

firefly:[英 [ˈfaɪəflaɪ] 美 [ˈfaɪərflaɪ] ]



firefly 基本解释



firefly 双语例句

1. firefly是什么意思

1. Firefly luciferase activities were measured by double luciferase assays System, and Renilla luciferase was used as internal control.


2. The firefly and Renilla Dual-Glo Luciferase Assay System was purchased from Promega.

荧光剂和Renilla 二元球蛋白(TM荧光素酶检测系统从普洛麦公司购买

3. To minimize cellular variations, we generated stable cell lines for firefly luciferase reporters, and used Renilla luciferase-fused transcription factor to measure the quantity of individual transcription factor.

为了将细胞的变化值减到最小,我们设计了带有firefly luciferase reporters稳定细胞株的建立,并且利用fusion protein(同时带有Renilla luciferase与转录因子构筑融合蛋白)去计算出单独转录因子的数量。

4. Firefly attempts to win the hand of Mrs. Teasdale, as does Ambassador Trentino of the neighboring country, Sylvania.



5. To rescue the small country of Freedonia from bankruptcy, Mrs. Teasdale agrees to donate 20 million dollars if Rufus T. Firefly is appointed its new president.



6. Night time Journey to the moon On the back Of a big firefly Take me up above the city Your hair Picks up all the light Tropical fish in sky Take a ride take a ride take a ride take a Come on Take me for a ride Open window's the sign Staining blue, soaked into my cotton skin See now tinkerbell's in bloom Leave your room for the sky Take a ride take a ride take a ride take a ride Nightline glowing from the wall Little god Scare away, keep at bay Elfish shadows want to fool me Dimly, dimly lt's the road Creatures move very slow Coming close coming close coming close coming close Join them underneath the fern Lit right through from the moon Looking down, I don't mind if she can see me

夜间 月球之旅背面一个大萤火虫请带我去了城市上空你的头发拿起所有的光线热带鱼的天空坐一坐坐一坐坐一坐采取来吧以我的车打开窗口的标志染色蓝,湿透了我的棉皮看到现在的Tinkerbell在盛开给您房间的天空坐一坐坐一坐坐一坐坐一坐夜线从墙上发光小神吓跑,保持海湾如小精灵的阴影要骗我昏暗,隐约失怙的道路生物移动速度很慢逼近逼近逼近即将结束加入他们的行列下方的蕨类通过点燃权从月球展望未来,我不介意,如果她能看到我

7. To this world as soon as, if why you did have too many complaint to tumble have not dared to continue to proceed the person to such degenerate to ask you frailly to turn on the television to have a look at the how many artificial life in brave to walk we should diligently to be content to treasure cut have not had also to remember that you said the family was only castle continues along with the rice fragrant rivers to run the micro smile childhood's dream I to know do not cry to let the firefly lead you to escape village ballad forever dependence to go home to return to initial happy notMust such easy want to give up looking like me to say which does not pursue the dream to trade a dream not to be own life colors color which likes spreading likes to smile to make a name for oneself is not first brightly goal lets oneself joyful joyful be then called significance

对这世界,当,如果您为什么有翻滚许多的怨言不敢继续进行人要求您的这样退化frailly起动电视查看一下多少在走的勇敢的人工生命我们应该努力地是满意珍惜裁减也有不记住您说家庭是仅城堡与米芬芳河一起继续跑微微笑童年的梦想我知道不哭泣让萤火虫带领您永远逃脱村庄民谣依赖性回家返回到这样容易想要给看起来象我的最初的愉快的notMust 要说哪些不追求梦想换梦想不是拥有生活喜欢传播喜欢微笑做的颜色颜色一个名字对于自己不是第一个目标明亮地让自己快乐快乐然后叫意义

