

hypothetical:[英 [ˌhaɪpəˈθetɪkl] 美 [ˌhaɪpəˈθɛtɪkəl] ]



hypothetical 基本解释

形容词假想; 假设的,假定的; 有前提的; 爱猜想的


hypothetical 网络解释

1. 假设的:逆向演绎方法的内容是从结果回头找原因,并以经验法则还有心理学及性格学的定律查核这项假设的(hypothetical)定律. 实作上涉及孔德提出的社会静力学和社会动力学:静力学,也就是Mill所谓的社会状态或和谐(consensus)状态,

2. 假说的:甚至对康德而言,实践的、假说的(Hypothetical)推理也在实践的事务中运用. 在尽最大的可能寻求自利的快乐时,行为者就是在满足其理性的形象. 先秦儒、道哲学家重视一种非系统性的美学模式的人,通过创造性的行动,尤其是礼仪,去造就人.

hypothetical 双语例句

1. Of or relating to the planet Mars or its hypothetical inhabitants.



2. It does not only arm at subsitituting personal subjective propositions with empirical facts, but also at eliminating value judgement by using hypothetical test.

第三章 当代西方会计实证-经验研究的评价深入探讨和分析了在西方会计研究中占主导地位的实证-经验研究方法的形成背景和主要原因,指出这种研究方法建立在经验基础之上,依据因果决定论模式,遵循逻辑实证的归纳程序,试图用经验事实代替研究者个人的主观陈述,用假说检验代替价值判断,在一定程度上改变了研究侧重点,扩展了研究领域。


3. Therefore, inspired by the theories of complex system, a bottom-up mode model for complex Geo-Spatial system simulation, an extended cellular automata model with the name of GeoCA, is put forward. In the light of GeoCA conceptual model, a delicated urban dynamic model, GeoCAUrban is constructed, and corresponding computer software, GeoCA-Urban System is developed. Furthermore, the dynamic complex behaviors of hypothetical cities are explored through the GeoCA-Urban System. At last, a case study for the simulation and prediction of explosive urban growth of Ann Arbor, a city in Michigan U. S. A., is conducted.

论文成果:本文以复杂系统理论研究为背景,以地理空间系统为研究对象,以扩展的元胞自动机为建模方法,采用自下而上的研究思路,建立了研究空间复杂系统的GeoCA模型框架;在此基础上,以城市复杂系统为研究对象,构建了城市动态演化模型(GeoCA-Urban),并开发了相应的GeoCA-Urban软件系统,对虚拟城市的内部结构变化和空间扩展过程进行了广泛地试验研究,对城市动态发展的规律和特征进行了探索;最后,在GIS系统的支持下,作者应用GeoCA-Urban模型对美国Ann Arbor城市动态发展的过程进行了模拟和预测。

4. Negative matter is a hypothetical form of matter whose mass is opposite in sign to normal positive matter.


5. Next, we will need some way to group the properties—this is analogous to us factoring out the common properties of our hypothetical expanded form.


6. Lets consider the behavior of a hypothetical perfect form


7. This ampliative step could be presented either as a move from one line of the argument to the next, or as a move of hypothetical form internal to a given line.


8. hypothetical的近义词

8. The conditional is logically the linguistic form of hypothetical judgment of sufficient condition.


9. A hypothetical form of matter that is identical to physical matter except that its atoms are composed of antielectrons, antiprotons, and antineutrons.


10. hypothetical的反义词

10. Avian Flu Virus Unlikely To Spread Through Water Systems - Cornell researchers studied a virus related to the avian influenza virus to see whether a hypothetical mutated form of H5N1 could infect people through drinking and wastewater systems....


11. The results showed that the expression of phosphopyruvate hydratase was induced when Mn and Si ni tang were added. The phosphopyruvate hydratase is one of catalase in glycolysis. It is showed Mn and Si ni tang to probably influence the process of glycolysis. The addition of Mn and Si ni tang could induce two conserved hypothetical protein were increased.

实验结果发现当添加锰离子与四逆汤进行培养时,有多种蛋白质被诱导出来,表现量增加;有两种蛋白质被抑制,其中已鉴定出phosphopyruvate hydratase是为被诱导表现的蛋白质,为参与糖解作用中的催化酵素之一,显示锰离子与四逆汤可能影响菌体的糖解作用。

12. hypothetical什么意思

12. An astronomical unit is the length of the semimajor axis of the orbit of a hypothetical planet of mass 1/354710sm and period 365.2563835 msd in elliptic motion about the Sun; that is


13. Our focus is on the candidate's reasoning how he or she formulates an initial definition, and how he or she then applies and refines that initial definition in response to hypothetical examples provided by the interviewers.



