

franc:[英 [fræŋk] 美 [fræŋk] ]



franc 基本解释



franc 网络解释

1. 法朗:货币:法朗(Franc Francais),1法朗(Franc)=100仙士(Centime)2巴黎旅遊局(Office du Tourisme de Paris)在市内设有多个谘询中心,除备有关巴黎及法国全国的观光小册子外,並提供代旅客预订旅行团,表演节目门票,售卖交通及博物馆优惠票,

2. 法郎(法国、比利时、瑞士等):forint 福林(匈牙利) | franc 法郎(法国、比利时、瑞士等) | gulden 盾(荷兰)


3. 法郎(法国、比利时和瑞士的货币单位):balln舞会 | franc法郎(法国、比利时和瑞士的货币单位) | callon访问;号召;邀请

franc 双语例句

1. But Franc wanted me to play the role


2. The vines include 8% Cabernet Franc but are otherwise all Merlot, and the wine itself is 100% Merlot.


3. At half past six, a messenger brought an envelope containing my letter and the five hundred franc note, but nothing else.


4. The greenback registered gains against the Euro and Swiss Franc, but sold off slightly against the Japanese Yen, British pound and Canadian dollar.


5. But the Swiss franc is a perverse beneficiary of market nerves and gained strongly against the euro, prompting a significant move by the Swiss authorities to weaken it last week.


6. The unexpected discovery of an object of great monetary value precious stone, valuable adhesive or impressed postage stamps (7 schilling, mauve, imperforate, Hamburg, 1866:4 pence, rose, blue paper, perforate, Great Britain, 1855:1 franc, stone, official, rouletted, diagonal surcharge, Luxemburg, 1878, antique dynastical ring, unique relic in unusual repositories or by unusual means: from the air, by fire (amid the carbonised remains of an incendiated edifice), in the sea (amid flotsam, jetsam, lagan and derelict), on earth (in the gizzard of a comestible fowl).


7. franc是什么意思

7. I was also curious about the status of the Lagan Reserve (named after the founder of Xanadau Dr Lagan) a Bordeaux blend of Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot and Cabernet Franc.


8. Labrusca grapevine series were smaller. Cabernet Gernischet was different from other 3 wine grape cultivars in genetic lever. But it was very close to Cabernet franc.


9. Comment: This sparkling rose is made exclusively about cabernet franc of the Saumur Champigny area. Its has got a precise character, a very nice fruit and a beautilful freshness.

这款玫瑰起泡酒是法国索米尔 Champigny 产区的特酿,具有这个产地的典型特征,清新的气息和着水果的芳香。

10. franc什么意思

10. In other words, the Philippine peso is the world's most undervalued currency, the Swiss franc its most overvalued.


11. That hunger for American assets has lifted the dollar against the euro (and the yen, sterling and the Swiss franc) since the start of the year.


12. Replacing currencies as famous as the German mark, the Franch franc, and the Italian lira.


13. These figures show that in 1976, for example, the West German mark, with the best record, had lost 35 percent of its purchasing power over the preceding ten years; that the Swiss franc had lost 40 percent, the American dollar 43 percent, the French franc 50 percent, the Japanese yen 57 percent, the Swedish krone 47 percent, the Italian lira 56 percent, and the British pound 61 percent.


14. The Swiss franc remains one of the world`s dearest currencies.


15. When you see the abbreviation SFRS, you'd know this is Swiss Franc:such as


16. franc

16. It's quite good for the dollar, but it's very good for the euro and also very good for the Swiss franc.


17. The Swiss franc, for instance, is considered a haven currency because of Switzerland's political neutrality.


18. In other words, the yuan is the most undervalued currency, the Swiss franc the most overvalued.


19. We like the Swiss franc because Switzerland always seems to survive at the worst of times, including back to World War II.


20. Currency: 100 centimes=1 Djibouti franc; 1 U. S. dollar=177.72 Djibouti franc 1999

货 币:100生丁=1吉布提法郎;1美元=177.72吉布提法郎

franc 词典解释

1. 法郎(法国和比利时使用欧元前的货币单位,也是其他一些讲法语国家的货币单位)

The franc was the unit of currency that was used in France and Belgium, before it was replaced by the euro. It is also the unit of currency in some other countries where French is spoken.

e.g. The price of grapes had shot up to 32 francs a kilo.

葡萄价格大幅上涨,达到每公斤 32 法郎。

franc 单语例句

1. The dollar earlier fell a quarter of a centime against the Swiss franc, a traditional safe haven.

2. Switzerland's central bank took steps Wednesday to curb the value of the franc, while the Japanese did the same for the yen on Thursday.

3. Slovenian artist Franc Grom drills thousands of holes into egg shells to create unique Easter eggs of fragile beauty.

4. Only the Chardonnay and Cabernet Franc wines are from the surrounding vineyards.

5. It was impossible to short the lira or the franc because there were no more lire or francs.

6. The dollar fell to a record low against the Swiss franc and hit a fresh trough against the euro.

7. Looking at the currency markets, the yen and the Swiss franc have broken out to fresh highs.

8. This is the reason why investors have bought the franc and the yen, both of which are showing great strength.

9. The franc traded then at about five to the dollar, then depreciated profoundly.

10. The SNB began selling the franc against foreign currencies earlier this year in an effort to ward off deflation.

francfranc 英英释义


1. the basic monetary unit in many countries

equal to 100 centimes