8. firefly的解释

8. I start to look back when I saw a firefly for the last time.


9. firefly的解释

9. When I said go I never meant away You ought to know the freaky games we play Could you forgive and learn how to forget Hear me as I`m calling out your name Firefly come back to me make the night as bring as day I`ll be looking out for you Tell me that your lonely too Firefly come lead me on follow you into the sun that`s the way it ought to be Firefly come back to me You and me we shared a wistery We were so close like honey to the bee And if you tell me how to make you understand I`m minor in a major kind a way Firefly come back to me make the night as bring as day I`ll be looking out for you Tell me that your lonely too Firefly come lead me on follow you into the sun that`s the way it ought to be Firefly come back to me Fly firefly through the sky come and play with my desire Don`t be long, don`t ask why I can`t wait another night Fly firefly through the sky Wait another night Don`t be long Fire...fly Firefly come back to me make the night as bring as day I`ll be looking out for you Tell me that your lonely too Firefly come lead me on follow you into the sun that`s the way it ought to be Firefly come backFirefly come back to me make the night as bring as day I`ll be looking out for you Tell me that your lonely too Firefly come lead me on follow you into the sun that`s the way it ought to be Firefly come back to me


10. When I said go I never meant away You ought to know the freaky games we play Could you forgive and learn how to forget Hear me as I'm calling out your name Firefly come back to me make the night as bring as day I'll be looking out for you Tell me that your lonely too Firefly come lead me on follow you into the sun that's the way it ought to be Firefly come back to me You and me we shared a wistery We were so close like honey to the bee And if you tell me how to make you understand I'm minor in a major kind a way Firefly come back to me make the night as bring as day I'll be looking out for you Tell me that your lonely too Firefly come lead me on follow you into the sun that's the way it ought to be Firefly come back to me Fly firefly through the sky come and play with my desire Don't be long, don't ask why I can't wait another night Wait another night Don't be long Fire...fly Firefly come back to me make the night as bring as day I'll be looking out for you Tell me that your lonely too Firefly come lead me on follow you into the sun that's the way it ought to be Firefly come back to me Fire...fly Firefly come back to me make the night as bring as day I'll be looking out for you Tell me that your lonely too Firefly come lead me on follow you into the sun that's the way it ought to be Firefly come back to me

登录后回答可以获得经验值奖励,并可以查看和管理所有的回答。登录|当我说我从来不去了吗你应该知道,我们玩游戏的怪物你能宽恕并学习如何忘记听到我,就像我 ' m呼唤你的名字萤火虫回来给我夜晚带来我将为你告诉我你的寂寞萤火虫来引导我走跟随你到太阳 ' s应该是这样萤火虫回来给我你和我我们分享了wistery 我们非常接近就像蜂蜜的蜜蜂如果你告诉我如何让你明白我在一个小的主要途径萤火虫回来给我夜晚带来我将为你告诉我你的寂寞萤火虫来引导我走跟随你到太阳 ' s应该是这样萤火虫回来给我萤火虫在天空中飞翔来和我一起玩别太长,别问为什么我能提的等待另一个晚上等待另一个晚上别太长飞火……萤火虫回来给我夜晚带来我将为你告诉我你的寂寞萤火虫来引导我走跟随你到太阳 ' s应该是这样萤火虫回来给我飞火……萤火虫回来给我夜晚带来我将为你告诉我你的寂寞萤火虫来引导我走跟随你到太阳 ' s应该是这样萤火虫回来给我

11. When I said go I never meant away You ought to know the freaky games we play Could you forgive and learn how to forget Hear me as I'm calling out your name Firefly come back to me make the night as bring as day I'll be looking out for you Tell me that your lonely too Firefly come lead me on follow you into the sun that's the way it ought to be Firefly come back to me You and me we shared a wistery We were so close like honey to the bee And if you tell me how to make you understand I'm minor in a major kind a way Firefly come back to me make the night as bring as day I'll be looking out for you Tell me that your lonely too Firefly come lead me on follow you into the sun that's the way it ought to be Firefly come back to me Fly firefly through the sky come and play with my desire Don't be long, don't ask why I can't wait another night Fly firefly through the sky Wait another night Don't be long Fire...fly Firefly come back to me make the night as bring as day I'll be looking out for you Tell me that your lonely too Firefly come lead me on follow you into the sun that's the way it ought to be Firefly come back Firefly come back to me make the night as bring as day I'll be looking out for you Tell me that your lonely too Firefly come lead me on follow you into the sun that's the way it ought to be Firefly come back to me

