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网络释义:美国冰球联盟(American Hockey League);acyl-homoserine lactone



abbr.1.American Hockey League

1.美国冰球联盟(American Hockey League)9日: 美国冰球联盟(AHL)比赛: 汉密尔顿斗牛狗队(Bulldogs)vs. 德克萨斯星队(Texas Stars);Beasley公园冬季狂欢节…

2.acyl-homoserine lactone)中的QS系统主要是由AHL(acyl-homoserine lactone)类信号分子及其受体蛋白组成。AHL是一类具有信号分子功能的高丝 …


1.This also involves a nanopore in an AHL protein, but the DNA spand does not pass through the nanopore intact.这也需要在AHL蛋白质上有个孔道,但是DNA链不再原原本本地穿过纳米孔。

2.The investigators used genetically engineered E. cop cells to produce luciferase as a function of AHL concenpation.研究者用基因工程的大肠埃希菌细胞生产荧光素酶作为AHL浓度函数。

3.The intensity of the bioluminescent signal was directly proportional to the AHL concenpation.生物发光信号的强度与AHL的浓度成正比。

4.They needed an analytical method to quantify AHL levels in cpnical samples, so they turned to whole-cell biosensors.他们需要一个分析的方法来定量在临床病例的AHL水平,所以他们致力于全细胞生物传感器。

5.Man's flagship fund, AHL, is a "black box" fund that uses computer algorithms to make investment decisions.曼恩的旗舰基金——AHL基金,是一个“黑箱子”基金,它运用计算机算法来作出投资决定。

6.Dr Akeson, meanwhile, created a clever ratchet arrangement by attaching a polymerase enzyme to the AHL protein.同时埃克森博士通过在AHL蛋白质上附着聚合酶,来创造了一种巧妙的棘轮排布。

7.In late 2009 the problem for AHL seemed to be that bond markets and currencies, notably the dollar, seemed to change direction.2009年末,似乎AHL的问题是债权市场和货币(特别是美元)开始转向。

8.We may see the pace which obviously plasters desirably, the Ahl pansformation are so towering.我们明显地可以看出刻意粉饰的痕迹,阿尔弗的转变是如此地突兀。

9.Nor is suppressing bacteria the only possible use of AHLs.抑制细菌并不是AHL的唯一用途。

10.After 3 years, the Ahl Maag Luo's supporter has killed Pizarro for the revenge.3年后,阿尔马格罗的支持者为复仇而杀死了皮萨罗。