

cloister:[英 [ˈklɔɪstə(r)] 美 [ˈklɔɪstɚ] ]


过去式:cloistered;   过去分词:cloistered;   现在分词:cloistering;   复数形式:cloisters;

cloister 基本解释

名词回廊; 隐居; (学院、修道院、教堂等建筑的)走廊; 修道院的生活


cloister 网络解释

1. 修道院:妹妹河边在尖叫(shrill),弟弟河边钻孔忙(drill)外国人(foreign)或者假装(feign)低头屈服(deign)于雨的统治(reign)色缺就退隐(sequester),禁止过栏杆(banister),四你不吉祥(sinister),关进修道院(cloister),六百支持者(buster庞然大物),

2. 回廊:7.回廊 (cloister) 在建筑物门厅、大厅内设置在二层或二层以上的回形走廊. 8.门斗 (foyer) 在建筑物出入口设置的起分隔、挡风、御寒等作用的建筑过渡空间. 9.建筑物通道 (passage) 为道路穿过建筑物而设置的建筑空间.

3. 寺院:领有僧徒于寺院的玩者可从该寺院患上1分,而每张包抄寺院的陆处所块也作1分计较当道段(road segment)的两头毗连交汇处(crossing)、城市段(city segment)、寺院(cloister),或者当道成完备环(complete loop)时,

4. 出家:building redundant project 重复建设 | cloister 出家 | pyramid sales 传销

cloister 双语例句

1. The faithful were left free in regard to funerals, but, should they take place in the church of a cloister, the quarta funerum was to be given to the parish priest.

忠实地留在自由方面的葬礼,但是,如果它们发生在教堂的回廊,在quarta funerum是考虑到教区牧师。

2. Before the rise of palliative care movement, Buddhist organizations propagated Buddhist teachings actively, and transferred merits during their daily practice to be reborn in the pure land or to liberate from birth and death. Besides, they had done a lot of social charitable works to take care of the elderly and the dying, such as establishment of Mercy Cloister and Nursing Home; they emphasized to give advice to the dying, to chant for the dying and eight hours after his death, to deliver the dead with Buddhist ceremonies, and so forth.



3. Since we are engaged in giving details as to what the convent of the Petit-Picpus was in former times, and since we have ventured to open a window on that discreet retreat, the reader will permit us one other little digression, utterly foreign to this book, but characteristic and useful, since it shows that the cloister even has its original figures.


4. The sudden change from the freedom and excitement of the university to the silence and monotony of the cloister had a depressing influence on a man like Luther, who, being of a nervous, highly-strung temperament, was inclined to pass quickly from one extreme to another.


5. cloister的意思

5. According to features of high space living room of springing house, it discusses design principle and method from proportion and dimension of space、association of stairs and cloister、treatment of day-lighting and window, which promotes valuation of springing house can be used fully.


6. A celestial perfume soon disclosed the virtues of the monk throughout the cloister, and when the blessed Gal, the Abbot of Yvern, departed from this world into the next, young Mael succeeded him in the government of the monastery.


7. He cloister ed himself in his study.


8. What you beheld was the interior of a cloister.


9. cloister什么意思

9. Not laws and works but faith in Christ was brought out of the cloister into everyday life.


10. You may still long for the cloister, but learn this lesson first.


11. cloister的意思

11. When I stepped out of the cloister I had no idea where my path would lead.


12. In the cloister, one suffers in order to enjoy.


13. And cloister'd in these living walls of jet.


14. The refectory, a large apartment of an oblong square form, which received no light except through a vaulted cloister on a level with the garden, was dark and damp, and, as the children say, full of beasts.


15. Independent also was the Reform or Observance in France, which had its inception in 1358 (or more accuratley in 1388) in the cloister at Mirabeau in the province of Touraine, and thence spread through Burgundy, Touraine, and Franconia.


16. cloister的反义词

16. Cyrus: Well, he told me that he took you to the cloisters.


17. In 1348 the Black Death swept devastatingly over Euope, empting town and cloister.

在1348年黑死病横扫毁灭性的Euope ,防止城镇和修道院。


18. The ancient cloister was a structure of red brick picked out with white stone.


19. My life to-day is like a cloister during some penance, where the spring is afraid to stir or to whisper.


20. In the cloister, hell is accepted in advance as a post obit on paradise.


cloister 词典解释

1. (修道院或大教堂的)回廊

A cloister is a covered area round a square in a monastery or a cathedral.

e.g. The thirteenth-century cloisters are amongst the most beautiful in central Italy.


cloister 单语例句cloister

1. Surrounding the sim is an enclosing cloister containing rows of serene Buddha images made of wood and dressed in colourful saffron sashes.

cloister 英英释义



1. a courtyard with covered walks (as in religious institutions)

2. residence that is a place of religious seclusion (such as a monastery)

Synonym: religious residence


1. seclude from the world in or as if in a cloister

e.g. She cloistered herself in the office

2. surround with a cloister

e.g. cloister the garden

3. surround with a cloister, as of a garden