nodes, and fault-tolerance, on the other hand that the Hypercube nodal degree increased logarithmetically to the number of nodes has limited network population. So we propose a constant nodal degree hierarchical topology to remedy the weakness of Hypercube and take advantages of Hypercube most. Given the definition of FCCN we analyse the basic properties including nodal degree, number of links, extensibility and diameter (maximum network communication delay). Also we proposed a simple and self-routing algorithm applied in FCCN. Although the self-routing algorithm is not optimal, but at more than 82% case it can get the shortest path, and the percent is larger and larger increased with network levels. By the self-routing algorithm the internodal distance is calculated to evaluate the network communication delay more clearly. The average internal distance is in order of the cubic root of the network population that is almost same as logarithmetically relation in a few thousands. FCCN is a highly scalable network due to its recursive construction.


18. Constitution amendment; land expropriation; land requisition; public interest; due process; compensating standard; judicial remedy


19. According to ensurence system, judicial remedy is applied to strike illegal activities of aggrieving public, collective and national interest.


20. A provision that claims resulting from rejection of an unexpired lease should be treated as on a parity with provable debts, but limited to an amount equal to three years rent, was held not to amount to a taking of property without due process of law, since it provided a new and more certain remedy for a limited amount, in lieu of an existing remedy inefficient and uncertain in result.


remedy 词典解释

1. (问题的)解决方法,解决良方

A remedy is a successful way of dealing with a problem.

e.g. The remedy lies in the hands of the government.


e.g. ...a remedy for economic ills.


2. 药品;治疗方法

A remedy is something that is intended to cure you when you are ill or in pain.

e.g. ...natural remedies to help overcome winter infections.


3. 纠正;补救;矫正

If you remedy something that is wrong or harmful, you correct it or improve it.

e.g. A great deal has been done internally to remedy the situation.


remedy 单语例句

1. Scott Liu & Associates is also a law firm whose business has been mainly focused on trade remedy cases between China and the US.

2. The poor family then begged the local admissions office to report the case to provincial authorities to find a possible remedy.

3. This renovation is aimed at repairing leaks in the cellar of the monument and remedy the cracks spotted in the base of the monument.

4. But neither the county nor the city court moved to remedy the injustice.

5. But he confirmed his search for a remedy will not include bringing back the club's former striker Thierry Henry for a second comeback season.

6. The move came days after the Commerce Department announced a package of 14 proposals to strengthen trade remedy measures.

7. Common but differentiated responsibility means those who exploited global commons in the past have the responsibility to remedy or mitigate the consequences of that exploitation.

8. China's Administrative Procedure Law defines the legal remedy system in administrative lawsuits.

9. Administrative licensing procedures are reduced and regulated in the revised laws and regulations, and a legal system of trade promotion and remedy has been established and improved.

10. The Ministry of Health is right in pointing out that solving our public health conundrum will require a comprehensive remedy.

remedy 英英释义


1. act of correcting an error or a fault or an evil

Synonym: redressremediation

2. a medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieve pain

Synonym: curativecuretherapeutic


1. provide relief for

e.g. remedy his illness

Synonym: relieve

2. set straight or right

e.g. remedy these deficiencies

rectify the inequities in salaries

repair an oversight

Synonym: rectifyremediaterepairamend