

jumble:[英 [ˈdʒʌmbl] 美 [ˈdʒʌmbəl] ]


过去式:jumbled;   过去分词:jumbled;   现在分词:jumbling;   复数形式:jumbles;

jumble 基本解释


及物动词(使)混乱,杂乱; 使困惑


名词杂乱的一堆; 一团乱; 待义卖的杂旧物

jumble 同义词




jumble 反义词


jumble 相关例句


1. His books and mine were jumbled together.



2. How can I find that letter when all your papers are jumbled up like this?


jumble 网络解释

1. 混杂:带冰远足(jaunt)是偏见(jaundice)男生如果明白(manifest),最快乐的是说笑(jest),Z形上升才刺激(zest),用毛乐死骚扰人(molest),向前挖掘最简化(predigest)泥土谦卑(humble),翻布寻找(fumble),就混杂(jumble)一个烂死的鱼叉(lance),

2. 混乱:juga cerebralia 大脑轭 | jumble 混乱 | jump 跳跃

3. 混乱;混和;搞乱:July 七月 | jumble 混乱;混和;搞乱 | jumbo boom 重型吊杆

4. jumble

4. 混杂, 搞乱 n. 混乱:902. judicious adj. 明智的 sensible thoughtful well-adised wise | 903. jumble . 混杂, 搞乱 n. 混乱 | 904. jungle n. 丛林, 生死关头

jumble 双语例句

1. A collection of miscellaneous or incongruous parts; a jumble.



2. I got it for next to nothing in a jumble sale.


3. I get it next to nothing in a jumble sale.


4. The monument`s history is a jumble of legend and fact.


5. That is, it jumble s up it's program code to make it difficult to detect.


6. As for the collection of antiquities, a systematic inventory was completed during the 1950s and 1960s, redressing the legacy of inaccurate cataloguing of former times. The collection was moreover augmented, for example by the salvage of a number of precious artefacts from a jumble of apparently worthless objects.


7. A nonsensical jumble of words. Misleading or nonsensical talk; humbug.


8. The patchy jumble of habitats has become a stronghold for critters otherwise in decline such as elk, the yellow warbler and Western toad.


9. Now a jumble of houses and narrow streets in the shadow of tower blocks, at the time it was on the edge of the city and fruit trees were landmarks.


10. President Hamid Karzai, other Afghan politicians and a jumble of diplomats packed a podium to review the troops.

Hamid Karzai总统以及其他的政治家还有混杂的外交人员都已经整装就位了。

11. A nonsensical jumble of words.


12. You could clear all of them out on a jumble sale but that might tug at your heart strings.


13. Bought that witch ball at a jumble sale somewhere.


14. In the early years of the 18th century the waterfront at Wapping was a jumble of wharves, wooden cranes and small shipyards.


15. jumble什么意思

15. Also, try not to use words, make it a nice jumble of letters, numbers, and symbols.


16. Starting initially in Bohemia as an uprising of the Protestant aristocracy against Spanish authority, the war escalated rapidly, eventually incorporating all sorts of issues... Questions of religious toleration were at the root of the conflict... But by the 1630s, the war involved a jumble of conflicting stakes, with all sorts of cross-cutting dynastic, religious, and state interests involved... Europe was fighting its first continental war.


17. It was a jumble without taste or truth.


18. jumble

18. It is transformed from a jumble of different uniforms into a distinct and vulnerable individual.


19. Details of the accident were all jumble d up in his mind.


20. Don't jumble up your ties and socks now that I've sorted them out.


jumble 词典解释

1. 杂乱的一堆;混乱的一团

A jumble of things is a lot of different things that are all mixed together in a disorganized or confused way.

e.g. The shoreline was made up of a jumble of huge boulders.


e.g. ...a meaningless jumble of words.


2. (使)混乱;(使)杂乱

If you jumble things or if things jumble, they become mixed together so that they are untidy or are not in the correct order.


e.g. He's making a new film by jumbling together bits of his other movies...


e.g. ...a number of animals whose remains were jumbled together by scavengers and floods...


3. 用于义卖的废旧物品

Jumble is old or unwanted things that people give away to charity.

e.g. She expects me to drive round collecting jumble for the church.


in AM, use 美国英语用 rummagejumble 单语例句jumble的翻译

1. Gilroy certainly likes a busy canvas with a jumble of time frames and a welter of conflicting motivations.

2. Black smoke billowed from a jumble of at least eight incinerated vehicles that were in a jam of cars stopped at the checkpoint.

3. Even the show's set is more chinoiserie than Chinese, with traditional visual symbols piled one after another into a jumble.

4. The rest of the structure is a jumble of bricks that vines have started to colonize.

5. The two trains collided Friday afternoon on a stretch of single track in heavy fog, leaving the forward cars of the passenger trains a jumble of torn metal.

6. The occasional scrap collector burrows into the jumble to forage for sellable recyclables.

7. It is a pity that some media are tempted to jumble the two concepts together.

8. The studio's properties storeroom No 1 is part storeroom and part jumble.

9. The modestly sized lawn holds a soccer net and a colorful plastic jumble of children's toys.

10. Vila Mimosa is now a chaotic jumble of modest homes jammed side by side.

jumble的反义词jumble 英英释义


1. a theory or argument made up of miscellaneous or incongruous ideas

Synonym: patchworkhodgepodge

2. small flat ring-shaped cake or cookie

Synonym: jumbal

3. a confused multitude of things

Synonym: cluttermuddlefuddlemare's nestweltersmother


1. bring into random order

Synonym: scramblethrow together

2. assemble without order or sense

e.g. She jumbles the words when she is supposed to write a sentence

Synonym: confusemix up

3. be all mixed up or jumbled together

e.g. His words jumbled

Synonym: mingle