

soluble:[英 [ˈsɒljəbl] 美 [ˈsɑ:ljəbl] ]


soluble 基本解释

形容词[化] 可溶的; 可以解决的; 可以解释的; [数]可解的

soluble 反义词



soluble 相关例句


1. Sugar is soluble in water.


soluble 网络解释

1. soluble的翻译

1. 可溶解的:比较而言,金涂层表面是可溶解的(soluble),这意味着金完全溶解在焊剂里,金属间化合物在裸露的底层形成. 金涂层实质是保护了底层的可焊性. 钯在熔剂里溶解则慢得多,焊剂的结合通常是与钯形成.

焊剂(solder coatings)在保持其可焊性方面更加有效,

2. 可溶解:胺基酸(amino acid)是组成蛋白质的基本单元, 其基本化学式为离子化合物於水中可依其溶解度(solubility)大小分为可溶解(soluble)及不可溶解(insoluble).


3. 可溶性:急性中水银毒通常因为意外或自杀吞入可溶性 (soluble) 汞盐如氯化汞 (mercury chloride) 所致. 水银会在消化道内引起严重发炎,通常在几小时内即发生腹痛性痉挛,并伴以恶心、呕吐和大便出血. 水银被人体内脏吸收后在肾脏浓缩,

4. 可溶的:solubility 溶度 | soluble 可溶的 | soluble ore 可溶性矿石

soluble 双语例句

1. The serum levels of soluble interleukin 2 receptor(sIL-2R)were determined in 176 serum specimens from patients suffering from different diseases, such as autoimmune diseases, various types of tumour kidney transplantation, nephrotic syndrome, and lobular pneumonia.


2. The vast majority of synthetic, soluble oil in the organic matter.


3. A study was carried out in this paper on the dyeing and finishing performance of a water-soluble sulfur black dye containing polycarboxylic groups.


4. The extract of soluble protein from ten kinds of fruits leaves.


5. Application sunny morning, the containers of the goods plus Add 5-10 times the water-soluble, water 5-10 minutesbody of water in bays, shallow water, such as the Treasury Department branch spilled, thrown in the upstream river.


6. Moreover, ELISA protocol has been established with the two kind of antibodies.1 Preparation and identification of anti-hBLyS polyclonal antibodyJapanese big ear white male rabbits (2~3 kg) were injected with soluble hBLyS emulsified with Freund's adjuvant every two weeks. The rabbits were bleed from the ear artery on the 11~th day since the third time immunization, and the titer of antisera was tested by indirect ELISA. Antisera titer reach to 1:5 × 10~5. Rabbits were killed, and blood was collected. Antisera was prepared and purifid with saturated ammonoium sulfate.


7. This paper studies changes of respiration rate, respiration quotient, organic acid, soluble solids of tomato related with respiration and metabolism at room temperature (18-24℃) and cold temperature (12℃).


8. The results showed, respiration rate in tomato at cold temperature was lower than that at room temperature, the arrival of respiration peak is about 5 days later, the content of soluble solids at cold temperature was higher than that at room temperature. The organic acid in tomato was reduced with time extension. The decomposition of organic acid in tomato at low temperature was more slowly than that at morn temperature. The respiration quotient was generally reduced. The change trend of storage temperature was close to the respiration rate.

通过对上述指标进行实验分析,结果表明:在冷藏条件下番茄呼吸速率水平比在常温条件下低,呼吸高峰的出现比在常温条件下晚5 d左右;经冷藏的番茄果实可溶性固形物含量比常温贮藏的高;番茄有机酸含量随贮藏时间的延长而呈下降趋势,冷藏番茄中有机酸的分解速度比常温贮藏的缓慢;呼吸商总体表现为下降趋势,不同的贮温其变化趋势与呼吸速率接近。

9. And the reducing sugars, soluble sugars and starch increased significantly in branch.


10. soluble的解释

10. It was also found that beadlet carotenoids, especially anthaxanthin and lutein, had better antioxidative effectiveness compared to oil-soluble carotenoids.


11. A proper percentage of soluble phosphates can meet the need of crops'growth, leading to a low fixation of phosphorus and a good return.


