

covet:[英 [ˈkʌvət] 美 [ˈkʌvɪt] ]


过去式:coveted;   过去分词:coveted;   现在分词:coveting;

covet 基本解释




covet 相关例句


1. It's a sin to covet.


2. He won the coveted position.


3. The boys coveted John's new hat.


covet 网络解释


1. 垂涎, 觊觎:coven 女巫大聚会, 十三女巫大集会 | covet 垂涎, 觊觎 | retract 缩进;缩回

2. covet的意思

2. 妄想:covert speech 内隐言语 | covet 妄想 | covetous 贪婪的

3. 垂涎:coverture 保护 | covet 垂涎 | covetous 贪婪的

4. 觊觎:brutal暴徒 | covet觊觎 | invasion入侵

covet 双语例句

1. With the discreet thinking, you can do with what it is. There is a BMW. You use it, but you don`t covet for a more luxury car, such as BENZ. There is a chance to have dinner in a grand hotel, you don`t decline it, as long as, the next day you have a bowl of soaked cooked rice and will not think it is difficult to swallow, that is acceptable.


2. Mental division checks: Dainty abdomen? but derivative phonism, be murdered, envious, controlled and understand thoroughly, covet, the mood is low because of afore-mentioned symptoms, mood reaction is still harmonious, exist from part telling force.



3. We will demonstrate that with this model, the security state of system can be expressed as the security attributes of information flows from input port to output port, propose strict definitions of normal information channel, covet channel and security policy, prove two theorem of security attributes of information flow, and give a dynamic planar multi layer mandatory access control model which designed for confidentially and integrity.


4. Sunny color: coagulation muscle wins while the color of fresh snow had just cooked, such as peach trees, and tells the people covet, but a light color heterozygosity coupled with the body type, is this not a kind of sexy in the dissemination of the United States.


5. Yet I did not know sin except through the law, and I did not know what it is to covet except that the law said, " You shall not covet.


6. Diego di San Severino that some of our domestic Religious covet and with all their power had tried to build a hospice or dwelling on the Holy Mount Tabor even though it has been made almost inhabitable because of the great danger form the Arabs; and having been beseeched by his brothers to send some of them to live there, or at least (in view of the danger they would have on the top of the mountain) on the slope near the villa, where Our Lord Christ, when he came back down the mountain, said to his disciples: Nemini dixeritis visionem donec Filius hominis a mortuis resurgat, where there is a large but half ruined church; he obtained from the Emir of Sidon, not only permission for the brotheres to live there, and take possession of the church; but he also gave them the whole of that Sacred Mountain; this Fr.

经过Diego di San Severino神父的观察在国内的一些宗教们,垂涎那些以他们的力量在大博尔圣山上所建造的旅客收容所和住宅,虽然它们被建造的几乎适用於居住,但却有来自阿拉伯人极大的威胁;而他们仍急切的想要得到,於是他们的弟兄们送他们到那儿住或至少(考虑到他们在山顶上会有危险)住在斜坡附近的住宅。


7. And because I don`t covet the benefit, so I would not meet the rivalship of benefit.


8. This case, just carry to everybody wake, card full a cost is in commonly 9 fold above, do not want covet petty gain.


9. Many of us are lacking in the strength we so covet.


10. A lot of people do not know, the aspirant that drives for sudden huge profits people already darkling built empire of a gene, covet the gene glom on to complete mankind.


11. Simply, it is the preoccupation with greed. People who covet sex will indulge in sexual desire. Minor indulgence results in family disharmony, whereas over indulgence causes family break up.


12. covet的解释

12. I do not covet power—the reverse, if anything!


13. And which I take notice of here, to put those discontented people in mind of it, who cannot enjoy comfortably what God has given them; because they see, and covet something that he has not given them.


14. My criterion saw from the back of Bill Gates'glasses he is right Alibaba's covet.



15. When shopping on the net do not covet a little and lose a lot, do not adopt the mentality of corrupt petty gain.


16. covet的反义词

16. Global investors covet Chinese banking stocks because they provide a pretty good proxy for China's hypergrowth economy.


17. He helps her swab down her pink and tender skin which makes him covet. He can't help kissing her satin back making her begin to groan.


18. Covet not a gold-threaded robe, Cherish only you...


19. Don`t covet small advantages when you find parcels without owners.



20. Most of the immigrants work in unskilled jobs, as maids or busboys, that few Argentines covet.


covet 词典解释

1. 渴望;贪求;觊觎

If you covet something, you strongly want to have it for yourself.

e.g. She coveted his job so openly that conversations between them were tense.


covet 单语例句covet的近义词

1. The Philippines and Vietnam covet waters that have been China's maritime territory since ancient times.

2. Zheng found through investigations that no matter how rich they are, private entrepreneurs will surely lose their wealth once local officials covet it.

3. The provocation of countries like Japan and the Philippines who covet Chinese islands and waters has complicated and even worsened the country's security environment.

4. Among them are both firms that define themselves as children's books publishers, and newcomers who covet the generous returns.

5. Filmmakers covet the publicity Cannes offers their films, yet they often find the notion of competing against one another discomfiting.

6. The change not only gave more power to the SFDA, but also bred rampant covet operations.

7. Not that the average Chinese does not covet better guarantees and protection for their rights and interests.

8. As more investors from overseas covet Chengdu, the city has raised its access threshold.

9. Iran gets what they covet with Saddam gone and more control of Iraq via the Shiite majority.

10. Other major foreign truck manufacturers covet the huge market potential in China.

covet 英英释义


1. wish, long, or crave for (something, especially the property of another person)

e.g. She covets her sister's house