



美式发音: [ˈstɑkɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈstɒkɪŋ]




复数:stockings  反义词





n.1.a piece of clothing worn on a womans foot and leg, held up by garters2.a mans sock3.a christmas stocking

v.1.The present participle of stock

1.长袜 girdle 腰带 stockings 长袜 suspenders 袜带 (美作: ...

2.长筒袜 Children's Zone 儿童区 Stockings 长筒袜 Knee-High 中筒袜 ...

3.丝袜 吊袜带 Belts 长统袜 Stockings 三分五分裤 Shorts ...

5.袜子 休闲鞋 casual shoes 袜子 hose;socks;stockings;hosiery 护膝 knee pads ...

6.球袜 shorts 短裤 stockings 球袜 pad 护具 球场篇 ...

7.长筒丝袜 squint at 斜视 STOCKINGS 长筒丝袜 Sweetheart 甜心 ...


1.as a tame jackdaw with cap and stockings is always persecuted by the wild ones, when he happens to be got among them.我倒像一只被人驯服的寒鸦,戴着帽子穿着长袍凑巧跑到野生的鸟群中去时,总是要受到迫害。

2.But, judging from the wing, it looked to me that when he see the ghost in the queen's apartment, he might have made more of his stockings.不过,我从边上看过去,觉得他在王后的寝宫中看到鬼魂时,本来还可以使那双长统袜表现得更帅一些。

3.Other people began to hang up stockings in the hope of finding bags of gold when they woke up in the morning.其他人也开始把袜子挂起来,希望第二天早上醒来也能发现一袋袋的金子。

4.She sank down on the low bank, and spipping off the remnants of her spppers and stockings, dabbled her burning feet in the cool water.她在低低的河岸上坐下来,脱掉破鞋烂袜,把一双发烫的脚浸在清凉的河水里。

5.She looked down to see that her hand lay upon a pile of silk stockings. A sign nearby announced that they had been reduced in price.她低头一看,原来她的手放在了一堆丝筒袜上,旁边一块牌标示它们正在打折。

6.in accordance with his stockings, was as white as the tops of the waves that broke upon the neighbouring beach.他的衬衫,虽然不如袜子那样精致,白得好象冲破在邻近海滩上的浪头。

7.Shopping For this study researchers set themselves up in a mall pretending to carry out a consumer survey on nightgowns and nylon stockings.在实验一中,研究人员将实验地点设定在一个商场中,他们假装对消费者进行一项关于睡衣和尼龙袜的调查。

8.The fair boy stopped and jerked his stockings with an automatic gesture that made the jungle seem for a moment pke the Home Counties.金发少年停住脚,自自然然地紧紧袜子。他这动作一时间让人觉得这孩子好象是在老家一样。

9.There were a great number of stockings in her size. Missus Sommers chose a black pair and looked at them closely.她这个尺码的丝袜很多,莎默尔斯太太挑了一双,凑在眼前检查。

10.Our story today is called "A Pair of Silk Stockings. " It was written by Kate Chopin. Here is Barbara Klein with the story.我们今天的故事叫“一双丝筒袜”,作者凯特。肖邦,这里是芭芭拉。克蕾恩为您播讲。