

affiliate:[英 [əˈfɪlieɪt] 美 [əˈfɪliˌeɪt] ]


过去式:affiliated;   过去分词:affiliated;   现在分词:affiliating;   复数形式:affiliates;

affiliate 基本解释

及物动词使隶属于,接纳…为成员; 使紧密联系

及物/不及物动词加入,与…有关; 为…工作

名词分支机构; 附属企业

affiliate 相关例句


1. She affiliated her child to Smith.


2. She affiliates with an academic society.


3. We are affiliated with a local club.



4. They tried to affiliate that play to its author.



1. Our club has affiliated with a national society.


affiliate 网络解释


1. 附属机构:(f)受托人对投资公司或者投资信托的证券进行的投资,其中受托人或其附属机构(affiliate)以非受托人的身份向该投资公司或投资信托提供服务,如果该投资行为遵守第九[章]规定的谨慎投资人原则,则该项投资不被认为受到个人利益与受托职责之间冲突的影响.

2. 附属:Ⅲ.社团发生附属(affiliate)关系时,其资产、基金及其它财产应处置如下:Ⅰ.凡是违反社团创建的权利,或滥用社团名义从事非法活动的人员应受惩罚,视其违法情节性质及轻重,予以行政处罚或依法追究刑事责任;如果其违法造成了实质(material)损失,

3. 关联公司:如美国( Federal Reserve Act)第23A条规定,美联储会员银行与单一关联公司(Affiliate)的交易总额不得超过该银行资本的10%,对其所有关联公司的交易总额不得超过银行资本的20%;全部交易都必须具有符合要求的担保(现金或美国国债的全额担保,

4. 关联方:23A同时对联邦储备银行的关联方(affiliate)以及关联交易的类型做出了相应的界定. 联邦储备银行的关联方是指:对银行有控制权的实体,或者与银行受同一实体控制的公司或企业:银行的分支机构;

affiliate 双语例句

1. It`s by Alex Goad, a highly respected Black Hat and Super Affiliate.


2. Affiliate marketing is a web-based system where you get paid for referring sales or customers to another business.


3. Whether they`re newbie`s sharing their hobbies with the world, a small business trying to capitalize on a great product or a web developer that creates 100`s of websites per month and monetizes them with the help of affiliate links and advertising.


4. The most important and indispensable tool in Affiliate Marketing is your own niche website.



5. Without limiting the nature of such interests, examples include where we or an Affiliate could be


6. And Shanghai Inspection Company, is one of the branches of ABS Consulting (ABSG Consulting, Inc., a legal entity in New York, and the operation in Houston, the State of Texas), an affiliate of the American Bureau of Shipping.


7. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Affiliate Hospital of Qingdao University Medical College, Qingdao 266003, China

作者:殷广洁,罗兵,王言奎作者单位:青岛大学医学院附属医院妇科,山东青岛 266003;青岛大学医学院微生物学教研室

8. You may have seen search engine results showing near identical listings for the same product, differing only in an affiliate code appended to the URL.


9. And don`t you think the affiliate is the one who`ll loose at the end? ?? ? ?



10. I also videoed open the letter from Affiliate Junktion because is hard to provide proof of payment over the internet.

我还把打开从 Affiliate Junktion 来的信的过程录了视频,因为从互联网上面提供支付证明比较困难。

11. Our New York company has an affiliate in Los Angeles.


12. It appears that he joined an affiliate of al-Qaeda, and that this group...


13. Over time, these affiliate checks may build up to a really impressive amount.



14. The independent financial consultants and law firms shall prudently examine whether the material assets reorganization constitutes affiliate transaction and provide explicit opinions based on the related verified and confirmed facts.



15. With affiliate marketing, you won't need to worry about the products you have to sell.


16. In some of my posts, I link to books with my Amazon affiliate code.


17. No one is willing to affiliate with a person who is indifferent to them.


18. They are also trying to affiliate with the original brand owner.


19. Macquarie, a Sydney-based investment bank, was recently able to secure an ECB loan through a euro-area affiliate, putting up a security backed by Australian car loans.


20. affiliate在线翻译

20. Affiliate - A person or organization associated with another person or organization.


affiliate 词典解释The noun is pronounced /ə'fɪliət/. The verb is pronounced /əˌfɪli'eɪt/. 名词读作/ə'fɪliət/,动词读作 /əˌfɪli'eɪt/。

1. 成员组织;附属机构;分会

An affiliate is an organization which is officially connected with another, larger organization or is a member of it.

e.g. ...twelve companies, including three affiliates of a Texas oil firm...


e.g. The World Chess Federation has affiliates in around 120 countries.


2. 隶属于;并入

If an organization affiliates to or with another larger organization, it forms a close connection with the larger organization or becomes a member of it.

e.g. All youth groups will have to affiliate to the National Youth Agency...


e.g. The Government will not allow the staff association to affiliate with outside unions.


3. (医生或律师等专业人士)与…有正式关系

If a professional person such as a lawyer or doctor affiliates with an organization, they become officially connected with that organization.

e.g. He said he wanted to affiliate with a U.S. firm because he needed 'expert advice and counsel in legal affairs'.


affiliate 单语例句

1. Representatives of the Associate Members and Affiliate Members participate in Executive Council meetings as observers.

2. The RCSC's statement said this kind of affiliate transaction seriously violated the principle of organizations " dedicated for public welfare " and blamed itself for unsuccessful supervision.

3. Chinese auto group FAW Corp has a 60 percent controlling stake in the joint venture, with remainder held by Volkswagen Group and its affiliate Audi.

4. The ongoing recall began on Thursday when Shuanghui Group ordered its branches to recall all meat products processed by its Jiyuan affiliate.

5. Waning demand at home prompted companies such as Hyundai Motor Co and affiliate Kia Motors Corp to trim their 2004 domestic sales forecasts this year.

6. A December attack near Algiers and targeting a bus carrying foreign employees of an affiliate of Halliburton killed an Algerian and a Lebanese citizen.

7. GM engineers in Germany focus on midsize and compact cars, while small cars are the specialty of engineers at GM's South Korean affiliate.

8. Foreign cruise liners are allowed to affiliate with several companies and establish sole proprietorship operational agencies in China.

9. The supervisory board derailed that strategy last month with the decision against further support for the Japanese affiliate.

10. At the heart of the dispute is the sale of the trademark by Proview's Taiwan affiliate to an Apple subsidiary in 2009.

affiliate 英英释义



1. a subsidiary or subordinate organization that is affiliated with another organization

e.g. network affiliates

2. a subordinate or subsidiary associate

a person who is affiliated with another or with an organization


1. join in an affiliation

e.g. The two colleges affiliated

They affiliated with a national group

2. keep company with

hang out with

e.g. He associates with strange people

She affiliates with her colleagues

Synonym: consortassociateassort