

trace:[英 [treɪs] 美 [tres] ]


过去式:traced;   过去分词:traced;   现在分词:tracing;   复数形式:traces;

trace 基本解释

及物动词跟踪,追踪; 追溯,探索; 探索; 查找

不及物动词沿着一小径或道路前进; 可以追溯的

名词痕迹; 痕迹,踪迹; 微量,极少量; [植](脉)迹

trace 相关例句


1. In spite of the mist the sailors could trace the outline of an island.


2. The post office tried to trace the lost letter.


3. They traced the criminal to a house in the city.




1. There was barely a trace of salt in the soup.


2. They searched the building but did not find any trace of the criminal.


trace 网络解释

1. 追查:警察叔叔如果要确定(identify)网上某段反动言论的发出者,有效的一招(an effective way)是追查(trace)发贴人的ID. 不错,此ID正是identity(身份)之缩写. 警察叔叔(该叔叔事儿怎么这么多?)有时还检查(check)老百姓的ID card,

2. 追踪:Mozilla表示,目前TraceMonkey追踪(trace)演算法仍存在一些诟病,导致性能无法完全提升,尤其是递回的循环语句时,无法正确执行,Firefox因此会退回解释执行方式.

3. trace:transition region and coronal explorer; 赤基黄道仪


4. trace:task reporting and current evaluation; 工作报告及当前鉴定

5. trace的近义词

5. trace:transaction control and encoding; 事物处理控制和编码

6. trace在线翻译

6. trace:tolls recording and computing equipment; 长途电话纪录与计算设备

trace 双语例句

1. Several adults were taken in traps. Thereafter no trace of the screwworm could

年的2 月。几周过后,人们又捕获了几只成虫,此后就再没有发现螺旋锥

2. The main sterol in the rice bran oil deodorizer distillate was stigmasterol, campesterol and sitosterol, but the total sterol content was only 0.32%. In addition, the deodorizer distillate contained a trace of germanical sterol, lanosterol, stigmastan-3, 5-diene etc.


3. Here we trace the reasons of Mr.


4. trace

4. Chromiun is an essential trace element for anlmals, and it is a significant component of Glucose Tolerance Factor.


5. Chromium is one of the essential trace elements and the most important component of glucose tolerance factor.

铬是人体必需的微量营养元素之一,是人体内葡萄糖耐量因子(glucose tolerance factor,GTF)的重要组成成分。

6. When you abandon it, it is after all just a seed; When you do give up its responsibilities, it will die, and even your life to add a trace of haze; If you Like it when in full bloom, with pride unplug it, you will receive the fruits of someone else and regret it later, did not want the responsibility to re-do time, no chance.


7. Religion is a universal phenomenon extending as far back in history as we can trace human activity and showed among people in every part of the world.


8. The analysis method about ultra-trace PGE in rock samples is successfully used in the study on the characteristic of PGE in Kudi ophiolite suite and the following conclusions are made:(1) The difference of the mantle normalization of PGE patterns between dunite, harzburgite and lherzolite in Kudi indicates that they are residual of multi-stage partial melt of the mantle.


9. Trace element exhibits enrichment of LREE and antipathic elements. Trace element spidergram of obvious right deviation and extremely high containing of Sr, Zr and Hf are different from the negative anomaly of dunite which lies the bottom of ophiolite, but has weak positive anomaly.


10. trace的翻译

10. Lab. Scale purification and trace analysis for CuPC, metal impurities less than 10 ppm.

CuPC之实验室纯化技术及微量不纯物分析,各别金属不纯物小于10 ppm。

11. Zhejiang achievements pawn company will build a harmonious, based on the company to trace the scale and effectiveness of the balanced business development and coordination of risk prevention, scientific decision-making and law firms unified, innovative products and improve the efficiency of the service, incentive and restraint with the people-oriented management fair, in order to create a harmonious society for their due contributions.


12. For both the theoretical and actual procession show that reflection coefficient and wavelet convolution can not get synthetic record seismic trace on the scale of 2〓, so, all forward calculation should be projected from the scale of 2〓 to the scale of 2〓.


