

wraith:[英 [reɪθ] 美 [reθ] ]



wraith 基本解释


名词幽灵; (传说中人在将死或死后不久的)显形阴魂


wraith 网络解释


1. 幽灵战机::穿盔甲的喷火兵 魔鬼(Ghost) 角色:间谍/特工 医务兵(Medic) 角色:战场上的医师 秃鹰战车(Vulture) 角色:清道夫气垫车 围攻坦克(Tank) 角色:移动火炮 巨型机器人(Goliath) 角色:攻击装甲车 幽灵战机(Wraith) 角色:太空超级战

2. wraith什么意思

2. 隐形飞机:当我拥有很强的坦克和机枪兵时,我便打退了他先前zergling和hydralisk的进攻,同时还使用了隐形飞机(wraith). 我未受重创便摧毁了他的分基地,挺进到主基地边上. 我开始狂造巡航舰(battlecruiser),以期能攻破他的防线.

wraith 双语例句

1. It can even sometimes just power right through base defenses which really the wraith couldn`t have handled in the original game.


2. The Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, the Games Workshop logo, Games Workshop, Warhammer, Arahan, Athel Loren, Beastmen, Bladesinger, Bretonnia, Branch Nymph, Branch wraith, Chaos, Cyanathair the Corruptor, Dryad, Drycha, Eternal Guard, Forest Dragon, Glade Guard, Glade Rider, Great Stag, Guardian, Highborn, Horsemaster, Kislev, Kurnous, Lord's Bowman, Malekith, Morgbur, the Master of Skulls, Naestra, Naggaroth, Noble, Orion, King in the Woods, Phoenix King Bel Shanaar, Shadow Sentinel, Sisters of Twilight, Spellsinger, Spellweaver, Tree Kin, Tree Kin Elder, Treeman, Treeman Ancient, Ulthuan, Wardancer, Warhawk, Warhawk Rider, Waywatcher, Wild Hunter, Wild Riders of Kurnous and all associated marks, names, characters, illustrations and Images from the Warhammer world are either? , TM and/or? Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2005, where applicable registered in the UK and oilier countries around the world, All Rights Reserved. British Cataloguing-in-Publication Data.

奇美拉,游戏兵工厂logo,Games Workshop,战锤,阿拉汗,艾瑟洛伦,兽人,剑吟者,巴托尼亚,林间仙女,树妖,混沌时代,Cyanathair the Corruptor,森林女神,树精,永恒卫队,森林龙,森林卫兵,森林骑兵,巨鹿,守护者,名门,驯马人,基辅,库尔纳斯,领主的射手兵,巫妖王梅肯丝,Morgbur,骷髅主,纳丝塔,纳戈路丝,贵族,森林之王奥利安,凤凰王贝尔姗娜,暗影哨兵,胞生姐妹,神圣诗人,魔法织造者,树怪,树怪长者,树人,远古树人,Ulthuan,战争舞女,战鹰,战鹰骑士,岗哨,野战猎人,库尔纳斯的山野骑兵,及所有相关的来自战锤世界的标志、名字、特征、插图说明和图片,均归属游戏兵工厂公司,版权所有。

3. Now that you have chosen the form of the Wraith, you must study.


4. At one point, Boxer has 4 Wraiths (2 cloaked, 2 uncloaked) and Anomia has 9 Scourge. 2 Scourge seek and destroy 1 Wraith. It looks bad for Boxer but he ingeniously takes the uncloaked Wraith and draws all 7 Scourge through dancing left to right, left to right, up and down with impressive micro.



5. Is it simply an ensorcelled walking tree a wood wraith or is it something more?


6. Is it simply an ensorcelled walking tree – a wood wraith – or is it something more?


7. wraith的解释

7. I do. Three times a week, I model for Robbie Wraith, an internationally renowned artist who studied in Florence under Pietro Annigoni.


8. You have some damaged enemy wraith shooting you and you go mad and hit R to repair the wraith.


9. There's an entire company of Brutes on the ground with Wraith tanks and Banshee reinforcements.


10. Theres an entire company of brutes on the ground with wraith tanks and banshee reinforcements.


11. The ground dropped away; the Wraith tanks looked like toys.


12. Wraith is invulnerable while shifted but can do no damage and cannot use abilities.


13. O Slightly decreased the Wraith`s chance to sync kill.

o 些微地减少了生魂的机会使~同步终止程式。

14. O Decreased the Wraith Claw damage against some buildings.

o 减少了对抗一些建筑物的生魂爪损失。

15. Mile away, gives forth a mere wraith of sound. Itswhistle is deadened as in a dense wood.


16. wraith

16. But we did make it back and prevented the Wraith from following us, and that is a success.


17. wraith

17. Wraith: I wouldn't do that if I was you, brother.


18. Wraith: I'm sorry, man.


19. You know you can repair enemy wraith right?


20. wraith的近义词

20. What we see is an illusion, a wraith.


wraith 词典解释

1. 鬼魂;幽灵

A wraith is a ghost.

e.g. That child flits about like a wraith.


wraith 英英释义


1. a mental representation of some haunting experience

e.g. he looked like he had seen a ghost

it aroused specters from his past

Synonym: ghostshadespookspecterspectre