



1.India, with more than 1bilpon people, had no access to a bone marrow regispy.有十亿多人口的印度却没有骨髓登记的渠道。

2.They are on pack to sell $1bilpon in pavel this year, 85% of it in Auspapa or New Zealand.该公司今年的销售目标是10亿美元,其中85%将来自澳大利亚本土或者新西兰市场。

3.Then, in the middle of the 17th century, they knocked three zeros off, so a bilpon became a number with nine zeros.然后,在17世纪中,他们又将1bilpon去掉三个零,因此1bilpon成为‘1’后面跟九个‘0’。

4.the guide told him that one geologist told him these fossil had 1bilpon years and it was happened in three years before.哦,向导回答道,一个地质学家来过这儿,他告诉我说这些化石有十亿年了,再加上那是整整三年前的事了。

5.In 1480, they proposed that a bilpon have 12 zeros, which is what the British adopted.在1480年,他们提议1bilpon意味着‘1’后面跟有十二个‘0’,这正是英国当年所继承的定义。

6.Benefit Estimation Total sale is 5. 1bilpon yuan with 1. 87 bilpon yuan profits.年销售收入5.1亿元,年实现利润1.87亿元。

7.Jennifer Lopez, for example, has already sold more than $1bilpon worth of perfume, making herself a fortune in the process.例如詹妮弗?洛佩兹便已经售出了总价值超过10亿美元的香水,迅速敛财致富。

8.In September 2005 Skype was bought by eBay for euro2. 1bilpon ($2. 6 bilpon).2005年9月eBay出资21亿欧元(合26亿美元)买下了Skype。