

espy:[英 [eˈspaɪ] 美 [ɪˈspaɪ] ]


过去式:espied;   过去分词:espied;   现在分词:espying;

espy 基本解释


espy 相关例句


1. We espied a number of canoes.



2. There were beautiful young girls, who trembled lest their mothers should espy them.


espy 网络解释


1. 看到:esprit 才气 | espy 看到 | Esq. 男性敬称

2. 望见:esprit 团体精神 | espy 望见 | esquimau 爱斯基摩人语

3. espy什么意思

3. (从远处等)突然看到:puppy 小狗;幼小的动物 | espy (从远处等)突然看到 | lapidary 宝石工,宝石专家

4. 突然看到 窥视:simper 傻笑 假笑 | espy 突然看到 窥视 | leer 秋波 抛媚眼

espy 双语例句

1. After he had slumber'd, rather than slept, about half an Hour, he wak'd again, and comes out of the Cave to me; for I had been milking my Goats, which I had in the Enclosure just by: When he espy'd me, he came running to me, laying himself down again upon the Ground, with all the possible Signs of an humble thankful Disposition, making a many antick Gestures show it: At last he lays his Head flat upon the Ground, close to my Foot, and sets my other Foot upon his Head, as he had done before; and after this, made all the Signs to me of Subjection, Servitude, and Submission imaginable, to let me know, how he would serve me as long as he liv'd; I understood him in many Things, and let him know, I was very well pleas'd with him; in a little Time I began to speak to him, and teach him to speak to me; and first, I made him know his Name should be Friday, which was the Day I sav'd his Life; I call'd him so for the Memory of the Time; I likewise taught him to say Master, and then let him know, that was to be my Name; I likewise taught him to say, YES, and No, and to know the Meaning of them; I gave him some Milk, in an earthen Pot, and let him see me Drink it before him, and sop my Bread in it; and I gave him a Cake of Bread, to do the like, which he quickly comply'd with, and made Signs that it was very good for him.


2. espy的意思

2. Where love fails, we espy all faults.


3. Is it you I espy jog ging in the park this morning?



4. There were many antiques which we could espy the great culture.


5. Is it you I espy jogging in the park this morning?


6. I refer to his girl, Polly Espy.


7. In all this great serenity of ocean it is seldom that we espy so much as another ship.


8. espy

8. Be it you I espy jogging in the park this morning.


9. After a week of rest, Andy will hit the ESPY awards at the Kodak Theater in Los Angeles tonight before heading off to other commitments in California, among them being a commercial shoot for one of his sponsors More on that to come later!


10. Right before I left, ESPN called me and asked if I would like to help them out at the Playboy Mansion, and if I would mind spending some time with Brooke Burke and Tom Brady.

在我要离开前,ESPY打电话问我是否可以帮助他们在Playboy大厦和Brooke Burke及Tom Brady做一个活动。

11. In 2000 he won the Prince of Asturias Award in Sports.

他还被美国联合通讯社评选为2002-2005年的年度最佳男运动员。,他同时还获得了2003-2006年由ESPN 颁发的ESPY最佳男运动员奖,以及2003年BBC年度最佳海外运动员奖。

12. espy在线翻译

12. From the nation's hottest clubs and eventslike the X-Games and ESPY Awards, to headlining parties at the Playboy Mansion and opening forartists like Fat Joe and Busta Rhymes Kris P. does it all. Kris P., Pioneer Electronics'hottest DVJ artist not only rocks the house on the 1's and 2's, he

他参加过全国最火爆的club和活动的演出,象X-Games 和 ESPY 颁奖典礼,还有与Fat Joe,Busta Rhymes这类艺术家一起在Playboy公司大厦举行的派对开幕仪式的上作表演。

13. Therefore, the analysis base on the fantasy theme analysis to break the fantasy theme and the rhetorical vision which made by KMT after the gundown after 319, it also espy the KMT supporters'opinions of the gundown of 319 in the discourse. We can also evaluate the persuasion of KMT discourses.


14. Here, from a window, did Guinevere espy a knight standing in a woodman's cart.


15. If the Dow's next close above 8000 falls shy of 8083, however, the chartists might espy a'head and shoulders'pattern which can foretell difficulty ahead.


16. I had long coveted Polly espy.


17. There were beautiful young girls, who trembled lest their mothers should espy them.


18. Forty years old was I when Moses the servant of the LORD sent me from Kadeshbarnea to espy out the land; and I brought him word again as it was in mine heart.


19. O inhabitant of Aroer, stand by the way, and espy; ask him that fleeth, and her that escapeth, and say, What is done?


espy 词典解释

1. 看到;注意到

If you espy something, you see or notice it.

e.g. Here, from a window, did Guinevere espy a knight standing in a woodman's cart.


espy 单语例句

1. Jackson will return as host of the ESPY Awards for the fourth time this summer.

2. Bryant attended the ESPY Awards in Los Angeles on Wednesday night, but avoided the media in his first public appearance since his arrest.

espy 英英释义



1. catch sight of

Synonym: descryspotspy