当我说的时候从不去我意谓了离开你应该知道我们玩的任性的游戏你可以原谅而且学习该如何忘记吗当我正在大叫你的名字的时候,听到我萤火虫回到我制造夜晚同样地带来当做日子我将为你小心告诉我那你的孤单也被来的萤火虫带领我在跟随你进入它应该是的方式的太阳萤火虫回到我你和我我们分享了 wistery(这个词不知道什么意思,是不是打错了)我们是这么接近的喜欢对蜜蜂的蜂蜜而且如果你告诉我该如何使你了解我在一个主要的类型一个方法中是较小的萤火虫回到我制造夜晚同样地带来当做日子我将为你小心告诉我那你的孤单也被来的萤火虫带领我在跟随你进入它应该是的方式的太阳萤火虫回到我透过天空飞萤火虫来而且和我的欲望玩别长,不问为什么我在另外的一个夜晚不能等候透过天空飞萤火虫在另外的一个夜晚等候别长点燃。。。

12. firefly

12. When I said go I never meant away You ought to know the freaky games we play Could you forgive and learn how to forget Hear me as I'm calling out your name Firefly come back to me make the night as bring as day I'll be looking out for you Tell me that your lonely too Firefly come lead me on follow you into the sun that's the way it ought to be Firefly come back to me You and me we shared a wistery We were so close like honey to the bee AnFirefly come backd if you tell me how to make you understand I'm minor in a major kind a way Fly firefly through the sky come and play with my desire Don't be long, don't ask why I can't wait another night Wait another night Don't be long Fire...fly

当我说去我从未意味您应该知道我们演奏能您原谅的怪异的比赛并且学会怎么忘记听见我如同I'm 召集您的命名萤火虫回来对我和带来如同做夜天I'll 看为您告诉我您孤独的萤火虫太来带领我继续您入太阳that's 这应该是萤火虫回来对我您的方式并且我我们分享了我们是的wistery 很接近象蜂蜜蜂AnFirefly 来backd 如果您告诉我怎么使您明白I'm 未成年人在主要种类方式飞行萤火虫通过天空来和充满我的欲望戏剧Don't 是长的,don't 问为什么I can't 等待其它夜等待其它夜Don't 是长的火。。。

13. Huang wrong receded, firefly carrying a bead Star start roaming the night before gradually quiet down.



14. By rearing and observation two species firefly in the lab, it is found that the eggs of Lampyridae glow slightly and continuously in the dark environment and that the pupae can emit light weakly.


15. Any of various luminous female beetle s or beetle larvae of the families Phengodidae and Lampyridae, especially the larva or wingless grublike female of a firefly.



16. Any of various luminous female beetles or beetle larvae of the families Phengodidae and Lampyridae, especially the larva or wingless grublike female of a firefly.


17. The best known bioluminescence essence is an exhausting ATP biochemical process in firefly (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). The paper concerns with the glowing behavior, its biological function and origin of firefly adults and larvae bioluminescence in details.


18. The moon has risen, I wipe my tears off. A firefly is dancing before me, happily.


19. But three of the family members escape, including Otis, Baby Firefly and Baby's father Captain Spaulding.


20. Then, the various regions of PC-1 cDNA were cloned into the expression vector pZHO1 and cotransfected with the pTRE-luc plasmid of the reporter gene into COS7 and C4-2 mammalian cells, the 46 amino acids in the N terminal of PC-l were found to have transcriptional activation activity by the firefly relative luciferase activity assay.


firefly 词典解释


2. 萤火虫

A firefly is a type of beetle that produces light from its body.


firefly 单语例句

1. Hundreds of thousands of fireflies take flight in the Firefly Park in Xiamen.

2. Visitors are then given a guided tour where they observe and touch the firefly larvae.

3. A young boy looks at a species of firefly larvae that is aquatic.

4. The first firefly park in the mainland opened in Fujian province's Xiamen in 2010.

5. He said that in order to keep the firefly cost to 2 yuan each, he built his farm outdoors.

firefly 英英释义


1. nocturnal beetle common in warm regions having luminescent abdominal organs

Synonym: lightning bug

2. tropical American click beetle having bright luminous spots

Synonym: fire beetlePyrophorus noctiluca