

displacement:[英 [dɪsˈpleɪsmənt] 美 [dɪsˈplesmənt] ]



displacement 基本解释

名词取代,替代; 免职,停职; [船] 排水量; [化]置换


displacement 网络解释

1. (置换贴图):一般情况下,将一个贴图节点映射到一个置换贴图(Displacement)节点上以后,Maya会自动将这个贴图节点同时映射到材质的的凹凸(bump)贴图节点之上,但是有些时候Maya却并不进行这种自动的映射,具体到什么时候或者为什么会出现这样的情况,

2. 排气量:排气量(Displacement) 在引擎的某一循环运作中,能将全部空气及混合气送入所有汽缸的能力,也是指一个活塞从一个行程运作至另一行程所能排的体积. 活塞从上止点移动到下止点所通过的空间容积...

3. displacement什么意思

3. 排水量:排水量(Displacement) 舰艇在静止水中船体入水部份所排开水的重量称为排水量,计量单位为吨(Tons对水面舰而言,排水量等於舰艇重量, 对潜水舰而言,排水量是可调节的,当排水量大於艇重时舰艇上浮,当排水量小於艇重时舰艇下沉.

4. displacement:disp; 位移

displacement 双语例句

1. displacement在线翻译

1. Nonetheless, it caused enough displacement in the ocean floor that it caused massive tsunamis even reaching the shores of Africa.


2. Its force was so strong that the water displacement it had produced on the ocean floor caused massive tsunamis to roll to countries of South Asia, South East Asia and East Africa.


3. One parsec is defined as the distance at which a star would show a parallax displacement of 1 second of arc, a distance which proves to be approximately 3.258 light years.


4. displacement的翻译

4. The idea is that this energy is generated purely as a result of an instinctive drive to perform the activity, and will overspill into displacement activities if it is not utilized in carrying out the particular action for which it has been generated.


5. displacement的反义词

5. Objective: To determine the anterior and posterior border of articular disc and disc displacement in TMJ ID people and its clinical significance.


6. The main work is analysing the test of the cable-hoisting system. The slipping, the tangent point variety of the track cables against the saddles, the slack of the track cables, the loads of the track cables acting on the towers, the horizontal displacement of the towers are analyzed, and some rules are obtained.


7. Thus, angular displacement of this solid shaft tilted the spider to give appropriate cyclic pitch control.


8. Based on the method used to calculate ground elastic displacement around deep tunnel and some researches on gap parameter of shield tunnel, a brief method for estimating subsurface ground horizontal movement induced by shield tunneling is presented.


9. When the residual pressure in the gas reservoir is less than the critical displacement pressure in the caprock, the gas reservoir is covered in a static state; conversely, it is in a dynamic state.


10. displacement是什么意思

10. Meanwhile, the relationship of the airpressure and the displacement is calculated by means of the finite element method.


11. displacement的意思

11. According to fractal theory, R/S analysis on the typical colluvial landslides is complete, finding that the parameter of Hurst decreases just at the time before the landslide took place. This research result shows that Hurst parameter is an effective nonlinear displacement parameter and it also has a very explicit forecast function.


12. The correlation between the displacement of colluvial landslides and the rainfall has been studied systemtically in term of the theory of the Grey System and the statistics, finding the displacements of the slope are very closely interrelated with the rainfall, and the circles of the displacements are also coincided with the circle of the rainfall.


13. Methods:Twenty four pig's thoracolumber spine were taken to imitate most severe injury of anterior two column instability. Biomechanical testings of stability were performed in axial compression, laterial-bending and rotation by recording strain and displacement or angle on the loading side and axial extraction forces of each pedicle screw internal fixation systems:DICK, AF, RF, CYL.


14. Biomechanical testings of stability were performed in axial compression, laterial-bending and rotation by recording strain and displacement or angle on the loading side and axial extraction forces of each pedicle screw internal fixation systems:DICK, AF, RF, CYL.


15. 0 ROBOX ROBOX is an integrated compression package for conveying low pressure gases, equipped with the RBS positive displacement rotary lobes blower, driven by an electric motor through a special V-belt transmission, and complete with all necessary accessories.

ROBOX ROBOX 整体风机系统,用于输送低压气体。是将RBS 三叶罗茨风机与消声器,阀门,电机,驱动皮带,减振系统等附件集中装载于一个隔音罩内组成的压力或真空系统

16. ROBOX is an integrated compression package for conveying low pressure gases, equipped with the RBS positive displacement rotary lobes blower, driven by an electric motor through a special V-belt transmission, and complete with all necessary accessories.

ROBOX 整体风机系统,用于输送低压气体。是将RBS 三叶罗茨风机与消声器,阀门,电机,驱动皮带,减振系统等附件集中装载于一个隔音罩内组成的压力或真空系统

17. displacement的意思

17. Displacement field and Irwin plastic region hypothesis. the correction formula of crack opening displace is given for I model crackle under quasi--brittle fracture. The result of calculation indicates that the δ obtained our formula is more accurate than the former δ0 Therefore it is safer in applied.


18. Our physics professor was struggling to draw the class into discussion of Archimede's principle of water displacement.


19. The influences of different Young's moduli on the distribution of the stress and displacement of a composite flywheel was investigated in this paper.


20. With the use of this uncertain model, it is shown that the structural responses such as nodal displacement and bar stress will attain their extreme values when Young's moduli of the bars take either their upper or lower bound value.


displacement 词典解释

1. 取代;代替

Displacement is the removal of something from its usual place or position by something which then occupies that place or position.


e.g. ...the displacement of all my energy into caring for the baby.


e.g. ...too much resistance to the displacement of your reason by your emotions.


2. 迫使迁徙;迫使背井离乡

Displacement is the forcing of people away from the area or country where they live.


e.g. ...the gradual displacement of the American Indian.


3. (船的)排量,排水量

Displacement is the weight or volume of a liquid that is displaced by an object under the surface or floating on it, for example the weight of water displaced by a ship.

displacement 单语例句displacement

1. The new regulation also levies taxes in relation to car engine displacement.

2. These caustic environments led to violent conflicts that resulted in the death and displacement of millions.

3. He says Huang suffered from congenital heart displacement, which only occurs in between five and eight people out of 1 million.

4. The current consumption tax of cars is determined by their engine displacement.

5. Compared to a conventionally aspirated engine with the same displacement, the TSI uses 10 percent less fuel and discharges a proportionately lower level of emissions.

6. Areas most affected by displacement will be Hubei and Henan provinces in Central China.

7. The displacement of migrant school children is unfortunately a situation to which we have become inured because of the frequency with which it occurs.

8. What did we Kurds get from dictatorships apart from Anfal, displacement and having our women sold to other countries?

9. Some local policies failed to encourage energy saving economy vehicles, with restrictions on vehicles with small displacement on the road.

10. As jets and helicopters pounded targets in the valley, the UN said it was threatening to become one of the world's biggest displacement crises.

displacementdisplacement 英英释义


1. act of taking the place of another especially using underhanded tactics

Synonym: supplanting

2. act of removing from office or employment

3. to move something from its natural environment

Synonym: deracination

4. the act of uniform movement

Synonym: translation

5. an event in which something is displaced without rotation

Synonym: shift

6. (psychiatry) a defense mechanism that transfers affect or reaction from the original object to some more acceptable one

7. (chemistry) a reaction in which an elementary substance displaces and sets free a constituent element from a compound

Synonym: displacement reaction