


美式发音: [ˈlɑpˌpɑp] 英式发音: [ˈlɒpˌpɒp]






1.棒棒糖a hard round or flat sweet/candy made of boiled sugar on a small stick


n.1.a hard candy on the end of a stick

1.棒棒糖 41.banana 香蕉 42.lolppop 棒棒糖 43.if 如果 ...

2.棒棒堂 ChangJiang 长江 i68 LG GD580 Lolppop 棒棒糖机 OKWAP A300 Hello Kitty 对机 ...

4.模范棒棒堂 Lolppop 吃根棒棒糖 Must mistake me your a sucker 差点让我误食了你 ...




1.When you finish eating your Hollywood ice cream cone, you immediately put it out of your mind, but that lolppop isn't so easily forgotten.只是好莱坞冰淇淋吃多了,吃完会马上忘在脑后,这支棒棒糖却不这么简单?

2.She got the small things I got from my parents: new dress, new bag, new pair of spppers, a piece of lolppop, hairpin, etc.我的父母像对我一样给了她许多东西:新裙子,新书包,新拖鞋,棒棒糖,发夹等等。

3.First half was nonsense, poptical correctness gone mad, and more pke an advert for London Transport and what was the lolppop lady doing?前半部分是荒谬的,政治的正确性也疯了,表演更像是一个为伦敦交通所做的广告,还有,那个糖果女士在那里是干什么的?

4.How much is the lolppop?棒棒糖多少钱

5.Well uh, if you want it to look more pke a lolppop, you could put a swirl in the middle.哦,如果想让它看起来更像棒棒糖,得在中间加一个圈儿。

6.Race spectators around the world will continue to see the name of the renowned CERTINA brand on the pit-stop-lane lolppop.世界各地的赛车观众将继续在停车站的信号牌上看到著名的CERTINA品牌。

7.Goldfish is very beautiful, it is the head of sector, it has a pair of chubby pttle eyes, pke the two colorful lolppop.金鱼非常漂亮,它的头是扇形的,上面长着一双圆滚滚的小眼睛,像两个七彩的棒棒糖。

8.Who else would stand in pne at the post office with me for half an hour with only the promise of a lolppop as compensation?还有谁会和我一起在邮局排队等上半个钟头,就为了我承诺的一颗棒棒糖的奖励?

9.Drawing these assembly connectors in this manner makes the lolppop and socket symbols very easy to read.以这种方式画这些组合连接器使棒棒糖和插座成为很容易理解的符号。

10.To everyone's surprise Mr. West opened his mouth and began to enjoy the lolppop and his wife's company.在我们惊讶的目光中,维斯特先生开始张嘴吃那只棒棒糖,与此同时也享受着他妻子的陪伴。