

debt:[英 [det] 美 [dɛt] ]



debt 基本解释

名词债务; 负债情况; 义务; 罪,过失


debt 相关词组

1. out of debt : 不欠债;


debt 相关例句


1. It's much easier to get into debt than to get out of debt.



2. He has a lot of old debts to meet.


3. The debt that he owed her could never be paid.


4. debt的意思

4. If I pay all my debts I shall have no money left.



5. Debts of blood must be paid in blood.


debt 网络解释

1. 债:它与债(debt)有本质的区别. 广义的私募股权投资为涵盖企业首次公开发行前各阶段的权益投资,即对处于种子期、初创期、发展期、扩展期、成熟期和Pre-IPO各个时期企业所进行的投资,

2. 债务(资本):这种杠杆有两个层次的含义:用较少的股权资本(Equity)撬动债务资本(Debt控股股东利...行为经济学的论点是否能解释为何优秀的主管会支持错误的策略?经过近四十年的发展,企业策略理论已变得非常普及.

debt 双语例句

1. Are you trying to get out of debt?


2. debt的近义词

2. Most of us will never get out of debt that way.


3. debt的近义词

3. It`s an undischarged debt of honor.


4. debt的意思

4. How am I to pay such a debt?


5. There seems to be no hope of ever getting the debt back from him.


6. I wasted this bloody money on food and drink, so I have a terrible debt to pay!


7. What is the ìnormalized operating income of this firm and what is the optimal debt ratio of the firm at this level of income?


8. Announced they have already no new funds to invest new loans, the hedge fund under the bear stearns cos. met lossing because of the secondary mortgage debt invesment and announced paused to buying back. Citigroup estimates secondary mortgage loan debenture`s price lowing has made the cost of stocks which hold by the federal civil mortgage association and the federal housing loan mortgage corp. shrink usd$ 4.7 billion


9. In the model of capital arrangement, the key is the arrangement of debt capital and right-capital.


10. Additionally, during the Class Period, the Company issued more than $632 million worth of debt and sold over $480 million worth of warrants and completed numerous stock-for-stock acquisitions.


11. I`d be in your debt forever.


12. You saved my life, I will forever be in your debt.


13. debt的意思

13. I shall always be in your debt, friend. Thank you.


14. debt的反义词

14. Thank you for rescuing my cat, I shall always be in your debt.


15. If I could keep her just for an hour or two, I'd be forever in your debt.


16. Contribution to performance shares of new debt required to play different route through the Fund consider, can be seen from Table 1, involved the partial stock funds in the IPO first day return and partial shares of the overall average level of funds equivalent to the new contribution to the fight not prominent, participating in the new play...


17. Of course, we note that the management is through a variety of measures to alleviate the pressure on the size of the non-lifting of the ban, from the initial bulk sale transaction to study the feasibility of the second, and then last weekend raised exchangeable debt.


18. It already has debt of $1.3 billion, but with a debt-equity ratio of around 50%, Evraz's balance sheet is still fairly healthy.


19. To keep your head above water is a colorful expression that means staying out of debt.


20. When I bawl him out and he forgives me and laughs it off, I'm in his debt.


debt 词典解释

1. 债务;欠款

A debt is a sum of money that you owe someone.

e.g. Three years later, he is still paying off his debts...


e.g. Shrinking economies mean falling tax revenues and more government debt.


2. 负债(状态)

Debt is the state of owing money.

e.g. Stress is a main reason for debt.


3. (表示感激)我欠你个人情/我受你的恩惠

You use debt in expressions such as I owe you a debt or I am in your debt when you are expressing gratitude for something that someone has done for you.

e.g. He was so good to me that I can never repay the debt I owe him...


e.g. I owe a debt of thanks to Joyce Thompson, whose careful and able research was of great help...


debt 单语例句

1. Such profligacy has led to levels of debt that will become unsustainable if we do not act.

2. Washington's policy of eluding responsibility would extremely dampen Asian nations'enthusiasm to continue to buy US national debt.

3. And the European debt crisis is widely seen as an opportunity to buy up assets in the developed region.

4. All central banks need to do is to keep printing money to buy up government debt.

5. Cai said the operation and debt ratio of China Eastern Airlines will be substantially enhanced by Singapore Airlines buying a stake in the carrier.

6. Some issues raised by MF Global and sovereign debt defaults are already hinting at an expansion of systemic risk.

7. But traders were not comforted by the fact that Greece seemed to be working towards a resolution of its debt problems.

8. Boeing had its debt rating cut by Standard & Poor's Ratings Service in July, in part because of concern that customer financing needs may increase in 2010.

9. The maglev is considered a symbol of Shanghai's modernity, but it is plagued by mounting debt.

10. The gross debt of most OECD countries could be larger than their GDP by 2011.

debt 英英释义


1. an obligation to pay or do something

2. money or goods or services owed by one person to another

3. the state of owing something (especially money)

e.g. he is badly in debt