

savage:[英 [ˈsævɪdʒ] 美 [ˈsævɪdʒ] ]


过去式:savaged;   过去分词:savaged;   现在分词:savaging;   复数形式:savages;

savage 基本解释

形容词野蛮的; 凶猛的; 未开化的; 残忍的

及物动词(动物)凶狠地攻击(或伤害); 残害; 猛烈批评; 激烈抨击

名词未开化的人,野蛮人; 野兽; 有拘捕狂的警察

savage 同义词


savage 反义词


savage 相关例句


1. savage

1. The poor man received a savage beating from the thugs.


2. The inhabitants were still in the savage state.


3. He was in a savage mood.



1. The drink had savaged him.


2. He was savaged by wild animals.


savage 网络解释

1. savage是什么意思

1. 野蛮的:并且有获得后缀的机率 ILVL=30. 此公式的戒指总是有钴的(COBALT)前缀(抗冰 +21-30%),并且有获得后缀的机率 ILVL=30. IVL = 50 此长杆武器总是有野蛮的(SAVAGE)前缀(66-80% 伤害加强)同样也有获得后缀的机率.

savage 双语例句

1. Of a wild and savage human, emerging from where the head and neck of a great warhorse would be. He bears


2. He has the upper torso, arms and head of a wild and savage human, emerging from where the head and neck of a great warhorse would be.


3. Sleazily charismatic and seductively brutal, Orlando has risen to a position of trust and power in the savage hierarchy of Sheogh.


4. Then singing among the savage branches, it impales itself upon the longest, sharpest spine. And, dying. It rises above its own agony to out-carol the lark and the nightingale.


5. On top of this lumbering figure was planted a savage, baleful countenance fringed with sparse, kinky, red hair.


6. The extravagant savage made the interior and exterior criteria of deterior ation.


7. A Polish holiday-makers claim that, in the Tatra mountain area (altitude 2499 meters) to see a Living Savage!


8. Even today, in many cultures and religions, 'nature'is viewed as a savage, hostile force to be subdued by humans exemplified by shows on the wingnut networks like Fox -- Survivor, When Animals Attack etc.


9. I asked executive producer Stephanie Savage about the possibility of a Dan/Blair hook-up down the line, and here`s what she said:There are only so many combinations on the show, so I think you have to be open to all of them at some point.


10. I asked executive producer Stephanie Savage about the possibility of a Dan/Blair hook-up down the line, and here`s what she said: There are only so many combination s on the show, so I think you have to be open to all of them at some point.


11. She was so stunned by this sudden assault that for a moment she seemed paralysed but she soon gathered her wits about her and began resisting frantically, her blazing eyes riveted on Chia-chu's savage face


12. There is, of course, no proof that Chinese society passed through stages in which we now see certain savage communities.


13. Certainly no savage orc had ever saluted him in battle before. He conceded that perhaps there was more to the fierce creature than he would have guessed.


14. savage的意思

14. Savage assumed command by virtue of being close to the radio, and began the process of calling in repeated bombardments of artillery support around the platoon's position.


15. One day, from his lookout post, he sees about thirty savage s dancing obscenely before a fire.


16. But his pathology is a thousand times more savage...


17. SHANGHAI — The savage beating death of a reporter has shone a rare light on the corrupt, money-driven underbelly of Chinese journalism, where many reporters take bribes to write good news and extort companies to suppress their dirty laundry.


18. savage的近义词

18. The savage beating death of a reporter has shone a rare light on the corrupt, money-driven underbelly of Chinese journalism, where many reporters take bribes to write good news and extort companies to suppress their dirty laundry.


19. savage

19. They are the rituals of happiness, the ritual for guests, the rituals for armies, the ritual for celebrations and the rituals for funerals. They are explored in 5 chapters. In the part of the ritual for happiness, 6 aspects are explored. They are God, the god of the field, states, temples of ancestors, the god of wind, the god of rain, the god in charge of winter, hundreds of gods, the god of the mountain and the sea, prior emperors, Confucius and Jiangshang; In the part of the ritual of guests, the savage tribes and """"er wang san ke"""" are mainly explored, In the part of the ritual for armies, 6aspects are explored.



20. The savage unites various tasks in his person, while in the case of the pin''.


savage 词典解释

1. 凶恶的;残暴的;凶猛的;野的;未驯服的

Someone or something that is savage is extremely cruel, violent, and uncontrolled.

e.g. This was a savage attack on a defenceless young girl.


e.g. ...the savage wave of violence that swept the country in November 1987.

1987 年 11 月横扫全国的暴力狂潮


He was savagely beaten.


2. 野蛮人;未开化的人

If you refer to people as savages, you dislike them because you think that they do not have an advanced society and are violent.

e.g. ...their conviction that the area was a frozen desert peopled with uncouth savages.


3. (狗等)凶猛地攻击,撕咬

If someone is savaged by a dog or other animal, the animal attacks them violently.

e.g. The animal then turned on him and he was savaged to death.


4. 激烈批评;猛烈抨击

If someone or something that they have done is savaged by another person, that person criticizes them severely.

e.g. The show had already been savaged by critics...


e.g. Speakers called for clearer direction and savaged the Chancellor.


savage 单语例句savage的意思

1. No mention is ever made of the cruel realities of the savage serfdom that existed then.

2. The result is savage price wars that deflate the value of consumer and business products.

3. Some Mayans descendants in Mexico and Guatemala say the portrayal is derogatory, showing them as being savage.

4. But they were deservedly level 11 minutes after the interval when former Welsh international Robbie Savage headed in a David Bentley cross.

5. The nation changed dramatically from savage medieval ways to a more refined style of living, evident by his palace at Versailles.

6. Grange also produces iron ore pellets from the Savage River mine in Australia's Tasmania state.

7. Minutes before the interval the home side had their best chance when Nick Hofs'shot was blocked by Robbie Savage.

8. Savage navigated the rough waters of the Hawaiian islands through a dark, moonless night before she found land before dawn.

9. " It used to be that recyclers would pay governments for these goods, " said Mr Savage of the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries.

10. Qin was the first attacked by the savage animal while taking a walk with his wife in a garden that morning.