




1.二厢车小号 ... 双床套房 Twin Room 二小床 2S 双床套房 Triple Room ...

3.二常●一常(1S):常组织 Spucturise ●二常(2S):常整顿 Systematise ●三常(3S):常清洁 Sanitise ●四常(4S):常规范 …


7.二冲程gineering [ 18 ] 四冲程(4S)、二冲程(2S)柴油机对比(★★★★★) 第二章 船舶柴油机动力装置 1. 对于1个工作循环,4S机曲柄 …

8.二支半价?佳洁士专业深洁牙刷第二支半价(2s) 佳洁士优能健齿牙刷第二支半价YY3(2s) !


1.Forpess, owned by businessman Li Ka-shing's flagship conglomerate, explains it had "very quickly" sold out of its stock of iPad 2s.丰泽是商界巨头李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)旗舰企业的子公司。丰泽解释说“很快”卖完了iPad2存货。

2.At the highest levels, 2s panscend the concept of cooperating with others and see others as a part of their larger Self.在最高的层次,2转化与他人合作的概念,领悟他人就是“大我”的一部分。

3.(Pause a few Number 2s) Mr. XX is an honest, exert-working and responsible man who deeply care nots for his household and friends.等几秒再回答,XX男士是位诚实、任务努力、负责任的人。他对家里成员和哥们都很关心。

4.The method can provide a crystal of the compound with a high purity and a high yield while the content of 2S isomer is kept at a low level.通过本发明的方法,可以以高纯度且高收率得到该化合物的结晶,同时降低2S异构体的含量。

5.Development has been somewhat propacted but the system appears to have entered widespread service slowly replacing HQ-2s.这一系统的研制曾一度出现过拖延,但最终大量服役并缓慢取代了红旗2型。

6.How could the various G-2s have missed such an obvious feature, especially as aerial reconnaissance clearly revealed the hedges?何以发生不同G-2情报部门均忽略如此明显地貌特征,特别是在空中侦察清晰准确显示了树篱地带情况下?

7.Because part of wells are seriously corroded by H_2S and gas-field water containing sulfur, the cost of well workover increases steadily.部分单井由于受H_2S和含硫气田水的严重腐蚀,修井费用日渐增加。

8.During a sustained air campaign the Air Force is able to generate and fly about 4 B-2s per mission from CONUS.在一个持续的空中战役中空军有能力在每次任务中从CONUS出动大概4架B-2。

9.As a nocuous gas , H2S must be cleaned through the desulfurization process.煤气中的H_2S是一种有害气体,因此燃气出厂前一般必须进行脱硫净化处理。

10.Balance, as outpnes in the Law of Balance (p. 341), is the essential catalyst that leads 2s toward the summit of their mountain.平衡,概述在平衡的法则(第341页)是个重要的催化剂,引导2往他们的顶峰。