

upheaval:[英 [ʌpˈhi:vl] 美 [ʌpˈhivəl] ]



upheaval 基本解释


名词突变,剧变; [地]隆起; 举起,抬起


upheaval 相关例句


1. upheaval是什么意思

1. Mass unemployment may lead to social upheaval.


upheaval 网络解释


1. 隆起:updraft 向上气流 | upheaval 隆起 | uphill sloping profile 升坡剖面

2. 隆起;上升:upgrowth 生长 | upheaval 隆起;上升 | uphill 上升;坡度;上升的

3. upheaval

3. 剧变,动乱:uneasy不稳定 | upheaval剧变,动乱 | uprise起义,暴动

upheaval 双语例句

1. One of the most important political changes in China over the past 30 years has been a move away from the vicious factional strife of the Maoist era, a tendency that persisted well into the 1980s and fuelled the pro-democracy upheaval of 1989. In 2002, for the first time in China`s communist history, power was smoothly transferred from one set of leaders to another without killings or purgings.


2. upheaval在线翻译

2. Early in the week, he said the fundamentals of the economy were sound, despite the current upheaval.



3. We have put an end to the social unrest and upheaval of that time.


4. upheaval是什么意思

4. Fully considering the factors of structure, deposition, transforming system and Reservoir Forming Dynamics and so on, the paper thought that the reservoirs in Xiakou fracture zone belong to hydrocarbon remigration and secondary accumulation mode, the configuration relationship between the sands and faults is the main factor that affects hydrocarbon migration; reservoir gathers in the central upheaval zone belong to event hydrocarbon migration and accumulation mode, it can be divided into three styles, they are the fracture activity event mode, the volcanic activity event mode, he gravity flows event mode. The key factors of resulting in event reservoir are fault cyclicity and episodic characteristic.



5. In this paper, I make a review of the study on base upheaval prevention and influence to nearby pile in the country and abroad, and then analyze the base upheaval prevention safety factor and the factor affecting the deformation of nearby pile during excavation. The main investigations Consist of the following three parts: 1、Finite element method with reduced shear strength is used to study the influence of pit dimensions, the depth of soft clay, embedding depth of retaining piles and clay undrained shear strength on base upheaval stability of braced row piles excavations on the basis of the finite element software Plaxis; 2、Numeric simulate cantilever row piles excavation used the finite element software Plaxis. Study the influence on retaining piles, existing piles inside and outside of the pit due to excavation.


6. We live in an upheaval world, America and China are both great countries, which have the specific duty of reducing dangers brought by war.



7. It was an upheaval that, along with bad weather and a frenzied attempt to catch up with American levels of industrial production, contributed to millions more deaths in a nationwide famine.


8. upheaval的意思

8. To arrange one's life so that the peak work period and the peak domestic upheaval happen at the same time is very poor planning indeed.


9. upheaval的近义词

9. And it is exacerbated by the return of millions of war refugees and by decades of upheaval that have left land tenure in chaos.


10. It was a time of tumultuous social change and upheaval, including the American Revolution and the French Revolution.


11. Generals last resort, had said: Had that incident under the palace, is instigated Tuan Gu, and his fake Chuan Jun Ming, and the courtiers issuing the order, otherwise, would dare launch a social upheaval it!


12. upheaval在线翻译

12. Learning marital communication skills may not be able to check philanderers like South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, whose midlife upheaval played out on a very public stage.


13. Mark Sanford, whose midlife upheaval played out on a very public stage.



14. The news, war, peace, famine, upheaval, the price per paper clip.


15. The news, war, peace, famine, upheaval, the price per paper clip. now you're not naive enough to think we're living in a democracy, are you buddy?

com 你不那么8ttt8天真地认为我们 sSBbWw 生活在民主社会了吧,是吗伙计?

16. From aspects of practice and theory, the authors analyzed the frost upheaval mechanism of these kinds of soil, their main infection factors, and the destruction types of canal lining due to frost upheaval. The authors put forward some effective engineering treatment measures for the South Arterial Canal in Xinjiang. Especially, the authors studied the feasibility of replacing the expansive mudstone with the tertiary white sandstone, which is widely distributed in North Xinjiang, as the embankment material of the canal body and the canal base.


17. The long years of increasingly violent civil war and peasant unrest had, in a way, trained the rich in the virtue of keeping calm-although their fear of finding themselves involved in a sudden upheaval also grew with each passing day


18. upheaval

18. In addition, Li Daokui pointed out that in the next three to four months, when the Western economic upheaval after the dust has settled, global capital will re-turn to the U. S. market, part of the funds will be from China, Hong Kong, the Mainland flee emerging markets and Southeast Asia.


19. Hugo's classic tale set against the backdrop of political upheaval in 19th-century France retains its timeless appeal in this notably condensed rendition of the struggles of former convict Jean Valjean.


20. This is a time of upheaval.


upheaval 词典解释

1. 激变;剧变;动乱

An upheaval is a big change which causes a lot of trouble, confusion, and worry.

e.g. Wherever there is political upheaval, invariably there are refugees...


e.g. Having a baby will mean the greatest upheaval in your life.


upheaval 单语例句

1. The unexpected upheaval in Iran has thrown a spanner into Obama's plans to engage the Islamic Republic in a substantive dialogue over its nuclear program.

2. In recent years EMI has lost market share to rivals as they struggle in the midst of an upheaval of the music business.

3. Researchers attribute this to the stress and upheaval the partner experiences while enduring the hospitalization of an ailing husband or wife.

4. On account of the slow growth of world economy and upheaval of international financial market, the systemic financial risk became one of the chief topics at the conference.

5. Sharon's health crisis came at a time of upheaval among Palestinian factions in Gaza and in the midst of both Israeli and Palestinian election campaigns.

6. She plays a beautiful Shanghai woman who endures a turbulent love life amid the political upheaval of modern China.

7. Their product is not so essential as to create a mass panic if thrust into market upheaval.

8. The discoveries included not just obvious features like Meteor Crater in Arizona, but wide zones of upheaval.

9. The palace is so dilapidated after a century of political upheaval and neglect that much of it is closed to the public.

10. Experts are concerned the situation is getting out of hand and could lead to social upheaval.

upheaval 英英释义


1. disturbance usually in protest

Synonym: agitationexcitementturmoilhullabaloo

2. (geology) a rise of land to a higher elevation (as in the process of mountain building)

Synonym: upliftupthrowupthrust

3. a violent disturbance

e.g. the convulsions of the stock market

Synonym: convulsionturmoil

4. a state of violent disturbance and disorder (as in politics or social conditions generally)

e.g. the industrial revolution was a period of great turbulence

Synonym: turbulenceSturm und Drang