

pepsin:[英 [ˈpepsɪn] 美 ['pepsɪn] ]


pepsin 基本解释



pepsin 网络解释

1. 胃蛋白酶:4.2 胃蛋白酶(Pepsin) 主要用于细胞间质或基底膜抗原的修复. 一般浓度为0.4%,37℃作用30min. 配法:0.4g胃蛋白酶溶于0.lmol/L HCl水溶液中. 免疫组化染色的显色是最后的关键问题,一般辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)的检测系统选用DAB或AEC显色系统进行显色.

2. 胃蛋白:1、 黏膜所分泌的黏液中的黏液素(Mucin)是属于那一种复合蛋白质:10、消瘦症(Marasmus)是饮食中缺乏:(B)小麦中的蛋白质是壳蛋白(Glutelios)15、胃蛋白(Pepsin)可断裂那一种氨基酸接合之胜肽键:

3. pepsin

3. 胃液素:蛋白质污垢:将电极浸泡在含0.4%HCL和0.5%胃液素(pepsin)的脱离子水中数小时. 银化合物污垢(标志现象为隔膜变黑):将电极没入含0.4%HCL和7%硫腺(thiourca)的脱离子水中,直至隔膜黑色逐渐消失. 该过程通常需要至少1小时.

4. 胃蛋白酶[助消化药]:Peplomycin 培洛霉素[抗生素类药] | Pepsin 胃蛋白酶[助消化药] | Pepstatin 胃酶抑素[胃蛋白酶抑制药]

pepsin 双语例句


1. Of, relating to, or involving pepsin.


2. The characterization of crude extractions containing antifungal substances indicated that the antifungal activity was thermostable, tolerant to basic pH, untolerant to acid pH, unsensible to proteinase K and pepsin.


3. Both mutant and wild type were inhibited by pepstatin and Ascaris pepsin inhibitor with similar Ki values.


4. The optimal salinity of yearling and 2-year-old fish are both 18‰ based on amylase activity; Pepsin activities of both ages have a similar variation trend with water salinity; Trypsin activity of yearling fish increase sharply within 2 days in 8‰ and then decrease, There is a slight drop followed by an elevation in trypsin activity of 2-year-old fish.



5. We chose a-amylase which is important in digestion of amylum and saccharide as well as pepsin and trypsin that play key role in digestion of proteins.


6. Protein hydrolysates were produced by hydrolyzing isolated soy protein with enzymes including flavourzyme, alcalase, trypsin, chymotrypsin and pepsin for 12 h, respectively. Each hydrolysate was measured its recovery and evaluated its relative cholesterol uptake in Caco-2 cells. The higher the recovery represented the higher the yield. The lower the RCU revealed the higher the cholesterol absorption inhibition. The result indicated that intact ISP could further decrease its RCU by hydrolyzing with any of these enzymes. Flavourzyme-ISP hydrolysate had the lowest RCU of 37% and maintained the highest recovery of 58% than the others.

蛋白质水解物藉由flavourzyme、alcalase、trypsin、chymotrypsin和pepsin等酵素分别水解分离大豆蛋白 12 h而制备出来,每一种水解物均测定其回收率与评估其在Caco-2细胞中的相对胆固醇吸收率,回收率愈高代表水解物的产率愈高,而RCU愈低显示水解物对细胞的胆固醇吸收抑制效果愈高,结果指出ISP藉由上述任何一种酵素的水解均可进一步降低细胞的RCU,其中以flavourzyme-ISP水解物具有最低的RCU为37%,并可维持最高的回收率达58%。

7. Comparing with the wild CpeS, the lyase activity of CpeS(H22V) is 14.5%. The phycocyanobilin peptides were obtained from the naturalβ-CPC, β-PEC, APC and reconstituted PCB-CpcB(C155I), PCB-PecB (C155I), PCB-α-APC, PCB-β-APC hydrolyzed by pepsin, respectively.


8. In vitro, anthraquinone or glycosides of anthraquinone from Rheum palmatum L. had no action on the activity of pepsin.



9. Results: The best conditions for the extraction was pepsin enzyme, pH=2, 700 U/g, 39℃ and 4 hours.

结果:水牛角最佳酶解工艺为:胃蛋白酶,pH=2,加酶量700 U/g,温度39℃,时间4 h。

10. BC can insert the hydrophobic cavity of pepsin in special direction, and the average spatial distance between BC and tyrosine is smallest.


11. Results Tiaowei Xiaozhi Pills in the dosages of 700 mg/kg and 350 mg/kg can diminish the amount of gastric juice and pH level and increase pepsin level.

结果 调胃消滞丸高、中剂量(700,350 mg/kg)能明显减少湿阻证模型大鼠胃液分泌量、降低胃液pH值、增加胃液总酸度及明显提高胃蛋白酶的活力。

12. pepsin的近义词

12. Thirdly, further investigations on the collagen enzyme-degrading reaction with AS1.398 neutral protease and pepsin were undergone in details.


13. Pepsin Enzyme from a pig's stomach, used like rennet.


14. A substance containing pepsin, obtained from the stomachs of hogs and calves and used as a digestive aid.


15. Pepsin digestibility - Incubate a sample of feed with pepsin and monitor nitrogen release.



16. As a result, pepsin was choosen to hydrolyse casein.


17. Calf rennet, consisting of mainly chymosin with a small but variable proportion of pepsin, is a relatively expensive enzyme and various attempts have been made to find cheaper alternatives from microbial sources These have ultimately proved to be successful and microbial rennets are used for about 70% of US cheese and 33% of cheese production world-wide.


18. Glands in the stomach lining make pepsin ogen, a zymogen converted to pepsin by the hydrochloric acid in gastric juice.


19. pepsin什么意思

19. The result showed that the combination of Trypsin and Pepsin performed a better hydrolytic effect on gluten, The optimum conditions are as follows: Trypsin at pH8.0, 50℃, S%=12.8% and E%=9% for 6 hours, then Pepsin at pH2.0, 40℃ and E%=5% for 5 hours.


20. pepsin是什么意思

20. Chlorella is one of the highest natural sources of DNA and RNA, and contains many different types of enzymes such as chlorophyllase and pepsin, 19 amino acids, including the eight essential amino acids, 20 different vitamins and minerals and most of the B complex.

绿藻是其中一种含有最丰富DNA及RNA的植物,还有多种酵素如chlorophyllase and pepsin、超过20种的维他命及矿物质、全维他命B杂、8种必需氨基酸等。

pepsin 英英释义


1. an enzyme produced in the stomach that splits proteins into peptones