

conversely:[英 [ˈkɒnvɜ:sli] 美 [ˈkɑ:nvɜ:rsli] ]


conversely 基本解释

副词反过来; 反之; 相反地,颠倒地; 倒地

conversely 网络解释


1. 相反地:though尽管 | conversely相反地 | unlike不象


2. 倒地:converse 相反的 | conversely 倒地 | conversion operations 转换操作

3. 相反:相反地 on the contrary | 相反 conversely | 与....不同 unlike....

4. 相反的:36understatement少报 | 37conversely相反的 | 38prorperty财产

conversely 双语例句

1. Conversely the immediate aim of criminal legislation cannot be any of the things which are usually mentioned as justifying punishment: for until it is settled what conduct is to be legally denounced and discouraged we have not settled from what we are to deter people, or who are to be considered criminals from whom we are to exact retribution, or on whom we are to wreak vengeance, or whom we are to reform.

相反,刑事立法的直接目的不可能是通常所提到的证明惩罚之正当性的任何东西:因为只有确定了什么行为应受法律谴责与遏制,我们才能确定我们要遏制人们实施什么样的行为,应把什么人视为我们使之遭到报应的罪犯,对什么人施以报复或[MSOffice9] 对什么人进行改造。


2. When the residual pressure in the gas reservoir is less than the critical displacement pressure in the caprock, the gas reservoir is covered in a static state; conversely, it is in a dynamic state.



3. According to Introduction Hu Lubin, of M1 in forming, with industry current deposit is given priority to, the fund that its fluctuant circumstance reflected a business directly is bounteous degree -- if company capital is abundant, the current account that many capital surplus is in a bank, m1 increases quickly; Conversely, if company capital is nervous, so that current capital inadequacy wants to employ time deposit, m1 is added fast drop to appear even negative growth.


4. If the ratio or the concentration of 2, 4-D was higher, the callus formed quickly, but it was hygrophanous, and easy to necrosis, conversely, if the ratio or the concentration of 2, 4-D was lower, the callus appeared very slowly or could not form, and adventitious root formed directly or indirectly.


5. Also, some anther dust could form embryoid directly, then grew into young plants, conversely, somatic calli and pollen embryoid of the latter medium are fewer, but somiatic calli could be differentiated into a few flower like structure s, meanwhile, the segments of infl.


6. conversely的翻译

6. Conversely, it was the deadliest year for coalition forces in Afghanistan since the 2001 invasion.


7. conversely

7. Conversely, for line-termination receivers (which are in the majority of applications) the jitter transfer and jitter generation need not meet ITU-T recommendations.

相反,需要行终止接收器的转让和抖动抖动产生不符合ITU - T的建议。

8. Conversely the scheme also depends on the relationships that the town's inhabitants have set up with the places they hold dear to them.


9. Conversely, inconsistent training can lead to a variety of injuries.


10. Conversely, their demand for high academic certificate becomes a business opportunity for all universities.


11. There is here a reciprocal causation: the circumstances of men's lives do much to determine their philosophy, but, conversely, their philosophy does much to determine their circumstances.


12. L Conversely, the power of global business is growing with companies


13. Conversely, cerebral vasoconstriction, associated with HBOC transfusion, could limit optimal cerebral tissue oxygenation.

但是,输注 HBOCs 后,脑血管收缩,能使这一作用受限。

14. Conversely in the little rustic inns tucked among the hillsides of the Vienna Woods, members of the nobility mixed quite casually with lesser folk to dance to the sweet and giddy folk tunes of the region.


15. Conversely, Weissbier, which is the most popular beer style in Bavaria, with more than a one-third market share there, holds only about a 10% market in the rest of Germany.


16. After some other mistakes, I learned to go into business only with people whom I like, trust, and admire. As I noted before, this policy of itself will not ensure success: A second-class textile or department-store company won't prosper simply because its managers are men that you would be pleased to see your daughter marry. However, an owner - or investor - can accomplish wonders if he manages to associate himself with such people in businesses that possess decent economic characteristics.

Conversely,we do not wish to join with managers who lack admirable qualities,再犯下其它几个错误之后,我试着尽量只与我们所欣赏喜爱与信任的人往来,就像是我之前曾提到的,这种原则本身不会保证你一定成功,二流的纺织工厂或是百货公司不会只因为管理人员是那种你会想把女儿嫁给他的人就会成功的,然而公司的老板或是投资人却可以因为与那些真正具有商业头脑的人打交道而获益良多,相反地我们不会希望跟那些不具令人尊敬的特质为伍,不管他的公司有多吸引人都一样,我们永远不会靠着与坏人打交道而成功。

17. This Thesis starts from the cause of parallel imports, how current Copyright Law regulates parallel imports, the role U. S. and Taiwan`s trade policy played in the legislative process of Copyright Law, the impact and adverse effect of parallel import ban on trade between U. S. and Taiwan, then proceeds to research on how U. S. law and international treaties cope with parallel import issue as a reference for reviewing the propriety of this enactment. This Thesis will indicate that Section 301 of Trade Act is not in compliance with WTO laws, and conversely, the ban on parallel imports may risk Taiwan to be challeged by other WTO Members as an unlawful trade barrier. Furthermore, with the analysis of market failure theory, this Thesis proposed that current parallel import ban should be lifted, and, instead of exhaustion doctrine, fair use doctrine should be applied to evaluate each parallel import case in a case -by -case manner, taking into account its impact on public interest and copyright owner`s private benefit so that the regulations on parallel imports could be consistent with the objectives of Copyright Law in promoting the progress of culture and useful art.


18. Conversely, if you have a specific location in which you must place the projector, that will determine where you must mount the screen and how big it will be.


19. Conversely, if the heartland complex were capable of deterring a nuclear attack by possession of equal or superior nuclear systems, its then corresponding influence over its non-nuclear or nuclear-inferior rimland neighbors would be correspondingly greater.


20. Conversely, I think it's a selecting process, knowing what's the most


conversely 词典解释

1. 相反地;反过来说

You say conversely to indicate that the situation you are about to describe is the opposite or reverse of the one you have just described.


e.g. In real life, nobody was all bad, nor, conversely, all good.


conversely 单语例句

1. Conversely it is possible to drink too much water leading to water intoxication whereby levels of salt and other electrolytes become too diluted.

2. But the greatest triumph of the last decade and conversely its greatest danger is that citizens now have expectations.

3. Conversely if the price currency is strengthening, the exchange rate number decreases and the unit currency is depreciating.

4. Conversely, eateries specializing in other cuisines are increasingly devouring Hakka fare for their menus.

5. Conversely, a weaker dollar makes commodities such as oil attractive to investors seeking safer havens.

6. Conversely, there are teachers who are capable of turning such subjects as mathematics into fascinating lectures.

7. Conversely, a lack of driver awareness of this danger amplifies the risks on the road.

8. Conversely, women who earn less and hold lower ranks have better saving habits.

9. Conversely, such rapid investment creates risks of oversupply in the near future.

10. Conversely supporters have praised Ma for his " unique understanding and sensitivity " to users needs.

conversely 英英释义


1. with the terms of the relation reversed

e.g. conversely, not all women are mothers