13. Randomicity and intermittence of wind speed make power system dispatch become difficulty. The paper presents a two-layer strategy for wind power system dispatch and regulation. The strategy can revise pre-dispatch scheme for traditional generators in online dispatch time scale and trace the fluctuation of real-time power output by regulating the AGC generators related to wind generators in AGC time scale.

针对风速的随机性和间歇性对电力系统调度与控制带来的困难,提出一种风电系统有功调度的二层结构调控策略,即在在线调度周期内,借助系统内常规发电机组的配合对预调度周期内的发电计划进行再校正以及在自动控制时间级内通过与风电机组紧密关联的自动发电控制(automation generation control,AGC)机组的实时偏差调控对在线调度计划外的功率波动进行调整的策略。

14. trace的意思

14. Software Description: About Matrix Calculator, Operations include transpose, invert, scale, compute determinant and trace, adjoint, multiply, add and subtract.

Matrix Calculator 包括转置矩阵、转换、比例、决定因素和描述估计、伴随矩阵、增值、加和减运算操作。

15. It is the trace of a pomp, of course!


16. trace的解释

16. And leave not a trace of the day?


17. Let the tears哭出the summer sun dried, sun-Seamless, no trace.


18. Their expertise, experience and modern equipment enable them to trace any defects in a timely manner.


19. Also, we have inbuilt Trace object to enable and disable the tracing dynamically.


20. You must add at least one general trace provider or enable the system trace provider.


trace 词典解释

1. 追溯;查考;探索

If you trace the origin or development of something, you find out or describe how it started or developed.

e.g. The exhibition traces the history of graphic design in America from the 19th century to the present...


e.g. I first went there to trace my roots, visiting my mum's home island of Jamaica…


2. 查出;探出;找到

If you trace someone or something, you find them after looking for them.

e.g. Police are anxious to trace two men seen leaving the house just before 8am...


e.g. We are currently trying to trace the whereabouts of certain sums of money…


3. (用手指或脚尖等在表面上)勾画…的轮廓,描绘,勾勒

If you trace something such as a pattern or a shape, for example with your finger or toe, you mark its outline on a surface.


e.g. I traced the course of the river on the map.


4. (把透明纸覆盖在底样上)映描,描摹

If you trace a picture, you copy it by covering it with a piece of transparent paper and drawing over the lines underneath.


e.g. She learned to draw by tracing pictures out of old storybooks.


5. 少许;微量

A trace of something is a very small amount of it.


e.g. Wash them in cold water to remove all traces of sand...


e.g. He took great pains to write on his subject without a trace of sensationalism.


6. 痕迹;遗迹;踪迹;足迹

A trace is a sign which shows you that someone or something has been in a place.

e.g. The local church has traces of fifteenth-century frescoes…

当地教堂仍留有 15 世纪壁画的遗迹。

e.g. There's been no trace of my aunt and uncle...


7. 销声匿迹;迅速沉寂

If you say that someone or something sinks without trace or sinks without a trace, you mean that they stop existing or stop being successful very suddenly and completely.


e.g. The Social Democratic Party has sunk without trace at these elections...


e.g. Pop groups are like Olympic swimmers — they hit gold once, then they sink without trace.


相关词组:trace back

trace 单语例句trace的翻译

1. Gasquet said he had a hair sample tested by an independent lab " which showed no trace of cocaine ".

2. It is a complex carbohydrate and it also has its own store of trace minerals and vitamins.

3. No " cash transaction " is used, therefore eliminating any trace of foul play.

4. Certainly it is true that the festival we largely celebrate has its roots in Christianity, although some elements trace back further.

5. Million of people are obsessed with chocolate for its softness and sweetness, but few know that chocolate is also rich in one trace element - copper.

6. The circular says the move is meant to better use and trace donations.

7. The Bancroft clan trace their ownership of Dow Jones to Clarence Barron, a Dow Jones correspondent who bought control of the company in 1902.

8. The administration said that it would " comb every corner " and trace every single bottle of the " Xinfu " drug.

9. Please ask anyone if they can find any trace of Communism at least one hundred miles radio from Washington.

10. Red River says it inputs crayfish information into database to enable consumers to trace all the information of a certain crayfish by computer.
