

wit:[英 [wɪt] 美 [wɪt] ]



wit 基本解释

名词机智; 才智,智慧; 富有机智的人; 打趣话,玩笑话

wit 同义词


wit 反义词


wit 相关例句


1. He wist out.



1. The beggar boy lived by his wits.


2. Keep your wits about you and swim to shore.


3. She hadn't the wit to say no.


4. wit

4. He had the wit to telephone the police.


wit 网络解释

1. 机智:他强调和分析了文学批评中的"讽刺感"(irony)和"机智"(wit)这些概念(18). 在一定意义上来说,袁可嘉是新批评在中国的当代传人. 遗憾的是,四十年代的文学,实际上成为政治力量用以进行相互斗争的方便的利器,

2. 智力:知识产品之中包括技术产品、认知知识(learning)产品、资讯(message)产品、智力(wit)产品. 搜索引擎是指用以搜寻信息(information)的功能模块. 狭义的威客(witkey)是指拥有较多知识产品和拥有较高知识产品生产力的个人或组织,

3. 心靈病房:如果妳发现自己连续好几天都穿著同一套睡衣,身边全都是餐厅的外带餐盒,看的全都是(Beaches)、(Wit) 这类电影,没关系,妳可以让自己放松一下,然后再振作起来!

4. wit:wateford insitute of technology; 沃特福德理工学院

5. wit的近义词

5. wit:web interactive talk; 环球网交互式谈话

6. wit是什么意思

6. wit:work improvement team; 工作促进小组

7. wit:wireless information terminal; 无线应用协议

wit 双语例句

1. The family wit, in my opinion, is as valuable as those precious grifts that presented them.


2. Read any kind of novel i like, sing, chit-chat wit fren, meet new fren...


3. And if thou refuse to let them go, behold, I will smite all thy borders wit

8:2 你若不肯容他们去,我必使青蛙糟蹋你的四境。

4. Next, WIT broke into fluid-transport applications where it proved able to provide smoother inner walls than gas.


5. Evidence of multicavity capability for WIT is this five-sided PP collapsible crate, which is molded in one tool in which four plates are cored out with water.


6. I admire your tenacity which is coupled with comedic wit and a caring spirit.


7. We have pleas ure in confirmi ng that we have booked your orde r for dis h washe r wit h t he specifications given i n your letter.



8. Is this just another example of his droll wit?


9. Therefore, the value of playing games in pre-school education is to make education a return for life of wit for children.

因此 ,游戏之于早期教育的价值就是使教育向儿童有灵性的生活回归

10. wit的翻译

10. In fashion, there are somethings that can`t be bourgt off the rack. Poise, wit and charisma.


11. In fashion, there are somethings that can't be bourgt off the rack. Poise, wit and charisma.


12. We want to help students find and hone their talents, their creativity, their wit and energy, so as to carve a career that makes an impact.


13. The Factor WIT system provides more than 2900 psi water pressure and flow rates to 1 liter/min.


14. The Factor WIT system provides more than 2900 psiwater pressure and flow rates to 1 liter/min.


15. Which when Abram had heard, to wit, that his brother Lot was taken, he numbered of the servants born in his house, three hundred and eighteen well appointed: and pursued them to Dan.


16. I am at my wit's end with this research paper.


17. The piece was a fastbreak of dry wit and self-deprecation. Worth it for Jeff Van Gundy interview alone.

纳什的这期采访充满了冷幽默和自嘲,单单从采访Jeff Van Gundy 那段就能看出来了。

18. wit

18. You don't, however, have to take responsibility for the joke, its wit or funniness or tact or potentially insulting or demeaning content; when you submit it we understand you offer it as an example of what this person thought was funny in this circumstance.


19. The Beijing wit-join movie and television culture Ltd. is the company that manage and invest primarily on film and television.


20. wit的近义词

20. Above a11.here is Lincoln's absolutely distinctive language, resonant with dignity, wit, and the uniquely American flavor with the bark on of his frontier origins.


wit 词典解释

1. (说话的)风趣,机智,巧妙

Wit is the ability to use words or ideas in an amusing, clever, and imaginative way.

e.g. Boulding was known for his biting wit...


e.g. They love her practical attitude to life, her zest and wit.


2. 风趣的人;机智的人

If you describe someone as a wit, you mean that they have the ability to use words or ideas in an amusing, clever, and imaginative way.

e.g. Holmes was gregarious, a great wit, a man of wide interests.


3. 头脑;智慧

If you say that someone has the wit to do something, you mean that they have the intelligence and understanding to make the right decision or take the right action in a particular situation.


e.g. The information is there and waiting to be accessed by anyone with the wit to use it.


4. 机智

You can refer to your ability to think quickly and cleverly in a difficult situation as your wits .

e.g. She has used her wits to progress to the position she holds today.


5. 把…吓得魂不附体

You can use wits in expressions such as frighten someone out of their wits and scare the wits out of someone to emphasize that a person or thing worries or frightens someone very much.


e.g. You scared us out of our wits. We heard you had an accident.


e.g. ...a huge bass drum which frightened the wits out of the organist each time it was banged.


6. 时刻保持警惕;随机应变

If you have your wits about you or keep your wits about you, you are alert and ready to act in a difficult situation.

e.g. Travellers need to keep their wits about them.


7. 智穷才尽;黔驴技穷;无计可施

If you say that you are at your wits' end, you are emphasizing that you are so worried and exhausted by problems or difficulties that you do not know what to do next.

e.g. We row a lot and we never have time on our own. I'm at my wit's end.


8. 与…斗智;与…比学问

If you pit your wits against someone, you compete against them in a test of knowledge or intelligence.


e.g. He has to pit his wits against an adversary who is cool, clever and cunning.


9. (用于更准确地描述)亦即,也就是

To wit is used to indicate that you are about to state or describe something more precisely.

e.g. He'd like 'happiness' to be given a new and more scientifically descriptive label, to wit 'Major affective disorder, pleasant type'.


10. battle of wits -> see battle

wit 单语例句

1. Some people believe the practice challenges the wit of the regulators as well as the conscience of a business person.

2. When Castle and Kable finally meet up there is a flash of the ironic wit that makes Hall so effective on Dexter.

3. Thanks to your charm and quick wit, you could be the center of attention as everyone clamors to be by your side.

4. A dish which was especially worthy of recommendation is the steamed cod fish wit h beancurd.

5. Italian newspapers described her Tuesday as a combative woman with an ironic wit who worked relentlessly for the needy.

6. Zhao's words stand out for their wit, freshness and communicative power.

7. Many people wondered what their lives were like, while also admiring their courage and wit.

8. How to launch a new and better drug control strategy is also a question that will test his wit and character.

9. The Phlegmatic corps shift their weight jazzily from one foot to the other, syncopated wit.

10. One wit on the Web wondered whether the counters had turned off their own apartment lights when they had gone out to do the counting.

wit 英英释义



1. mental ability

e.g. he's got plenty of brains but no common sense

Synonym: brainbrainpowerlearning abilitymental capacitymentality

2. a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter

Synonym: humorhumourwitticismwittiness

3. a witty amusing person who makes jokes

Synonym: wagcard