

decree:[英 [dɪˈkri:] 美 [dɪˈkri] ]


过去式:decreed;   过去分词:decreed;   现在分词:decreeing;   复数形式:decrees;

decree 基本解释


名词法令,命令; (法院的)判决,裁定; (教会的)教令

及物动词命令; 颁布…为法令; (命运)注定; 裁决

不及物动词发布命令; 注定

decree 相关例句


1. The minister decreed that there should be a full investigation.


2. decree的反义词

2. The committee decreed the movie unsuitable for children.



1. The court granted her a decree of divorce.


2. He is to be the new ambassador to Japan by decree of the government.


decree 网络解释


1. 政令:例如,法国在进行激烈的反对过后,最终通过和关于储存电子通讯数据的第2006-358号法国政令(decree)完成了转化. 而英国一直没有强制性的效据存留法,只是根据确立了自愿存储数据的制度,

2. decree

2. 判决:二)为了规范和强制执行合同义务,衡平法庭所将会发布命令(order)或者做出判决(decree)的,有以下一些:特定履行的意思是衡平法庭要求合同当事人一方严格依照合同履行义务的命令,指示他去做他在协议里曾经允诺去做的任何事,

decree 双语例句

1. It was Sebastian's way of saying the air conditioning was on too strongly at the Congress of Deputies, despite a 2007 decree to keep government buildings warmer in summer to save energy.


2. decree的意思

2. But in the first year of Cyrus the king of Babylon, King Cyrus made a decree to build this house of God.

5:13 然而巴比伦王古列元年,古列王降旨建造神的这殿。

3. Then the king made a decree that if anyone spoke against the true and living God, they should be destroyed.


4. Another controversial decree, although unobjectionable in its fundamental aim, would equalise the benefits provided by Colombia`s two parallel health systems.


5. Emperor Caesar Augustus, pontifex maximus, holding the tribunician power for the seventeenth time, proclaims: If any persons from the province of Cyrene have been honored with Roman citizenship I command that they nonetheless shall discharge their compulsory public services among the body of the Greeks in their proper turn, except those persons to whom by a law or by a decree of the Senate, by my father's or my own decree, the citizenship was granted with exemption from taxation.



6. The bill was presented to parliament in the form of a decree -- a method usually reserved for matters of the greatest urgency.


7. decree的近义词

7. By looking at the Hebraic numbers, we can perceive the revelation we need to decree a new thing.


8. decree

8. By official decree, only such a cognac has the right to be called a fine champagne cognac.



9. A decree or an edict, as of a ruler.


10. The hall is a place for a county magistrate issuing a decree, holding a major ceremony and hearing of the case.


11. decree的解释

11. Hui - neng's branch dominated in the long run, and by 796 an imperial decree settled the matter in his favor posthumously.


12. That is a legacy of Napoleon, who codified the curriculum—classics, history, rhetoric, logic, maths and physics—by an imperial decree in 1808. Just don't expect all of next year's school-leavers to know that.


13. Soon after Ricci`s death in 1610, an imperial decree asked the foreign missionaries to present proposals for the reform of the Chinese calendar and to translate European scientific books into Chinese.


14. Upon completion, the field of five in the capital invited Babajin 匾an imperial decree, the hanging wall in the middle of the north hall, which both sides arejin 匾donated by celebrities.


15. decree在线翻译

15. A decree of Augustus in favour of Jews was supposed to be framed for those at Ancyra, in Galatia.

一项法令奥古斯都赞成犹太人被认为是制定那些在Ancyra ,在加拉提亚。


16. In such decree ghastly eve at lower, every family very clean, without any mark line, hard work, and the people.



17. High, It is essential to prevent the MOF and then decree the rate of death.


18. This decree has the force of law behind it.


19. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to million of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice.


20. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice.


decree 词典解释

1. 法令;政令

A decree is an official order or decision, especially one made by the ruler of a country.

e.g. In July he issued a decree ordering all unofficial armed groups in the country to disband...

他于 7 月份下令解散国内所有的非正式武装组织。

e.g. He is prepared to use his recently-acquired powers to introduce reform by presidential decree.


2. 决定;规定;命令;颁布

If someone in authority decrees that something must happen, they decide or state this officially.

e.g. The UN Security Council has decreed that the election must be held by May...


e.g. The king decreed a general amnesty.


3. 判决;裁决

A decree is a judgment made by a law court.

e.g. ...court decrees.


decree 单语例句

1. The referendum was planned to run in two stages, according to a republican decree issued by Morsi on Wednesday.

2. The decree is to replace the censorship rules which the regime put in place in April last year.

3. Ukraine has been plunged into crisis by a presidential decree dissolving parliament and calling a new election to the chamber next month.

4. Premier Wen signed Decree No 433 of the State Council, allowing Tung to leave his post as HKSAR chief executive as of yesterday.

5. The decree also says that the municipal government will pay the tuition for civil servants willing to earn a diploma in their spare time.

6. " The luxury tax can be levied with just an administrative decree from the Executive Yuan, " Lai argued.

7. It has announced it will hear challenges to the presidential decree's constitutionality on Tuesday.

8. After meeting to discuss Morsi's decree, the Supreme Court said on Monday its decisions were final and binding.

9. The decree includes a nighttime curfew and gives the government additional power to make arrests and launch military or police operations.

10. Yushchenko said he signed the decree on Monday to " preserve the state ".

decree的反义词decree 英英释义


1. a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge)

e.g. a friend in New Mexico said that the order caused no trouble out there

Synonym: edictfiatorderrescript


1. decide with authority

e.g. The King decreed that all firstborn males should be killed

Synonym: rule

2. issue a decree

e.g. The King only can decree