

observance:[英 [əbˈzɜ:vəns] 美 [əbˈzɜ:rvəns] ]



observance 基本解释

名词庆祝; 惯例; 遵守,奉行; (宗教的,正式的)仪式


observance 网络解释

1. 遵守:observation#观察 | observance#遵守 | helpless#无助的

2. 遵守惯例:observance 习惯 | observance 遵守;惯例 | observance 遵守惯例

3. 惯例:observable condition 可观测条件 | observance 惯例 | observance 遵守

4. 习惯:observance of good seamanship 遵行良好船艺 | observance 习惯 | observance 遵守;惯例

observance 双语例句

1. They established colleges for the sons of princes and nobles, and schools for the common people; and the children of Protestant parents were drawn into an observance of popish rites.


2. Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Chabad, Lubavitch worldwide Jewish movement, stated that the observance of Noahide Laws by all humankind will be a principle force bring about universal peace and the Messianic Redemption.


3. New productis produced on - technology with the observance of production standards 110- nm process (it is important to note that Staccato was possible to manage without the application of a gallium arsenide for high-frequency units).

新产品是生产技术-技术与遵守生产标准1 10-纳米工艺(重要的是要注意到,方佳是可能的管理不适用的砷化镓高频单位)。

4. No liability shall rest with the owner or the manager of the vessel or with the owner or operator of the aircraft, as such, by reason of contravention of the foregoing provision except in the case where he has expressly forbidden its observance.


5. Although there is no need of another approval for the validity and reality of the same letter, however, to provide an ampler surety so that observance may be firmer and abolition more difficult, greater strength will be given to it by the approval of so many fathers.


6. In 1663 it received an important member in the person of Abbot de Rancé, who introduced the Strict Observance into the Abbey of La Trappe in the Diocese of Séez, adding to it other very severe practices.

在1663年收到的一个重要成员的人的住持德河,谁介绍了严格遵守的修道院,在香格里拉大霉教区的Séez ,增加了它的其他非常严重的做法。

7. The reason why the prophet can not be credited with the authorship of this passage, though in form and content it is not unlike Jeremiah, is the high value put upon the observance of holy days, which is wholly foreign to the prophet.


8. If this apotheosis of individuation is to be ready in normative terms, we may infer that there is one norm only: the individual—or, more precisely the observance of the limits of the individual: sophrosyne.


9. This means that all important process dimensions were scaled down under observance of geometric similarity.


10. Christians were at one regarding the weekly observance of the Sunday and the Friday, which was primitive, but the annual Easter festival was something superimposed by a process of natural development, and it was largely influenced by the conditions locally existing in the different Churches of the East and West.


11. Absolute uniformity of discipline, observance, and habit, after the pattern of the royal monastery, was then the general scheme which was launched at an assembly of all the abbots at Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle) in 817 and embodied in a series of eighty capitula passed by the meeting.


12. A nutty British official in charge of Malta put Sabbath observance ahead of unloading ships, at terrible cost. Another nearly lost the vital battle for Kohima, the gateway to India, because he wanted to keep to peacetime rules restricting the use of barbed wire.


13. observance的近义词

13. For those years, world food day observance last week, VOA reports examined the current costs of hunger.


14. observance的近义词

14. Upon the Closing, the Company shall charge 20% of Ordinary Shares in favor of the Investors as a continuing security for the due and punctual performance and observance by the Company of all the obligations of the Company


15. Besides, this is simply a mission of observance.


16. Who said that the observance of silence...


17. observance的翻译

17. In course of time old customs and observance s tend to fall into neglect.


18. True freedom consists with the observance of law.


19. observance的反义词

19. Here is where the occasion of the observance.


20. observance的意思

20. The weakest points are the position selecting, blocking and covering. 1.4 On the top 7 in the 28th Olympics the supplementary defense awareness is weak and the players tend to wait rather than offend. the defense is weak, with weak observance, positioning, supplementing, blocking.


observance 词典解释

1. (对法律、习俗等的)遵守,奉行

The observance of something such as a law or custom is the practice of obeying or following it.


e.g. Local councils should use their powers to ensure strict observance of laws.


observance 单语例句observance是什么意思

1. The country is expected to reduce 10 percent of damages caused by natural disasters, and is able to design and produce small satellites for the earth observance.

2. The pact also calls for active participation of international cooperation and exchanges in this regard, as well as observance ofinternational agreements signed by China.

3. That discovery set off a round of international demands for investigations and reform of Iraqi police practices to ensure observance of human rights.

4. They gathered in Tokyo before starting to call on audience to make joint efforts to keep peace through the observance of Japan's pacifist constitution.

5. Trading was closed in New York on Tuesday in observance of Independence Day.

6. That act made pilgrims going to the temple angry because they had released the eels in observance of a religious day.

7. Observance of trials by the general public has been facilitated with bulletins before trials and simplified procedures for attending trials.

8. Local people's congresses at different levels ensure the observance and implementation of the Constitution, the statutes and the administrative rules and regulations in their respective administrative areas.

9. At the core of such a diplomatic philosophy is sensitivity to other's concerns as well as observance of the decencies of the international community.

10. The pact also calls for active participation of international cooperation and exchanges in this regard, as well as observance of international agreements signed by China.

observance 英英释义


1. the act of observing

taking a patient look

Synonym: observationwatching

2. conformity with law or custom or practice etc.

Synonym: honoring

3. the act of noticing or paying attention

e.g. he escaped the notice of the police

Synonym: noticeobservation

4. a formal event performed on a special occasion

e.g. a ceremony commemorating Pearl Harbor

Synonym: ceremonyceremonialceremonial occasion