

observatory:[英 [əbˈzɜ:vətri] 美 [əbˈzɜ:rvətɔ:ri] ]



observatory 基本解释

名词天文台; 气象台; 瞭望台

observatory 网络解释

1. 气象台:黔南州气象局(Bureau of Meteorology)气象台(Observatory)继续发...贵州省贵阳市发布雷电(Thunder)黄色预警 发布日期:2010年04月07日...贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州发布雷电(Thunder)黄色预警 发布日期...贵州省黔南布依族苗族自

2. observatory什么意思

2. 了望台:另外,蝶族还有三种非常有用的兵种是在机器工厂中生产出来的,分别是运输机(Shuttle)、劫掠者(Reaver杀伤力极大但移动缓慢)以及空间探测器(Observer),对应于劫掠者和空间探测器需分别建好RoboticsSupportBay和了望台(Observatory).

3. 观象台、天文台:North-Up Display: GPS屏幕显示真北向上 | Observatory: 观象台、天文台 | Offset: 偏移量

observatory 双语例句

1. Lord Zh011's Shadows Measuring Platform in its south is the remains of the oldest astronomical observatory in the world.


2. The central theatre space forms an unexpected vertical axis to the sky; an observatory to the stars through a kinetic roof that opens in fair weather.


3. In this paper, Wavelet Analysis is brought into use to process the CCD images of Comet Hale-Bopp, which were obtained with the 1.56 m telescope of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory.


4. observatory

4. It has perhaps the longest recorded history of uninterrupted service of astronomy. It is 200 years older than Greenwich Observatory.



5. Beijing Ancient Observatory was first built in 1442 in the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644), and was the national observatory in the Ming and Qing Dynasty.


6. And from the observation bridge on the 97th floor, visitors will feel as if they are floating in midair. The 94th floor of the observatory offers a breathtaking backdrop for exhibitions and events.


7. Annals of Shanghai Observatory Academia Sinica, 1992, (13): 129~139 in Chinese


8. observatory的解释

8. Meteorological observatory network in China was set up first using GIS based on DEM data and data from all observatories; then the geographical and topographical factors were gridded and parameterized by Kriging interpolation to produce the meteorological data and elevation, slope and aspect data in 1 km×1 km grid.


9. Astronomers Ignas Snellen of Leiden Observatory in the Netherlands and colleagues have now demonstrated that such optical observations are feasible.


10. The Observatory's weather radar system at Tate's Cairn detects rain within about 500 km of Hong Kong and gives estimates of rain intensity and movement.


11. Making use of structural characteristics of the Lower Latitude Meridian Circle and the error theory of this instrument, we have developed a method used to measure directly instantaneous atmospheric refraction, and moreover built a local observational astronomical refraction model toward the east, south, west and north of Yunnan observatory that is classified according to the star's spectral type.


12. Since there are some disadvantages, such as magnitudes, reference systems and difficulties in observing an asteroid during its motion in its whole orbit, etc., when the asteroid is observed simply by means of the meridian or photograph methods, a new method for observing asteroids with a lower latitude meridian circle and a CCD measuring device is proposed according to the conditions of the geographic latitude of the Yunnan Observatory which can be used to observe the whole orbit of an asteroid.



13. Several of the brightest stars are identified by their catalog numbers (CPD=Cape Observatory Photographic Durchmusterung, HD, HDE=Henry Draper Catalog), among the hottest, heaviest stars known.

一些最明亮的恒星被标出了目录号(CPD=Cape Observatory Photographic Durchmusterung,HD,HDE=Henry Draper Catalog),跻身于已知最热、最重的恒星之列。

14. The pictures taken by the Chandra X-fay Observatory show opposing jets of high-energy extending from the black hole to theedges of the galaxy known as Centaurus A.

这些由 Chandra X光天文台拍摄的照片显示相反方向的高能量喷流从黑洞延伸到这个名为半人马座A星系的边缘。

15. Observatory Park is elevated on a high sandstone bluff that was carved away into a cliff, a fortress-like palisade, and through it you may look down into the backyards of the Kent Street houses and inspect the poinsettias, frangipani and washing.


16. He had once followed the line from Sacré-Coeur, north across the Seine, and finally to the ancient Paris Observatory.


17. Bolyard was at the NRAO's Green Bank Observatory with fellow PSC students.

博尔亚德是在 NRAO 的绿岸天文台与同事力晶学生。

18. Compared with plasma drift observation in Jicamarca ionospheric observatory, ionospheric drift in Hainan shows distinct territorial features.

这些特征与经度相差几乎180 的赤道区Jicamarca台站观测到的漂移特征对比,显示了较大的区域差别。

19. China's automatic space observatory at Dome Argus, the highest point of the Antarctic ice sheet, has been successfully completed.


20. observatory的翻译

20. It is very important to transmit Doppler radar data from radar station to farther provincial bureau and provincial observatory and make them using the data promptly, because the data are rich and big.


observatory 词典解释

1. 天文台;观象台;天文观测站

An observatory is a building with a large telescope from which scientists study things such as the planets by watching them.

observatory 单语例句

1. Thermometers are expected to plunge by over 10 degrees Celsius in some of these regions, the observatory said.

2. A webcast of this event will be jointly provided by Hong Kong Observatory and Hong Kong Space Museum by the time.

3. Those heaters came at a right time the local observatory reported that the temperature dropped to a low of - 14 C yesterday.

4. The Beijing municipal observatory forecast that next week Beijing would enjoy clear days with only a slight drizzle.

5. The weather was cloudy on Wednesday but the Hong Kong Observatory has predicted intensifying winds and torrential rains over the next few days.

6. Both the national and local meteorological observatory forecast cloudy weather for the launch site on Wednesday afternoon.

7. The mercury will start dropping Sunday as another cold front reaches coastal areas of Guangdong, the Hong Kong Observatory predicted.

8. An expert with the central meteorological observatory said the strong wind would likely come to an end Wednesday night.

9. Meanwhile, the Hong Kong Observatory continued to reassure the Hong Kong public.

10. The observatory advised ships and fishing boats to seek shelters at ports and urged local authorities prepare for possible floods and landslides.

observatory 英英释义


1. a structure commanding a wide view of its surroundings

Synonym: lookoutobservation towerlookout station

2. a building designed and equipped to observe astronomical phenomena