12. A suggestion is put forward to adding H2SO4 or (NH4)2SO4 into the mother liquor after calcium nitrate tetrahydrate separated for a further removal of residual Ca, thus the Ca content can be decreased to 0.35% from the previous 3.4%, and the viscosity of neutralized slurry to 0.04 ~0.08 Pa·s, with nice fluidity of slurry Water soluble phosphorus accoun ts to 88%~90%, and the process improves the adaptability of phosphate rock to nitrophosphate production.

提出分离四水硝酸钙后的母液加入H2SO4或(NH4)2SO4进一步除去母液中残钙,可使母液中钙含量由3.4%降到0.35%以下,中和器中料浆粘度可降到0.04~0.08 Pa·s,料浆流动性很好,产品中磷的水溶率可达88%~90%,并提高了硝酸磷肥生产对磷矿的适应能力。

13. Hydrophobically Associating Water Soluble Polymer is the polymer with a few of hydrophobic group in the principal chain.


14. The results showed that the fractions of alcohol-benzene soluble and water soluble decreased with the process of decomposition. The concentration of semicellulose and cellulose increased firstly and then decreased. However, the concentration of lignin increased.


15. The results of the physiological and biochemical indexes in callus tissue of Poncirus trifoliata tested under calcium carbonate(CaCO3) stress indicated that except total iron content, the negative correlations among CaCO3 concentration and peroxidase activity, superoxide dismutase activity, catalase activity, active iron content, soluble protein content and callus growth were recorded.

提要测定碳酸钙(CaCO3)胁迫下枳壳愈伤组织的某些生理生化指标的结果表明:除全 Fe 含量外,CaCO3浓度与过氧化物酶活性、超氧化物歧化酶活性、过氧化氢酶活性、活性Fe含量、可溶性蛋白质含量、愈伤组织增重均呈显著或极显著负相关,与培养液pH值呈显著正相关;随着培养的进程,POD活性、活性Fe和可溶性蛋白质含量、愈伤组织增重呈降低趋势,SOD和CAT活性先升后降,含高浓度CaCO3的培养液 pH值仅在20日左右略有降低。

16. The water soluble dispersant agent, which the backbone was sodium cellulose sulfate and sodium lignin sulfonate, was prepared using cane dregs and fuming sulfuric acid as raw material.


17. soluble在线翻译

17. But the ABA had only a little important for the soluble protein content. The content of praline was lower than those not used.


18. soluble在线翻译

18. The results showed that under the conditions of the relative soil water content below 45 percent, praline content and MDA content of spring wheat of N fertilizer treatments in flag leaves increased, soluble protein content reduced.


19. There are two types of vitamins water-soluble vitamins and fatsoluble vitamins.


20. There are two types of vitamins, water-soluble vitamins and fatsoluble vitamins.


soluble 词典解释

1. 可溶解的

A substance that is soluble will dissolve in a liquid.

e.g. Uranium is soluble in sea water.


2. 水溶性的/脂溶性的

If something is water-soluble or fat-soluble, it will dissolve in water or in fat.

e.g. The red dye on the leather is water-soluble.


e.g. ...fat-soluble vitamins.


soluble 单语例句

1. Soluble carbonate rocks are widely distributed on the top of many mountains in the area.

2. Wood ear is rich in soluble fibers, and is able to detoxify and boost digestion.

3. Agricultural experts also said that rare earth is a soluble salt compound, which can promote the growth of tea leaves.

4. They all possess high levels of Vitamin C and excellent amounts of soluble fiber, which can help to lower cholesterol.

5. China's health authority has blacklisted four milk beverages for containing insufficient protein and excessive soluble gluside.

6. Aniline is a clear or slightly yellow liquid that is soluble in water and can easily evaporate or seep through soil into groundwater.

7. Thallium is a partially soluble soft metal that is highly toxic and is used in rat poisons and insecticides.

8. Pumpkin has lots of soluble fiber so you do not need a cream to thicken the soup.

9. Soluble in water, if absorbed in large amounts it can damage the liver and kidneys.

10. Soluble in water, if absorbed in large amounts it can damage liver and kidney.

soluble的近义词soluble 英英释义



1. (of a substance) capable of being dissolved in some solvent (usually water)

2. susceptible of solution or of being solved or explained

e.g. the puzzle is soluble