

catheter:[英 [ˈkæθɪtə(r)] 美 [ˈkæθɪtɚ] ]



catheter 基本解释



catheter 网络解释

1. 导尿管:排尿(passing urine)会产生困难,如有必要,可使用导尿管(catheter)通入膀胱(bladder)以排出尿液. 血压可能会降低,所以需要静脉注射药物以维持血压. 有时,硬膜外麻醉会使人感到寒冷颤抖(shivery),此时可以要求盖毯子以保持热量.

2. 志管,导尿管:cathelectrode 阴极,负极 | catheter 志管,导尿管 | catheter adapter 导管接头

3. 耦合,联接:catena 灾变激光损伤阈值 | catheter 耦合,联接 | catheterising telescope 测高计

catheter 双语例句

1. catheter的翻译

1. Malignant hydropericardium; Central venous catheter; Medicine treatment


2. It is possible and safe to drain a lot of hydropericardium by pericardiocentesis and indwelling catheter.


3. Results The 28 pationts has been pulled out the urethral catheter and fistula after 3 to 4 weeks, undergone urethral; so unding on time, and followed up for 6 months to1year.


4. Results There was no difference in operation achievement ratio between the floating catheter group and the ordinary catheter group. But the operation time in floating catheter group was shorter than in ordinary catheter group. There were no difference in pacing parameter and severe complication between two groups.

结果 漂浮电极导管组与普通电极导管组手术成功率无统计学差异(97.9% vs 100.0%),但漂浮电极导管组实际耗时显著短于普通电极导管组,两组起搏阈值与感知灵敏度无显著差异,两组均无严重并发症的发生。

5. Methods 102 patients with severe bradycardia were divided into two groups. 48 patients were given floating catheter transvenously for temporary cardiac pacing at bedside, while 54 patients were given regular transvenous cardiac pacing under X-ray direction. Operation achievement ratio, operation time, pacing parameter and complication incidence were observed in both groups.


6. Is there any need for expanding the perineural space before catheter placement in continuous femoral nerve blocks?


7. BACKGROUND: Traditional detection methods of HIS-Bundle are hundreds of nestification of surface electrocardiogram, via esophagus or via intracardiac catheter. Developing the analyzing system of extract HIS Bundle signals from surface ECG is not only beneficial to clinical diagnosis, but also beneficial to animal drug experiments.


8. catheter的解释

8. A neuraxial or deep peripheral nerve catheter was inserted in 1553 (27%) patients and 78 (1.4%) patients, respectively.

置入轴索或深部周围神经留置导管的患者分别为1553 例(27%)和78 例(1.4%)。

9. To prevent vesicoureteral injury or necrosis, interventional performers should be familiar with image express, be skillful with catheter technique, select the proper catheter and emboli material, superselect artery of target organ.


10. All patients were instrumented with an arterial line and a pulmonaryartery catheter.



11. Continuous beat-to-beat arterial blood pressure monitoringwith a simultaneous arterial waveform display is typically achievedwith an invasive arterial catheter.


12. When you put your feet up on my bed, you tugged on my catheter.


13. Thus, there is fortunate that you, the text, you are no longer alone on this side of the rich in your metaphorical shape to encourage the hearts of a frustrated young people, you become a more open minds of the keys to her, led her depressed inner catheter, an emetic drug, of course, is not out of the filthy, it may be a Lotus.


14. The main products are: stainless steel plate shield, flexible organ-style shield, armor guard, automatic telescopic guard, towline engineering plastics, aluminum towline, DGT protective kits catheter-based, IR-2 type rectangle metallic hoses machine Sizing Block, handle, Chip Conveyor CNC machine tools and other accessories.


15. A tracheotomy performed in order to insert a catheter or tube into the trachea, especially to facilitate breathing.


16. catheter是什么意思

16. Ve: To summarize and analyze the curative effect of treatment in secretory otitis media by Eustachian tube catheter being huffed and instilling liquid medicine under fibre laryngoscope television surveillance.


17. Objective To investigate the paregoric effects of butorphanol when the errhysis occurs inside the epidural catheter during continuous epidural anesthesia.

目的 探讨在连续硬膜外麻醉中,硬膜外导管内渗血时,应用布托啡诺镇痛的效果。


18. Objective To assess the efficiency, application conditions and the clinical values of gene transfection in vivo with infiltrator intramural catheter.

目的 评估infiltrator浸壁球囊导管在体转基因的效率、应用条件及临床实用价值。

19. This case report is important because it is the first to definitively associate vasospasm with meningitis using catheter angiography.


20. In a randomized, double-blind, controlled study, we comparedheparinized and nonheparinized infusions for the maintenanceof perioperative arterial catheter patency and the incidenceof subsequent radial arterial occlusion. Two-hundred patientswere randomized into 2 groups to receive heparinized (groupH, n = 100) or nonheparinized (group S, n = 100) flush solutions.

本试验采用随机双盲对照的方法,比较肝素化和非肝素化注射液输注用于维持围术期桡动脉导管的通畅及并发的桡动脉阻塞发生率。200名病人被随机分为肝素化冲洗液组(H 组,n = 100)和非肝素化冲洗液组(S 组,n=100)。

catheter 词典解释

1. 导管

A catheter is a tube which is used to introduce liquids into a human body or to withdraw liquids from it.


catheter 单语例句

1. Wu is responsible for a variety of surgical innovations, including the use of a special urethral catheter in prostate surgery.

2. Four of the February arrivals provided disturbing evidence that some farmers were getting around government regulations by using a clear plastic catheter stapled in place.

3. A hole had been carved in the bear's abdomen to allow a catheter to be inserted each day to extract the bile.

4. The American then underwent a procedure called a cardiac catheter ablation in Los Angeles on May 23 to correct faulty wiring in his heart.

catheter 英英释义


1. a thin flexible tube inserted into the body to permit introduction or withdrawal of fluids or to keep the passageway open