

node:[英 [nəʊd] 美 [noʊd] ]



node 基本解释

名词节点; (计算机网络的)节点; [医]结节; 植物的节

node 网络解释

1. 交点:轨道的取向表示为轨道平面相对于参考平面[通常为黄道(ecliptic)]的倾角(inclination)以及升交点(node)经度(从春分点到升交点的角距离. 天体在其轨道上的位置则决定于其偏近点角(anomaly),此位置作为时间的函数是从近重心点行程的时间来计算的.

node 双语例句

1. Under this background, the SCI-node is researched and designed in this thesis.


2. node的意思

2. This process can be used for a group of nodes or a specific node.


3. node是什么意思

3. If the left or right node is occupied by an item, it will be added to that item.


4. There is also no node separation or element removal involved in this method.


5. An item, or node as it is called, of a singly linked list is the same.


6. This node represents two or more products that have been listed together.


7. node的解释

7. They can be constructed with either an XML node or with values for the properties.


8. In order to ensure the security of the sharing service in the manufacturing grid, an coarse-grain authorization mechanism based on the trust was presented to realize the automatical authorization of sharing services in the manufacturing grid node.


9. This report describes a rare case of a concurrent epithelioid trophoblastic tumor and a teratoma in a para-aortic lymph node from a 39-year-old male patient with the initial diagnosis of testicular malignant mixed germ-cell tumor. The metastatic lesion was excised 2 years after orchiectomy and chemotherapy.



10. It is incline to danger when fatigue strength of node board is calculated by pervasion angle in code.



11. ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE:To provide reference for scientific research and lung cancer operation by studying the staining condition on mediastinal lymph node with chlorophyllin disclosing solution.


12. node什么意思

12. The chloropyllin disclosing solution can stain mediastinal lymph node quickly with no acute toxic adverse reaction.


13. node是什么意思

13. The traits of dedifferentiation and redifferentiation of the explants form H. sampsonii show that the calli the stem and leaf usually form buds at its parietal cells. In the presence of auxin, the parenchyma of the leaf gap at the node is initiated firstly, then, develops blastemata that form buds in a cluster on the node without callus. These show that the various parts ofthe herb differ greatly in cell initiation and organ differentiation.


14. From here, we will rename some of the nodes and transitions to make the process more readable. To do this, click on the node and the name will become enterable, or double click and use the dialog to enter the new name.


15. When a user clicks on a node then we get that feed?


16. node的反义词

16. This means that nodes will not be populated until the user expands that node.


17. Help information shown to the user when creating a {node} of this type.


18. There has been a hard drive failure on the MySQL server that holds all the node and user registrations.

MySQL 服务器上已经有一个硬盘挂了,致使所有node和用户的注册无法进行。


19. The object that that action acts on node, user, comment, system or custom types.


20. When we consider what, to use the words of the catechism, is the chief end of man, and what are the true necessaries and means of life, it appears as if men had deliberately chosen the common node of living because they preferred it to any other.


node 词典解释

1. 节;结;瘤

A node is a point, especially in the form of lump or swelling, where one thing joins another.

e.g. Cut them off cleanly through the stem just below the node.


e.g. ...nerve nodes.


node 单语例句node的意思

1. Two days later the node and attached docking adapter will be moved to their permanent location on Destiny.

2. Other studies have shown that this node helps to keep the heart beating normally.

3. The NSA could somehow plug into that node and find my call amid all the countless others that happened to be passing through.

4. It marks that Chengdu has become the third core node of China Telecom's IDC and cloud computing operations center after Shanghai and Guangzhou.

5. Sometimes the New Moon occurs close enough to a node during two consecutive months.

6. The High Performance Rendering Lab of the Beijing Planetarium is the first to use a rendering cluster with eight CPUs per node in China.

7. The Kwu Tung North new development area adopts'mixed development node'as the development theme.

8. This means that the time between each passage of the Moon through the ascending node is slightly shorter than the sidereal month.

9. The Moon crosses from south to north of the ecliptic at its ascending node.

10. Fewer women with asymptomatic than symptomatic contralateral cancer had node metastases, an indication the cancer may have spread.

node 英英释义


1. (computer science) any computer that is hooked up to a computer network

Synonym: clientguest

2. any bulge or swelling of an anatomical structure or part

3. the source of lymph and lymphocytes

Synonym: lymph nodelymph gland

4. (astronomy) a point where an orbit crosses a plane

5. (physics) the point of minimum displacement in a periodic system

6. (botany) the small swelling that is the part of a plant stem from which one or more leaves emerge

Synonym: leaf node

7. any thickened enlargement

Synonym: knobthickening

8. a connecting point at which several lines come together