

sheriff:[英 [ˈʃerɪf] 美 [ˈʃɛrɪf] ]



sheriff 基本解释


名词治安官; 州长; 执行吏


sheriff 相关例句



1. He was elected sheriff of the county.


sheriff 网络解释


1. 郡长:1月10日,他们任命近日刚走马上任切斯特的法院院长及郡长(sheriff)的约翰.布拉德肖为主席,他在切斯特郡拥有大批独立派议员的支持. 布拉德肖的家人对他在这个案子中担任如此重要的领导角色非常担心,因此在他抵达伦敦准备参加1月12日举行的会议时,

sheriff 双语例句

1. sheriff的反义词

1. In every district there is a Procurator-Fiscal, who in addition to investigation has the duty of prosecuting in the Sheriff Court.


2. sheriff的近义词

2. In Eight Legged Freaks, Mattplays Bret, a local boy with a love of motorcyles and an interest in the Sheriff's daughter, Ashley.


3. sheriff

3. There was a sheriff in town that none of us kids liked.


4. To hold on bail or place under bond. He gave a $5, 000 bail bond to the sheriff and took Bill home.


5. sheriff的翻译

5. You should remember that I am your sheriff, bill, we are not equal.


6. The sheriff started to laugh, but one look at Mark's eyes stopped him.


7. Personal items belonging to the teenager were found in his car, according to the sheriff's statement.


8. sheriff

8. He was a justice of the peace and served as sheriff of the county.


9. Is that really what you want as the Sheriff of this county?


10. There was a shifting under me, followed by the leathery smell of my dad's sheriff jacket.


11. What's the significance of Sheriff Bell's two dreams at the end?


12. Hit them with the sun lamp while the rest of you go to the sheriff's station.


13. sheriff的意思

13. New sheriff. Belt tightening. You know how it goes.


14. The investigation leads the team through a violent boyfriend, the local sheriff and ultimately to a counterfeiting ring setup in the desert.


15. sheriff

15. Police in Pompano Beach, Florida have captured the convicted robber who was being taken to court when a Sheriff's deputy was shot and killed.

在美国的佛罗里达州庞帕诺滩,警察已经逮捕了名为Michael Mazza的犯罪人。当他被带进法庭的时候,县治安官的助手正好被枪杀。

16. Police in Pompano Beach, Florida have captured the convited robber who was being taken to court when a Sheriff's deputy was shot and killed.

警方已在佛罗里达的 Pompano 海滩抓捕了一名抢劫犯Michael Mazza。他因枪杀一名州长助理而被送上法庭。

17. sheriff的翻译

17. He's such a good boy, I mean, he just stole a horse... OK, it was Sheriff Fitzburns horse.


18. Ed: I was sheriff of this county when I was twenty-five years old.


19. sheriff是什么意思

19. You will be under the care of sheriff in town.


20. Ambush – after you return from the marshes you will be attacked by the sheriff and the local militia.


sheriff 词典解释

1. (美国由选举产生的)县治安官

In the United States, a sheriff is a person who is elected to make sure that the law is obeyed in a particular county.

e.g. ...the local sheriff.


e.g. ...Sheriff Bob Cahill.


2. (苏格兰的)郡法官,区法官

In Scotland, a sheriff is a legal officer whose chief duty is to act as judge in a Sheriff Court. These courts deal with all but the most serious crimes and with most civil actions.


e.g. ...the presiding judge, Sheriff John Mowatt.


3. (英格兰和威尔士境内挂名的名誉)郡长,郡督

In England and Wales, the Sheriff of a city or county is a person who is elected or appointed to carry out mainly ceremonial duties.


e.g. ...the Sheriff of Oxford.


sheriff 单语例句sheriff

1. Sheriff's office spokeswoman Debbie Carter said the man told deputies he left the maid alone in the bedroom to clean.

2. The sheriff said he would meet with investigators on Friday to see if the case warranted further investigation.

3. The Indian River County Sheriff's Office said the cashier called Monday with a description of the vehicle the suspect had been riding in.

4. A sheriff's spokesman said the casket has been moved to a secure room at a suburban sheriff's facility.

5. " I don't know where you can go in the mind to justify shooting a child, " said Spartanburg County Sheriff Chuck Wright.

6. Attorneys representing 273 black inmates filed a civil rights lawsuit alleging the sheriff's department failed to disarm Hispanic inmates.

7. He is also being investigated by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department over domestic violence claims.

8. Officials with the Placer County clerk's office and sheriff's department said Wednesday they had no record that she had sought or obtained such an order.

9. Others cuddle her close as they talk with the sheriff about missing their own dogs at home.

10. Sheriff's officials say the confession is solid and that Dominique supplied details that hadn't been released and that only the killer and investigators would know.

sheriff 英英释义


1. the principal law-enforcement officer in a county