14. The similarity index between the standard spectra of one algae species and hypothetical mixed spectra of algae and spectra of mixed algae assemblage was calculated.


15. Simulation of a real situation may often be a better way of assessing likely future behaviour than asking people hypothetical questions.


16. hypothetical的解释

16. An entrepreneur, who has to reach a practical decision as to his scale of production, does not, of course, entertain a single undoubting expectation of what the sale-proceeds of a given output will be, but several hypothetical expectations held with varying degrees of probability and definiteness.


17. As with temp variables, a hypothetical variable is set with the keyword'let'followed by binding or assignment of the desired value


18. I have sometimes been led actually to change my mind as a result of this kind of imaginary dialogue, and, short of this, I have frequently found myself growing less dogmatic and cocksure through realizing the possible reasonableness of a hypothetical opponent.


19. hypothetical的翻译

19. A hypothetical particle of heredity postulated to be the mediating factor in the production of new cells in the theory of pangenesis.


20. Cross Border Finance Analyst Job DescriptionJob Summary Determine the financial implications of Accenture`s tax equalization policy for personnel on cross border assignments Support the enforcing of financial positions and implementation of accounting procedures at country levels in line with global model for cross border assignments Key Responsibilities Complete the transfer of hypothetical tax credits and home office tax and compliance costs to host countries in order to allow true ups in host locations Complete the true up of actual tax costs to accruals on a per person basis once all home and host matters are complete in order to establish residual tax differential costs to be passed on to client/operating unit and to clear balances from the balance sheet Maintain Cross Border Account Reconciliations and resolve issues encountered Review and Process monthly Inpatriate Tax Accruals based on the tax cost estimates report sent from host RMS Assist with the resolution of queries from host countries relating to hypothetical tax collected Maintain employee relocation accruals and actual relocation true ups Complete Cross Border Finance Quarterly Balance Sheet Review Maintain the global cross border finance database for the country and ensure all data are mapped and recorded correctly in GTF.

差额至项目或相应费用承担部门,结清资产负债表相关账户。维护跨国人员财税账户平衡,处理相关事宜以从项目所在国RMS 组得到的税费预估资料为基础,核算及登记外籍工作员工预提税费。协助处理外部对项目所在国预计税费预提的质疑维护跨国工作人员安置费用预提账户及其清算完成CBF季度资产负债表的核对。维护所负责国相关数据在全球数据库中数据资料,确保其完整和准确。

hypothetical 词典解释

1. (基于)假设的;假定的

If something is hypothetical, it is based on possible ideas or situations rather than actual ones.

e.g. Let's look at a hypothetical situation in which Carol, a recovering cocaine addict, gets invited to a party.


e.g. ...a purely hypothetical question.



He was invariably willing to discuss the possibilities hypothetically...


It bases its figures on what it might, hypothetically, be earning on past investment.

这些假定的可能收益数字是依据过去的投资得出的。hypothetical 单语例句hypothetical的解释

1. The overly alert and protective parents had sniffed danger and killed their unborn babies before the hypothetical enemies did.

2. Promotion decisions should be based upon a person's work history, not upon guesswork based upon answers to hypothetical questions.

3. This is not a hypothetical question to test your passion for tomatoes.

4. But when some of them indeed had an opportunity to make a last choice, their answers to that hypothetical question filled us with deep veneration.

5. " The harm described is not hypothetical and cannot be lightly dismissed, " according to the court papers submitted by the office of US Attorney Michael Garcia.

6. Hypothetical questions will never have firm answers but the precedents do suggest a lot of problems have been avoided.

7. Swan dismissed as " hypothetical " suggestions the super profits tax would have raised double the amount originally estimated.

8. " Alternative ways of protection from hypothetical missile threats which we proposed have been left unanswered, " he said.

9. These are totally hypothetical questions because the news business is very different in China.

10. The book is a ghostwritten, hypothetical description of how the killings might have happened.

hypothetical 英英释义


1. a hypothetical possibility, circumstance, statement, proposal, situation, etc.

e.g. consider the following, just as a hypothetical


1. based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence

e.g. theories about the extinction of dinosaurs are still highly conjectural

the supposed reason for his absence

suppositious reconstructions of dead languages

hypothetical situation

Synonym: conjecturaldivinatoryhypotheticsupposedsuppositionalsuppositioussupposititious